Providers who don't respond to PMs

PODarkness's Avatar
Don't both eccie and P-411 have an option to send an e-mail notification to the member whenever a PM or appointment request is received by the member?

Why would anyone who advertises on a site turn that off?
pmdelites's Avatar
Don't both eccie and P-411 have an option to send an e-mail notification to the member whenever a PM or appointment request is received by the member?

Why would anyone who advertises on a site turn that off? Originally Posted by PODarkness
yes - per the User CP page...
The forum can send a message to your email address to inform you when someone sends you a private message.
[chkbox] Receive Email Notification of New Private Messages

because they like turning things off??? who knows!!! it doesnt really matter why someone turns it on or off. or why they respond or dont respond.

i said it before and i'll say it again.
there are a gazillion reasons why someone doesnt respond to a communication sent to them [whether on this board or any other msg medium]. and they dont all have to do with how busy or not busy the person is.

if her or his reply is of that much import to you, then either deal with it [possibly after several attempts like Pistolero said] or let it go. simple as that.

from another point of view...

if you are wondering why someone isnt responding, you could post a query here or in a private forum like "say, anyone hear from so-and-so recently via <insertMediaHere>? i've sent a msg to her/him and havent heard back from them."

but, imo, speculating as to why they arent responding or going on about that they arent responding isnt very productive. unless of course you just want to vent and not actually communicate w/ the person [or any of the gazillion reasons for posting].
happens all the time. She probably gets lots of PM's and is much more likely to respond if you send an appointment request on P411 rather than a PM. I have had a provider tell me not to pm them until i am ready to make an
I suspect she gets a lot of PM's and doesn't have the time or need to trade PM's to get a new client. And some ladies just aren't professional enough to return PM's,and don't understand a couple of PM's or emails will get them a new client.It's part of doing business.
i have had pms ignored on P411 after she just responded to a PM and was still online for quite a while. If they want your business they will respond.If they don't, they wont.
Wheretonow's Avatar
So guys, how persistent are you after having your initial attempts to contact a provider fail; and ladies - if you have no interest in seeing someone do you respond or just blow them off? Originally Posted by Wheretonow
It stills beg the question as to why she couldn't have responded with "Sorry, you don't have enough recent OKs to make me feel safe" or something similar. Then I might have been encouraged to work at meeting her screening requirements instead of wondering if I even want to see her. Originally Posted by Wheretonow
In the first quote above I stated the reason for posting - to get some sharing on how others handle NSPMs (no show pms - a new acronym I just thought up) and also how other providers handle the situation.

In the second quote I was wondering (out loud) why a person in the customer service business doesn't provide customer service.

I really appreciated many of your comments, which leaves a few of the more sanctimonious posts I'm skipping over (as soon as I spy that the sanctimonious gene has again taken over their thought process).
In the first quote above I stated the reason for posting - to get some sharing on how others handle NSPMs (no show pms - a new acronym I just thought up) and also how other providers handle the situation.

In the second quote I was wondering (out loud) why a person in the customer service business doesn't provide customer service.

I really appreciated many of your comments, which leaves a few of the more sanctimonious posts I'm skipping over (as soon as I spy that the sanctimonious gene has again taken over their thought process). Originally Posted by Wheretonow
I agree with pmdelites on this, but it is amazing only a couple of providers have responded on this thread, which makes you wonder if many of them are callased to the business of providing.

In the bolded statement you made, the same analogy can be asked of why a sales business does not like sales people. It just does not make sense.
Sometimes PMs and e-mails do not come-they just get lost in cyberspace, so a follow up one is a good idea. I have had original PMs and e-mails come a week later after the session already happened because the hobbyist contacted me through one of my alternate methods after I failed to answer the first communication. Glitches in the system, server back-up, e-mail/PM limbo, whatever. This happens with P411 appt requests A LOT. And it goes in cycles that it happens to my ECCIE PMs.

Are you on her ignore list? I'm pretty sure PMs from people on my ignore list don't get delivered to me. Us ladies put people on our ignore lists due to the fact that we dislike your posting style or we have read an alert on you; or because the wind blew a certain way one

Is she using a smartphone for hobbying during the day and only accessing a real computer a few hours per day or a few days per week? I cannot get into ECCIE from my smartphone some days at all, and other days it takes me 10 minutes to check a PM because ECCIE is high bandwith and doesn't have a mobile option. So if you PM me or a lady using the same system that I use chances are you are not going to get a reply until she has PRIVACY at a computer. For me it might be as long as 48 hours, but usually about 10 hours max.

Then again the lady might be SUPER busy with more biz than she can handle...good for her!!!

There are probably 50 other reasons that I cannot think of right now.

Happy Hobbying! Marla
On P411 & Eccie, you can tell when a Provider is currently ONLINE.
(Just put her on your Eccie contact list, when she logs in, she will show up on the Buddy list. On P411 it gives you an ONLINE button.)
On P411 you can tell if a provider read your Profile under tracking.
On Eccie, you can get a confirmation that she opened and read your PM.

If she's ONLINE, she's not in a session.
send her a message at that time and if she don't respond, move on.
After several attempts from more than 1 source.
I NEVER contact THAT provider EVER again. she lost my business.

hookem69horns's Avatar
This is a business plain and simple. Providers know PM's are out there, and in some cases they ask that you contact them via a PM. As with any other business, it is terribly unprofessional to let communications go unanswered for more than 24-hrs. Anybody can make excuses, and usually they end up being Providers not worth seeing anyway.

I have had the same problems and now, if they don't respond within 24-hrs then I cross them off the MSL and go to the next Provider. I can say that those Providers that have had the more upscale websites and ads have always responded timely, and professionally.
aka's Avatar
  • aka
  • 08-03-2011, 01:51 AM
It happens even after a gal has just posted an ad. Can't explain why; but it does. You see the gal has read your PM, yet she does not reply.

It would be immensely helpful to get a reply saying that it is inconvenient at the moment, so that the options can be whittled down.
pmdelites's Avatar
On P411 & Eccie, you can tell when a Provider is currently ONLINE.
(Just put her on your Eccie contact list, when she logs in, she will show up on the Buddy list. On P411 it gives you an ONLINE button.)
On P411 you can tell if a provider read your Profile under tracking.
On Eccie, you can get a confirmation that she opened and read your PM.

If she's ONLINE, she's not in a session.
send her a message at that time and if she don't respond, move on.
After several attempts from more than 1 source.
I NEVER contact THAT provider EVER again. she lost my business.

CG Originally Posted by Copierguy0
well, pretty close, i'd say.

1. On P411 & Eccie, you can tell when a Provider is currently ONLINE.
==> pmd: all the ONLINE indicator tells you is that the user is LOGGED IN. not at the computer, not reading posts, not checking out pm's - just logged in, period. unless eccie and p411 have incorporated webcams or physical presence detection into their software, you cannot tell if the person is really there or not. or if they are in the right or left mind :^) [same goes for other boards and instant msging systems]

on eccie, there is a little icon in their posts indicating whether they are online or not - the little person icon next to the "report to mod" icon.

2. On P411 you can tell if a provider read your Profile under tracking.
On Eccie, you can get a confirmation that she opened and read your PM.
==> pmd: all those indicators tell you is that a) they clicked on your profile and/or request or b) they clicked on a box asking them to confirm receipt of the pm.
neither of those tell you whether or not the person actually READ your profile or pm. as far as i know, neither system scans my eyeballs or reads my mind.
damn good thing they dont :^)

3. If she's ONLINE, she's not in a session.
===> again ONLINE only means she's logged in.
plus, being ONLINE is not mutually exclusive w/ being in a session.
i know one woman who was online and in an ECCIE Chat while in a session - she asked what she & her guy should do next - talk about websourcing :^)

4. send her a message at that time and if she don't respond, move on.
After several attempts from more than 1 source.
I NEVER contact THAT provider EVER again. she lost my business.
==> pmd: that's definitely your prerogative. others may quit after the 1st non-response, some after the 3rd, some never quit. to each their own.
Iaintliein's Avatar
If she doesn't respond she doesn't, there are plenty of other ladies.

I came here because I got tired of begging and BS at home, I don't beg anymore.

nuff said.
well, pretty close, i'd say.

1. On P411 & Eccie, you can tell when a Provider is currently ONLINE.
==> pmd: all the ONLINE indicator tells you is that the user is LOGGED IN. not at the computer, not reading posts, not checking out pm's - just logged in, period. unless eccie and p411 have incorporated webcams or physical presence detection into their software, or it's really her pimp that is logged in, you cannot tell if the person is really there or not. or if they are in the right or left mind :^) [same goes for other boards and instant msging systems]

on eccie, there is a little icon in their posts indicating whether they are online or not - the little person icon next to the "report to mod" icon.

Good point, i missed that one.

2. On P411 you can tell if a provider read your Profile under tracking.
On Eccie, you can get a confirmation that she opened and read your PM.
==> pmd: all those indicators tell you is that a) they clicked on your profile and/or Her pimp request or b) they clicked on a box asking them to confirm receipt of the pm.
neither of those tell you whether or not the person actually READ your profile or pm. as far as i know, neither system scans my eyeballs or reads my mind or makes providers read the damn profile.
damn good thing they dont :^)

I want them to read the profile and while in session, you can tell if they did by the things they do or don't do.

3. If she's ONLINE, she's not in a session.
===> again ONLINE only means she's logged in.
plus, being ONLINE is not mutually exclusive w/ being in a session.
i know one woman who was online and in an ECCIE Chat while in a session - she asked what she & her guy should do next - talk about websourcing :^)

Chat room times out after 30-min. if the lady did that in MY session, i would have walked and blasted her review

4. send her a message at that time and if she don't respond, move on.
After several attempts from more than 1 source.
I NEVER contact THAT provider EVER again. she lost my business.
==> pmd: that's definitely your prerogative. others may quit after the 1st non-response, some after the 3rd, some never quit. to each their own. Originally Posted by pmdelites
Well pmdelites, I see you found some loop holes in my logic.
I knew i could depend on you buddy, good job.

Simply move on, and there isn't a point to speculate, except she isn't interested or she has something going on.
If she has checked you out and doesn't send you an response e-mail, move on. I am not the guy that sits around waiting for that e-mail. I am sure she isn't either. Like other prior posters, I will not send a 2nd request or 3rd request if the 1st request was received and acknowledged. 1st impressions are big, and chances are, although not in all cases you aren't going to have a great time anyways if you have difficulties in scheduling. That said, there are plenty of women out there that promptly respond in a timely manner or at least let you know what is going on.

In the end, unfortunately, some never realize the potential client they could have seen, and may be a loyal client for the future.
PODarkness's Avatar
More often than not, my P-411 requests have gone unanswered, without the provider looking at my profile. As the date requested gets closer, if I have not heard back, I'll send an e-mail saying I sent the request, and asking the lady to check her account.

At that point, the most common response is for the provider to ask me for the details she needs for the booking. Very few ever respond through P-411, and the number who actually look at my profile is even less. I find this odd and a little confusing, considering the general consensus among providers seems to be that hobbyists who don't read every word of their ads, check their websites, and read their reviews, aren't prepared for the session.

If they don't respond to the e-mail, I put it behind me, and continue the search. I probably won't ever ask them again.
There is not an inbox for P411 appt requests. If they get lost in cyberspace then the lady has absolutely no way of knowing that you even sent it. Even in our P411 acct/inbox, there is no record of appt requests.

If you read my P411 profile closely and also in most of my ECCIE ads I specifically state DO NOT SEND ME P411 APPT REQUESTS, but rather to send me P411 PMs. This is because even if the PM notification doesn't get delivered to my hotmail, I can still see that I have a new message when I log onto my P411 acct.

P411 appt requests and P411 PMs are two completely different things.

Hope this helps!