Here is another good article about CGI Federal, the company that the Obama administration awarded the contract to build the Obamacare website.


So let me get this straight. Since the previous Bush administration had awarded this company with some smaller contracts, it is somehow Bush's fault for the clusterfuck that resulted from Obama awarding this company the contract to build the Obamacare website. That is really fucking pathetic! When are you fucking libturds going to stop blaming Bush for everything that has gone wrong during the Obama administration? But that is all you really got, isn't it?! Originally Posted by NiceGuy53
I wonder if there is an American IT firm out there laughing their asses off right now knowing dam good and well they could have put together that web site without all the bullshit. It serves these leftist fucks right for not exploring their options to use an American firm. They talk about job creation. Such bullshit this administration has never created a job, they won't even utilize the resources that are already here at home.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 10-22-2013, 02:11 AM
I wonder if there is an American IT firm out there laughing their asses off right now knowing dam good and well they could have put together that web site without all the bullshit. It serves these leftist fucks right for not exploring their options to use an American firm. They talk about job creation. Such bullshit this administration has never created a job, they won't even utilize the resources that are already here at home. Originally Posted by acp5762

Rather than open the contracting process to a competitive public solicitation with multiple bidders, officials in the Department of Health and Human Services’ Centers for Medicare and Medicaid accepted a sole bidder, CGI Federal, the U.S. subsidiary of a Canadian company with an uneven record of IT pricing and contract performance.
CMS officials are tight-lipped about why CGI was chosen or how it happened. They also refuse to say if other firms competed with CGI, or if there was ever a public solicitation for building Healthcare.gov, the backbone of Obamacare’s problem-plagued web portal.
Instead, it appears they used what amounts to a federal procurement system loophole to award the work to the Canadian firm. [...]
In awarding the Healthcare.gov contract, CMS relied on a little-known federal contracting system called ID/IQ, which is government jargon for “Indefinite Delivery and Indefinite Quantity.”
CGI was a much smaller vendor when it was approved by HHS in 2007. With the approval, CGI became eligible for multiple awards without public notice and in circumvention of the normal competitive bidding procurement process.

Yes, Iva...please supply that link. I'm quite interested in your facts backing that claim up. I see a governorship in 02 and 06, but the first federal job is the one she has now. The one she started in 2009. Originally Posted by Chica Chaser

As COG says " not my job " look it up.
Here is another good article about CGI Federal, the Canadian company that the Obama administration awarded the contract to build the Obamacare website.


So let me get this straight. Since the previous Bush administration had awarded this company with some smaller contracts, it is somehow Bush's fault for the clusterfuck that resulted from Obama awarding this company the contract to build the Obamacare website. That is really fucking pathetic! When are you fucking libturds going to stop blaming Bush for everything that has gone wrong during the Obama administration? But that is all you really got, isn't it?! Originally Posted by NiceGuy53

If it was good enough for the right it should be good enough for the left...LMAO Also check #11 for sarcasm ..
I B Hankering's Avatar
Obamacare Operator May Have Liked Her Job, But After Talking to Sean Hannity, She Can’t Keep It

Remember when Sean Hannity called up the Obamacare hotline on the air? Well, she got fired.

On the top of Thursday’s broadcast of his radio show, Sean Hannity revealed Erling Davis, the Obamacare operator he called early in his Monday show, got fired. Hannity quizzed her on how well the law is being received by applicants and she revealed no one liked it. Hannity had Davis on his show today and revealed he will give her a year’s salary of $26,000 and help her find a new job.

This firing makes Erling Davis, not Kathleen Sebelius or any of the contractors who messed up the website, the first person held accountable for any problems with Healthcare.gov. The first person held accountable by the Obama administration is a person at the very bottom of the regime, who makes no decisions that impact the implementation of the law at all.

Just let that sink in.

Who fired her? How far up the chain was the decision to fire her made? What reasons were given for her firing?

Those are among the questions that the most secretive administration we’ve ever had will never answer.

Kinda like Scooter Libby ?
I wonder if there is an American IT firm out there laughing their asses off right now knowing dam good and well they could have put together that web site without all the bullshit. It serves these leftist fucks right for not exploring their options to use an American firm. They talk about job creation. Such bullshit this administration has never created a job, they won't even utilize the resources that are already here at home. Originally Posted by acp5762

Probably not laughing, such incompetence at the highest level. If not incompetence then it is corruption leading to so many failed results that would appear to have been of predictable result.

How many jobs could "trickle down" from that half a billion, and other government contracts effectively managed and directed to competent small and mid size (hello commerce department and SBA, if we have it we should at least use it) American owned and operated contractors?

While we are at it, can someone explain, why the Fuck do we need to provide translation for upwards of 180 different languages? Is coonass on that list? J'ai gros couer, but this is a punitive waste of resource and capital!

Government exists to protect us from each other. Where government has gone beyond its limits is in deciding to protect us from ourselves. - Ronald Reagan
rodog44's Avatar
You aren't SERIOUSLY trying to say that BUSH hired the Canadian IT firm to build HEALTHCARE.GOV web site, are you?

Or are you trying to suggest that because Bush hired that firm for some OTHER job before, means Obama gets a pass for hiring the same firm to FAIL at creating HEALTHCARE.GOV? Originally Posted by RedLeg505
Obama should thank the Lord every day that Bush dosen't speak ill of the stupid. I wish he wasn't that nice.