Are you referring to my comments....

Well said, but I wouldn't expect any less from you, Justin. Btw, Jameson or Guinness Stout might help loosen your vocal cords.

Sometimes it is best that we ladies talk amongst ourselves. I also believe that the posts a lady makes here tells so much more about her than any Showcase. From that you get PR, but from her own comments you get her actual personality. Might give some of us pause, and cause for polite self censorship.

Originally Posted by Fancyinheels
I totally get that...yes sometimes u have to bite the bullet.

BBWs= More to love, less that'll break.

Redheads= So much fiery passion, it oozes through our hair.

I though this thread was going to be about moaning in bed? Pout.

Seriously, every industry gets criticized, opponents on both sides get defensive and offensive, and tact often gets blown off completely. It is what it is, and since we ladies are the meals and the gentlemen our consumers with a vast array of menus and blue plate specials to choose from, we have to bear that in mind and bite out tongues, sometimes. (Hmmm, how does every allegory I seem to make end up with oral connotations?)
Originally Posted by Fancyinheels
I totally get where ur coming from. But in no means should u interpret what i said into"if u want this pussy you better behave post". No it was just a thought i had after reading certain threads is all. Im not that type of person. Its too many men on here to be that demanding lol...but all in all i just had a thought and decided to post on it. No worries...


Kammye, please feel free to always voice your opinion. The vast majority of people here (client and escort) will respect what you have to say and respond in a civil manner. You have to understand that this, like any internet forum, will always have "characters" who take shots at people. Most of the time it's all in fun.

The problem I have with this thread is that you seem to be alerting everyone to an issue that really isn't there. Yes, there are people that make seemingly disrespectful comments to the ladies, but those same posters call the guys out on their shit as well. Also, this is an open forum, and EVERYONE has a voice. And everyone has ALWAYS had a voice. The ladies have no reason not to be vocal about their concerns, and for the most part, they do speak out when they need to.

Homedepot's recent alert thread was a good example of this. Notice how the people who responded were very balanced in how they handled the situation, for the most part. When Gia responded with her side of the story, many posters were very understanding. She even acknowledges this at one point.

The people who actually post on the forum frequently are usually some of the most well-mannered people you will encounter in this business (I've actually met a few of them), even those that seem like they don't give a shit.

I also get a "if you want this pussy, you better behave" vibe from your post, and I just think that this is the wrong approach. Most (I emphasize "most") guys aren't trying to throw their weight around on the site and degrade the ladies. It's important to have a sense of humor about these things.

The real reason you don't see women "being vocal" is because they know that they don't have to be. There are private forums that only providers have access to where they can voice their concerns about certain individuals, and many ladies only use this site for business purposes. Most ladies hardly ever post in these forums at all because it's just not their thing.

And I'm another person who thought this threAD was gonna be about guys voicing their pleasure in bed. I would love some suggestions to help me come out of my shell a little more. Originally Posted by Justin_Scott
Fancyinheels's Avatar
Are you referring to my comments.... Originally Posted by Kammye

No, no, no! You are fine, my dear, and brought up a valid point. I was just tossing that out in general, because sometimes we ladies forget that what we type represents us, and I've been guilty of getting hot under the collar on a point and typing something I later regretted and that may have made someone think twice about seeing me.

I meant no offense. (Darn, doesn't seem to be a smilie of a little happy guy holding our a bouquet of roses as a peace offering.)
Lol no its okay. No worries. I totally get what your saying. Sometimes yes we do get upset its normal lol. But i just merely posting on the subject because i see it often on here. And just wanted to let people know we dont have to get all huffs and puffs lol...lets talk it out respectfully. Not like a bunch of savages lol....ur good tho. and yes i like the redhair lol....

No, no, no! You are fine, my dear, and brought up a valid point. I was just tossing that out in general, because sometimes we ladies forget that what we type represents us, and I've been guilty of getting hot under the collar on a point and typing something I later regretted and that may have made someone think twice about seeing me.

I meant no offense. (Darn, doesn't seem to be a smilie of a little happy guy holding our a bouquet of roses as a peace offering.)
Originally Posted by Fancyinheels
Jusanotherdude's Avatar
I think it depends on the topic and the forum the topic is in as to the respect that others give and recieve. Originally Posted by cumalot
I could not agree more here.......

Seriously, every industry gets criticized, opponents on both sides get defensive and offensive, and tact often gets blown off completely. It is what it is, and since we ladies are the meals and the gentlemen our consumers with a vast array of menus and blue plate specials to choose from, we have to bear that in mind and bite out tongues, sometimes. (Hmmm, how does every allegory I seem to make end up with oral connotations?)
Originally Posted by Fancyinheels
Smart lady........

Much like anything else, its all in the manner to which you present yourself and the validity of your point..... if you come in shooting off at the mouth and with an over inflated sense of entitlement then you will no doubt get smacked around by the members where (whether you are male or female).... but if you come in calm, cool, collected, with a valid point in a respectable manner you're more likely to get people on your side.........

Besides.... OP... you have a nice ass.... people tend to want to get behind that.... (there you go fancy... you're not the only one!)

I like vocal!
DEAR_JOHN's Avatar
I have been reading all the posts in here...and i have to say. The clients are VERY VOCAL in voicing there discern for certain things that have "happened" to them. But i noticed when a provider speaks up for herself in here. She either gets dissed, talked to like she isnt shit, or ignored. Me as a provider i must say i will ALWAYS voice my opinion no matter what. Even though obviously this is a male dominated site. Without providers there wouldnt be a site. So with that being said ladies: its okay to be vocal....

Let the comments begin..... Originally Posted by Kammye
Kammye, may I..........thanks.

First of all, let's discuss some history that goes back to the very beginning of 'hobby' boards.

The very first hobby reviews were given in the usenet (newsgroups) in a group called (I think) I'm not totally sure of the newsgroup name, but that's were it started. Then the hobby boards went to local sites. Most of us way older reviewers came from a board called the delphi board. The shut down that hobby section, then reopened it, then finally closed it down for good. At this point a provider named Amber opened up which a lot of us came from. Amber passed away a few years back and died. Some of the history can be found on another site.

About Amber, she and I were friends, and we talked about her new board. One thing she always knew is that it would always be male orientated. This was a given, and was basically the nature of the beast. Providers had a voice, but not as big of a voice as the guys did. It's could also be that the guys outnumbered the ladies by a ratio of about 90/10.

Just a quick trip through history for you. I may have misidentified a thing or two, but the principle is intact and factual.

****************************** ********************

One mistake some ladies make is that some of them believe that every guy believes every review that they read. Maybe the lemmings do, but I don't think that every review is taken word for word.

When I read a negative review, I always wonder what percent if true and factual or pure bullshit. Say the guy has a bad session, especially with a well reviewed provider. My first thoughts are if the guy was clean, was he some sort of guy hinting to the lady that he is a 'big time eccie reviewer', in other words, give me a great session or else, and other things.

Like anything else in life, there are absolutes and variables. Reviews are very much a variable. My great review, would be a regular review by someone else. Some gal with great tits would be too fat for someone else. Some gal with a petite figure with a great ass would be too flat chested for someone else...........many, many variables.

Please don't clump all the guys in this site into a group of those who believe everything we see posted, and believe without a doubt everything written.

I hope this helps.
I always had that thought as well. If a guy does anything wrong to us, be it he found us on BP, P411, or here all we can do is give up his handle if he has one. If a lady has a problem with someone who simply "does not like her", he puts her #, face pic, and in some cases (not all) says that she is dangerous and not to see her ect ect. He can pretty much ruin her. But like Fancy said, we are the ones on the menu here. So I just try to get along with everyone
Sarunga's Avatar
A lot of good advice on this thread.....well, I do love a VOCAL lady in bed.