How to steal an election: Election Fraud for Dummies – 2023 edition

I say so.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
It is obvious that many people are concerned about the legitimacy of United States elections. It is clear that Democrats only care about getting and keeping power, in other words they are in favor of totalitarian news sources.

It was obvious to many that Democrats in power in a few swing states changed election rules against state constitutions and in ways to make it harder to prove fraud. The OP nails the problems quite well.

I've seen snake oil salesman more honest than many progressive/liberals posting here. Originally Posted by farmstud60
I remember one state in which rules were stretched a bit to allow valid voters a better opportunity to vote. I'd appreciate you citing other incidences where election rules were changed in swing states just prior to or during the 2020 election. I can guarantee you that Texas recently changed election rules to make it more difficult for primarily Democrats to cast votes legitimately.
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
If I recall the number correctly, about 37 States changed voting laws, with several doing so extra-judicially. But that pales in comparison, not necessarily by election impact directly, to all the other laws that were hastily changed because of a man modified virus from a lab in China, funded with our tax dollars.

First thing I recommend reading is: How COVID-19 Changed Everything About the 2020 Election

Second one I recommend is: Changes to absentee/mail-in voting procedures in response to the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, 2020

If you are of the mind to expand your thought process beyond just elections meddling, I recommend:State laws in response to the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, 2020
Helpful hint: scroll down below the US map to see a listing of a lot of the other stuff that got changed