Glamour Photography 4 free

You just sound jealous and silly to me. There are many "non professional" photographers that take pictures as well as some "professionals". Some non professionals even have better equipement, better eyes, more creativity and better post-processing skills than some professionals. Just because you may do it as a living it doesn't mean you are automatically better than someone else. Photography is ART, some skills simply cannot be taught. Creativity cannot be taught.

If you produce a superior product, then you should not have to worry about people doing it for free, as your superior product will have a demand that someone will pay for. My guess is you're so upset because there are people willing to do what you do for free and some do it as well, if not better. If a girl uses a free guy and the pics are no good, they don't have to use them, plain and simple.

If the girl is happy with the pictures, it doesn't matter if you're a pro - non pro or whatever. Photography is an ART, it's about creativity, talent and lighting, not just a label of professional. I've seen some "pros" in my opinion take boaring, crappy, overprocessed pictures. Some pros are amazing and well deserving a a huge fee. But if your stuff is that great, you don't need to worry about competition by freebie.

Myself, I'd shoot girls for free, because I love photography. I'd dare to say my product would be as good if not better than most pros.

If all these non-pros suck, you have nothing to worry about as no one will use it.

With all that being said, I've seen pictures taken via cell phone which are way more appealing, sexy and exotic than some overprocessed pro shots, that everyone can tell has had the crap airbrushed out of it.

It's about all about supply and demand. If a freebie puts a pro out of business you probably aren't a very good pro in the first place. And most importantly what the subject of the photograph thinks is most important.

Do you complain when you see or hear art for free? The overpriced artist is getting put out of business now.....
As a photographer I can fully understand both sides to this thread. I have given away free photo shoots in the past to help boost exposure and sales. It is a professional choice that I learned working in management.
I would 100% agree with the statement about providers not being dependable for photo shoots. I have had so many photo shoots scheduled with providers, even free ones, NCNS. Then the next week the same provider will call and act like nothing ever happened. If I did that to a provider I am sure I would get an alert put on me, but it is the nature of the beast. Example: If a provider is driving to you for a scheduled photo shoot and her business phone rings with a client, she will take the appointment. I understand it, I accept it, but give the photographer a call and at least cancel so we can spend the day planning other things. My best customers are agencies who have several girls at one location for a shoot, if one gets an appointment I can go ahead and shoot (photos) of another girl.

All in all there are several other sites for finding models online that will offer you more secured and stable photo opprotunities for expanding your skills as a photographer than here, modelmayhem, modelurl, and I have had great luck with creative section of craigslist, go figure.

As always my two cents.
carkido45's Avatar
I am thincking I need to update my photo about this weekend? Originally Posted by dearhunter
How about pics of the chihuahua?
Pro's and amateur's there's a difference.
I took some photo's of a provider once she enjoyed them they were way better than the camera phone she was using.
I have a nice Canon DSLR it's pretty easy to use but as friend once said "it ain't the arrow it's the indian".
carkido45's Avatar
Anyone? Originally Posted by munnabhai
First of all you don't have any reviews and only seven post and you want providers to come see you so you can take naughty pics of them'
do you have any references? no THats why they haven't responded
simpleton's Avatar
How about pics of the chihuahua?
. Originally Posted by carkido45

that's gotta violate some eccie rules somewhere.
dearhunter's Avatar
that's gotta violate some eccie rules somewhere. Originally Posted by simpleton
I know I feel violated just thincking about it.
I understand no reference and very few post, but e'one starts at the bottom and I am no different. You don't have to make fun of anyone for that.
dearhunter's Avatar
Newbie, let me help you out...........

Anyone.............Anyone at there absolutely no one...........just one............maybe