Encounter: Kelli

lilylivered's Avatar
200 is high, it just seems to me the odds of getting caught in a sting for trafficing would be high. Thats always scared me off from going to AMPs
No knock on the review intended - great review - just my opinion on the cost of hobbying in Rochester; sadly a recurring theme for me. Perhaps I'll just shut up on this topic.
lilylivered's Avatar
No problem, other opinions are welcome.
Might be forced to try out the AMPs
Ive thought about it
RE: weight

I have a hard time banging any provider who is north of 125 lbs. 160 lbs is out of the question. Her ad pix are nice, but I can’t imagine her being very hot in RL at that poundage.

RE: donation

200 seems reasonable these days. Prices on everything has gone up, why wouldn’t it go up on pussy? I have compassion for the average provider and I know I’m not going to change their mind on the donation if I’m demanding. They are clearly in the tougher position. Being a provider advertising on STG does indicate a certain level of desperation. If they had a better choice don’t you think they’d be taking it?
RE: donation

Well said Max. I've always figured 10 or 20 or 30 bucks means a hell of a lot more to the provider than it does to me.