Encounter: Sweet Britt

I agree that’s she’s absolutely fabulous once you’re in the room. But the amount of effort to spend $400 is kinda ridiculous. She likes to be chased....and in my opinion if I wanted to chase I could go to the bar and do that for free.
Jack Scheidt's Avatar
I keep hearing and reading great things about Britt but I’ll be damned if I’m gonna bust my balls that hard for a even a really good $400 piece of ass. I’m just too old for that shit.
I posted an encounter when I called myself the great white hunger and after 2 weeks of stalking the skittish deer I finally tracked her to her lair. Of course that was also in the 200 or 250 days. I always thought the hunt was worth it.
Well I'm biased. Once you get in the mix,she's actually one of the best values in the state. I'll say this you get way more than you pay.
I’m with Baconman. When in the fold, who cares about admission price! Never a second thought to me!
CH Luke's Avatar
Britt is a-ma-zing! Great review / encounter!!

I can only see her once in a while, as I would fall too far in love with her and abandon my vanilla life, trying to court her and take her off the market.

A genuine heartbreaker!
I've been out of the scene for quite a while but I remember the despair when Brittany disappeared. So she's really back? Only for old friends?