What to do about NCNS's?

You said that this Lady is really well known?
sounds like a case of bs to me.....cut your losses....there are plenty of ladies who will be available at your beckon call. someone will do u right for ur lonely troubles.

i definitely wouldnt hound her about it.....out of fear that would cause my session to be a bust to. ball is your court....once you turn over the mola....game over.
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  • Seedy
  • 11-30-2010, 04:03 PM
She either read this thread or was told about it, or finally got around to calling me. I'm such a fucking softie. Looks like problem solved.
Don T. Lukbak's Avatar
I disagree. If someone flakes out on a regular, it's something to consider when determining who to book. Originally Posted by blowpop
If I were considering seeing her for the first time, and all I found in researching her was that she stood up a regular, that would not befront me from seeing her the first time. I'd book with her.

It might, however, affect any decision to see her on a regular basis.

I can't see those varieties of NS/NC in any other way than that they are two very different types of failure.

The NS/NC's I want to know about are the ones that occur when the two principles have never met in the flesh. Once the girl and I have actually met, if she stands my ass up she might have a good reason.

She either read this thread or was told about it, or finally got around to calling me. I'm such a fucking softie. Looks like problem solved. Originally Posted by seedman55
See! This was just a personal deal, no reason to take this sort of stuff public....which you did not do since you never named her, for which I am sure you're glad. Hell, even I'm glad.
iv'e got a tough decision, got ncns 2 days in row from someone iv'e seen 35-40 times didn't want to post anything yet still waiting for a call, a simple sorry would be more than enough. I' give it a day or to, and report back. Originally Posted by seedman55
What DT said.. maybe she just doesn't want to see you anymore but doesn't wanna say it.
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  • Seedy
  • 11-30-2010, 05:16 PM
What DT said.. maybe she just doesn't want to see you anymore but doesn't wanna say it. Originally Posted by luxury daphne
Nope wrong again, I think. Going to see her tonight,wants to explain in person.
Don T. Lukbak's Avatar
wants to explain in person. Originally Posted by seedman55
Personal. I know it's business, but in the fullness of time if personal connection does not bloom the business will end.

Offonleave! Your deal is complicated. Too much wiggle room for excuse-making, too many variables for me to understand. Unless something were to occur to make me believe she is being intentionally deceitful, and it didn't sound that way to me, I'd just keep it to myself. Hell, I might even keep trying to see her. That's sort of the way little Ashley and I finally connected.

Escorts are no different from anyone else in that if you give them the benefit of the doubt until you have reason not to, and if you expect them to be honorable in their dealings, they usually will be. Hell, the escorts I've met the last 5 years have been at least as honorable in their dealings with me as the average "normal" person has been. Probably more honorable.
OK, so I'm a pan-escort wk...so what!
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Hence the rub, if we all give them the benefit of the doubt we forget the spirit of shared info. For me, the fact that she shows the perpencity of flaking is very relevant.

And I in no way meant to imply that I felt she was being dishonest or deceitful, only careless or cavalier. And as I said, it seems we are maybe not the best fit due to the fact she is a young lady and keeps the hours of one. Can't fault her for that, but don't take the apt.

For me, I think it best not to start a thread but to mention it downline in a review. An FYI kinda thing.
Don T. Lukbak's Avatar
For me, I think it best not to start a thread but to mention it downline in a review. An FYI kinda thing. Originally Posted by offonleave
Hey Man! We may both be wrong, but that is exactly what I did when Ashley and I had our comedy of errors...in a sort of "the joke's on me" vein, emphasizing how friggin' funny it was ... she didn't mind what I said, as far as I know, and her business may have actually reaped some benefit after mutts read of her ultimate good grace in making her old unkie happy.

But nothing good would have come of it had I started a thread about our mishaps. And that's all they were, not any kind of contemptuous disregard for the john (that would be me).

Why don't you consider giving the girl another opportunity to show some pah-loomage? Maybe after giving her a short growl. Motivate her ass to show you what she got! Go, man, go long!
  • anita
  • 12-01-2010, 08:17 AM
I do not nc/ns. If there is any need to cancel I just let the person know. What you can do about it is ask them when they finally call...or pick up the phone, if you do not like the excuse then maybe post an alert or get over it. It is disrespectful though.
How many times we going to do the NC/NS post thing? We trying to make a quota before the end of the year or something?
SHIT! - Move on...number 2 on the list and so on. DAMN YOUR STOOPID. I'm not being rude just stating the obvious.

Be sure to cross off the providers on your list who attack other providers, refuse to post pics of themselves in a thread but do have a showcase. Generally twat blockers. Other than that you are free to move on to the next. GOTDAMNIT. It's not that hard....
offonleave's Avatar

Thanks for the input but I have already moved on but with two other threads currently devoted to opposite ways to handle this situation I thought a spirited conversation might help clear the air once and for all on how to handle these unfortunate occurrences. I also was seeking input from those with more experience.

So, I’m the "stoopid" one huh? You can be assured that with your attitude you do not make the list; no rose for you, the tribe has spoken, you have been evicted from the BB household, your just a tool and you’re fired!
offonleave's Avatar
How many times we going to do the NC/NS post thing? We trying to make a quota before the end of the year or something? Originally Posted by Wakeup
You clicked on the thread. Dont like them, dont click.

You tryin to fulfill your post quota?
I have not had a NCNS (least I can't remember it) but I would like to say give them 24 hours... if they NCNS, call em after your appointment time and leave a VM. This way they are reminded and even though they might come up with some excuse (true or not) you reminded them of the NCNS.

Or not call them to remind them and then 24 hours later post. One can say if you and her schedule a session, its up to her to be mindful of it, and be read just as you are mindful to let her know if something comes up and you have to bail.