Letter from All Ten Living Former U.S. Defense Secretaries - The election is over. There's no role for the U.S. military in determining the outcome of a U.S. election.

eccieuser9500's Avatar
H I M won. Originally Posted by Strokey_McDingDong
Okay. That shit was Andy Kaufman funny.



You should be asking why did they write this and publish it today.

Trump brought Flynn to the White House to discuss his idea to impose martial law and re-run the election. Originally Posted by Tiny
Because they are Goofy. By the way Joe didn't win the Election he was shuffled in by fraudulent means. But nothing will be done about it because they hate Trump pure and simple. As time goes on people will begin to hate Biden because of his stupidity and weakness or they will just feel sorry for him. He won't be successful at bettering this country. He's just not intelligent enough.
  • Tiny
  • 01-03-2021, 09:15 PM

This is where the "contingent election procedures" comes into play.

While that scenario did not happen, it could have. So when somebody tells you that the vote of the electors is final, you now know where to direct them to clear up that mis-understanding.

I'm still trying to track down, chapter and verse, what Senator Hawley and others say they are going to do on the 6th but I haven't been successful yet but I did find this which I thought was interesting.


The Senate and House will meet Jan. 6 to formally tally state’s Electoral College votes for the presidential election — Biden won 306-232.

A state’s results can only be contested if a lawmaker from both the House and Senate submit a formal challenge to the results, which will force the two chambers to split up and have up to two hours of debate on the state’s results.

So obviously, this is part of the constitution, what article and clause I don't know but what Republican House and Senate members plan to due on Jan. 6th, is constitutional. Maybe not advisable and probably will not win but it is their right to do so and will face no punishment from the courts IMHO for doing so.

Multiple Republican House lawmakers have announced their intention to challenge the results and several senators have suggested they may do so as well, with the New York Times reporting that potential challenges are likely to target Arizona, Pennsylvania, Nevada, Georgia and Wisconsin’s vote counts.

The two chambers of Congress will each vote on the challenged state’s results, which will almost assuredly affirm Biden’s victory: the House has a Democratic majority and thus would not overturn the certified vote count, and there have been enough Republican senators that have acknowledged Biden’s victory to stop the Senate from voting to flip the results.

If the Senate did vote to overturn a state’s results and the House upheld them, federal law stipulates that the slate of electors that have “been certified by the executive of the State, under the seal thereof” will count, which in every contested state would be the certified results showing Biden’s win.

Biden has a large enough margin of victory in the Electoral College that lawmakers would have to overturn multiple states’ results to have any hope of overturning the election and reelecting Trump.
So that is the procedure, like it or not. Your welcome.

Originally Posted by HedonistForever
Just get a few state legislatures to overturn electoral votes and all holy hell will be unleashed. You and I know that's not going to happen. So why go through this bull shit? What's going to be the result?


1. David Perdue and Kelly Loeffler may lose their seats, because this kind of crap is tearing the Republican Party apart. There are Georgian independents and Republicans who will decide not to vote for them because they think the Senators are sycophants of Trump. There are other Republicans who will not vote for them because they think the election is rigged or they did not go far enough in supporting Trump. If Loeffler and Perdue lose, Biden, Pelosi and Schumer will have free rein to do as they please.

2. Some Republican Senators and Representatives will burnish their resumes as full fledged minions of Trump, which they believe will help their political careers.

3. Others believe supporting Trump on this will make him less likely to support their competitors in the primaries.
eccieuser9500's Avatar
Just get a few state legislatures to overturn electoral votes and all holy hell will be unleashed. You and I know that's not going to happen. So why go through this bull shit? What's going to be the result?


1. David Perdue and Kelly Loeffler may lose their seats, because this kind of crap is tearing the Republican Party apart. There are Georgian independents and Republicans who will decide not to vote for them because they think the Senators are sycophants of Trump. There are other Republicans who will not vote for them because they think the election is rigged or they did not go far enough in supporting Trump. If Loeffler and Perdue lose, Biden, Pelosi and Schumer will have free rein to do as they please.

2. Some Republican Senators and Representatives will burnish their resumes as full fledged minions of Trump, which they believe will help their political careers.

3. Others believe supporting Trump on this will make him less likely to support their competitors in the primaries. Originally Posted by Tiny


Can we get serious?

matchingmole's Avatar
  • Tiny
  • 01-03-2021, 10:00 PM

Can we get serious?

Please. Originally Posted by eccieuser9500
What's Thurston Howell III doing in a James Dean movie?
eccieuser9500's Avatar
Trump administration and Russia near deal to freeze nuclear warheads, extend New START pact


The treaty includes a clause that allows the leaders of both nations to extend the agreement by five years without requiring ratification. Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden has said he would agree to the five-year extension if elected. Putin has also said he would agree to the extension, and in an interview with state television this month he said Biden’s willingness to prolong New START “is a serious signal for our possible future interaction.”

The Trump administration’s envoy for arms control, Marshall Billingslea, initially insisted that China participate in talks. He wanted any replacement treaty to include China and to encompass all of Russia’s nuclear weapons — not just the “strategic” weapons covered under New START but also Russia’s sizable stockpile of smaller, “tactical” nuclear weapons that fall outside the treaty. Billingslea also insisted that verification mechanisms for any follow-on treaty be strengthened.

New START Treaty


Aggregate limits:
  • 700 deployed intercontinental ballistic missiles (ICBMs), deployed submarine-launched ballistic missiles (SLBMs), and deployed heavy bombers equipped for nuclear armaments;
  • 1,550 nuclear warheads on deployed ICBMs, deployed SLBMs, and deployed heavy bombers equipped for nuclear armaments (each such heavy bomber is counted as one warhead toward this limit);
  • 800 deployed and non-deployed ICBM launchers, SLBM launchers, and heavy bombers equipped for nuclear armaments.

Now let's get serious.

It was a Thurston Howell III movie, sir.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Because they are Goofy. By the way Joe didn't win the Election he was shuffled in by fraudulent means. But nothing will be done about it because they hate Trump pure and simple. As time goes on people will begin to hate Biden because of his stupidity and weakness or they will just feel sorry for him. He won't be successful at bettering this country. He's just not intelligent enough. Originally Posted by Levianon17
Has anyone asked you to prove that shit lately?

Hunker down! They’re coming to get you.
Has anyone asked you to prove that shit lately?

Hunker down! They’re coming to get you. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
It's a prediction and I am usually right. You'll see.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
test 400
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BrkiBCusHs0 Originally Posted by eccieuser9500
What's Thurston Howell III doing in a James Dean movie? Originally Posted by Tiny
It was a Thurston Howell III movie, sir. Originally Posted by eccieuser9500
what he said....

Thurston was an actor and this was before Gilligan's Island.

So obviously, this is part of the constitution, what article and clause I don't know but what Republican House and Senate members plan to due on Jan. 6th, is constitutional.

Originally Posted by HedonistForever
It’s not in the constitution. It’s a federal statute. The purpose of the statute is not for there to be attempts to overthrow elections because one party doesn’t like the results. It was so there was a way for all the state votes to be tallied at the capital in one place at one time.

It may be constitutional, but that doesn’t mean this was the purpose. All I can say is that I hope you’re all good with it when the Dems use this if they have control of both chambers and decide to seat their own president regardless of election results. All’s fair remember. If this election was fraught with fraud then they all are from hence forth. So, what we’ll have going forward is everyone claiming they’ve been cheated and if there is single rule in both chambers, they can steal the election.

I’m glad you think this is fine and should just play out because “why would that law exist”
the_real_Barleycorn's Avatar
By Ashton Carter, Dick Cheney, William Cohen, Mark Esper, Robert Gates, Chuck Hagel, James Mattis, Leon Panetta, William Perry and Donald Rumsfeld

January 3, 2021 at 4:00 PM CST

As former secretaries of defense, we hold a common view of the solemn obligations of the U.S. armed forces and the Defense Department. Each of us swore an oath to support and defend the Constitution against all enemies, foreign and domestic. We did not swear it to an individual or a party.

American elections and the peaceful transfers of power that result are hallmarks of our democracy. With one singular and tragic exception that cost the lives of more Americans than all of our other wars combined, the United States has had an unbroken record of such transitions since 1789, including in times of partisan strife, war, epidemics and economic depression. This year should be no exception.

Our elections have occurred. Recounts and audits have been conducted. Appropriate challenges have been addressed by the courts. Governors have certified the results. And the electoral college has voted. The time for questioning the results has passed; the time for the formal counting of the electoral college votes, as prescribed in the Constitution and statute, has arrived.

As senior Defense Department leaders have noted, “there’s no role for the U.S. military in determining the outcome of a U.S. election.” Efforts to involve the U.S. armed forces in resolving election disputes would take us into dangerous, unlawful and unconstitutional territory. Civilian and military officials who direct or carry out such measures would be accountable, including potentially facing criminal penalties, for the grave consequences of their actions on our republic.

Transitions, which all of us have experienced, are a crucial part of the successful transfer of power. They often occur at times of international uncertainty about U.S. national security policy and posture. They can be a moment when the nation is vulnerable to actions by adversaries seeking to take advantage of the situation.

https://www.washingtonpost.com/opini...2ba_story.html Originally Posted by Tiny
Your source is shit and says a lot about why this article was printed.
Washington put down the Whiskey Rebellion with the military such as it was.
Lincoln violated the Constitution so many different ways and is one of our greatest presidents.
After the Civil War, the presidents all used the military to keep order in the south.
Wilson used the military to put down anarchists and seditionists during World War I.
After World War I, the military was used to attack the black population in Oklahoma.
Eisenhower used the National Guard to integrate southern schools.

So much for your experts and their opinions.

Now each member of the military takes an oath to protect and defend the Constitution and to obey the orders of all those officers appointed above them. If a member of the military (say a general) believes that having Biden in office would endanger the United States and our Constitution then they would be required to actin to protect the country. That's what the left fails to understand, we have a serious issue with the Biden clan and their compromised situation with China. The majority of people in this country believe that something was wrong with this election. Maybe it didn't change the outcome but something happened and it should be investigated if not for this election, then the next election. People should be indicted and should be convicted.
Funny how liberal Hollywood sees the same issue prior to Biden. In the remake of the Manchurian Candidate, the protagonist felt it was necessary to kill the control for Liev Schreiber instead of revealing her duplicity. Funny how Hollywood changes their opinion with a new president.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
It's a prediction and I am usually right. You'll see. Originally Posted by Levianon17
You are not usually right.

Can you prove that shit too?
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Your source is shit and says a lot about why this article was printed.
Washington put down the Whiskey Rebellion with the military such as it was.
Lincoln violated the Constitution so many different ways and is one of our greatest presidents.
After the Civil War, the presidents all used the military to keep order in the south.
Wilson used the military to put down anarchists and seditionists during World War I.
After World War I, the military was used to attack the black population in Oklahoma.
Eisenhower used the National Guard to integrate southern schools.

So much for your experts and their opinions.

Now each member of the military takes an oath to protect and defend the Constitution and to obey the orders of all those officers appointed above them. If a member of the military (say a general) believes that having Biden in office would endanger the United States and our Constitution then they would be required to actin to protect the country. That's what the left fails to understand, we have a serious issue with the Biden clan and their compromised situation with China. The majority of people in this country believe that something was wrong with this election. Maybe it didn't change the outcome but something happened and it should be investigated if not for this election, then the next election. People should be indicted and should be convicted.
Funny how liberal Hollywood sees the same issue prior to Biden. In the remake of the Manchurian Candidate, the protagonist felt it was necessary to kill the control for Liev Schreiber instead of revealing her duplicity. Funny how Hollywood changes their opinion with a new president. Originally Posted by the_real_Barleycorn
Never support your baseless opinions, do you, JD.

You should take your debates to Twitter,