RNC votes to boycott CNN and NBC POTUS debates

The primary goal of the GOP is to have Fox News, National Review and Wall Street Journal moderators throw their clueless candidates softballs that they can hit.

You know what? If a candidate isn't equipped to deal with Candy Crowley, they shouldn't be on the stage.

When are you whiney ass bitches going to get over the fact that your election losses don't have anything to do with the media? The right wing has had their media now for multiple election cycles. As Whirly'tard never tires of pointing out, Fox is the no. 1 network. You own the radio airwaves. So what's the fucking problem?

You lose because the ideas that you champion are stupid and because your candidates are boneheads. In fact, you don't even have any ideas other than cutting taxes for the rich. I suppose I should say no mainstream ideas that stand any chance of success. That doesn't include major GOP initiatives like repealing Obama care, getting rid of the IRS, making abortion illegal, and propounding the absurd idea that Obama is trying to turn the country into a totalitarian state.

You are the party of negativity and intolerance. All you do is bitch and complain, while offering no alternatives of any sort. And, that is a losing strategy. Originally Posted by timpage

Have you looked @ the US National Debt lately Tim. This is why Liberals keep winning elections. As long as the sick leftists are allowed to keep expanding their vote buying programs, we will see 30 trillion of debt real soon. Sacking the Treasury is how Liberals win Tim. Now you have a good sleep tonight Tim, Obama is in control of everything.
Miraculously, we stopped spending, according to the Obama accounting method....

70 Straight Days: Treasury Says Debt Stuck at Exactly $16,699,396,000,000.00

According to the Daily Treasury Statement for July 26, which the Treasury released this afternoon, the federal debt has been stuck at exactly $16,699,396,000,000.00 for 70 straight days. Wow, just a few dollars shy of the debt ceiling; amazing isn't it?

Can you say "cooking the books" ?

Have you looked @ the US National Debt lately Tim. This is why Liberals keep winning elections. As long as the sick leftists are allowed to keep expanding their vote buying programs, we will see 30 trillion of debt real soon. Sacking the Treasury is how Liberals win Tim. Now you have a good sleep tonight Tim, Obama is in control of everything. Originally Posted by slim deez
Its stuck because either Liberals can't count any higher or there is no more money left to tax!!!!
Miraculously, we stopped spending, according to the Obama accounting method....

70 Straight Days: Treasury Says Debt Stuck at Exactly $16,699,396,000,000.00

According to the Daily Treasury Statement for July 26, which the Treasury released this afternoon, the federal debt has been stuck at exactly $16,699,396,000,000.00 for 70 straight days. Wow, just a few dollars shy of the debt ceiling; amazing isn't it?

Can you say "cooking the books" ? Originally Posted by Whirlaway
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
I love that line about being a few dollars shy of the debt ceiling; only 200 billion and change.