Remembering the future sentencing of Dr Anthony Fauci

Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
Now we know what you were told to think. We still don't actually know why you outsource your thinking to low cost providers in an underachieving fashion, while avoiding the topic altogether with your Tactics of the Lame.

The Tactics of the lame:
  1. Say the source is biased
  2. Get a pole dancer or other fact-checker (ministry of truther) on record
  3. Use labels
  4. Character assassination
  5. In case of fire, break glass and call them a racist
Rinse and repeat.

Had you thought for yourself (I crack myself up sometimes...), you would likely have found the article posted was actually from another news outlet (also disfavored by the Ministry of Truth) quoting the Daily Mail who was quoting from the USA, USA, USA Congressional Record.

Then you may have avoided a party foul of these here fora and, who knows.... you might have been able to contribute something of substance in a meaningful manner (Ye Cristo, I should be working the comedy circuit or something.) Stay on topic and try to learn or contribute..

Daily Mail....

Questionable Reasoning: Right, Propaganda, Conspiracy, Some Fake News, Numerous Failed Fact Checks
Bias Rating: RIGHT
Factual Reporting: LOW
Country: United Kingdom
MBFC’s Country Freedom Rank: MOSTLY FREE
Media Type: Newspaper
Traffic/Popularity: High Traffic
MBFC Credibility Rating: LOW CREDIBILITY Originally Posted by royamcr
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
This is not an Advice or Dear Abby thread. Stay on topic or move along.

Friendly advice to other members: you probably don't want to be associated with this pool. Or any other threats of violence, even if intended in jest. Originally Posted by gladi8r
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
Fauci is being villified to cover up Trump's ignorance, stupidity and total fuck up regarding covid. Originally Posted by royamcr
Whoa, practically on topic. You are partly correct even. Trump should not have trusted Fauci. Though it was ironic that Fauci started out much more tame, i.e. masks don't work. Then it appears his "masters" instructed him to get on board with "the program" and he eventually went all-in with double masking and lock-downs, shutting down the economy and just making up schtuff on the fly (social distancing) until he was self-promoted to Master of All Space, Time and Science,etc., aka Megalomaniac
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
Respectfully, I'm not seeing the hijacking here. It looks like every post, including mine, talks to the topic of this thread... Originally Posted by gladi8r
Your inner monologue is not interesting or on topic. Maybe it's time to get new, thicker lens, glasses. You must be a vegan or something, as I put enough red meat in the OP to feed an entire pride of Lions.
What is your contribution to the topic at hand?
Fauci has zero chance of going to trial.
Fauci has zero chance of going to trial. Originally Posted by royamcr
Probably so, but he has zero chance of me ever taking his advice serious and that's all that counts for me.
Probably so, but he has zero chance of me ever taking his advice serious and that's all that counts for me. Originally Posted by Levianon17
That all works until the all powerful Biden Bureaucracy orders you to take Fauci’s advice or be arrested, fired from your job, kicked out of the military……….
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
Probably so, but he has zero chance of me ever taking his advice serious and that's all that counts for me. Originally Posted by Levianon17
Ya know, I alluded to it earlier, but realize that I'm not sure what the precedent would actually be regarding jurisdiction of prosecuting him. Clearly we should have jurisdiction over Fauci, as an American and employee, but the World at large surely suffered greatly as a result of his apparent megalomania.

Who should get the first whack at him in a court proceeding? Us or the world.
Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
How can I remember something that hasn't happened? Originally Posted by eccieuser9500
OMG, I agree with 9500
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
Appears MTG agrees with me, though she hasn't settled the jurisdiction question as yet. That makers her even "hotter" in my book and should slip her up another notch on the VP candidate ladder - IMMHO.
Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene Vows to Do Everything She Can to Lock Fauci Up for ‘Crimes Against Humanity’
by Cassandra MacDonald Jun. 15, 2024

...“The American people weren’t allowed in there. And then they proceeded to shut down the country over Covid. They masked schoolchildren. They shut down schools. They closed beaches. They silenced your speech. They kicked you out social media. They attacked the very core of our freedoms, all for a virus that they made in a lab in Wuhan, China.”

“And yes, Doctor Anthony Fauci should be tried for crimes against humanity,” Greene stated as the crowd chanted for him to be imprisoned. “Well, I can assure you, if I have anything to do with it, we will lock him up! He belongs in prison!”...
Heck fire, I'm already ready for the sentencing phase. Let's git 'er dun.
Lucas McCain's Avatar
Just FYI, for all you anti vaxx rage folks, don't hold your breath about anything punitive happening to that man. You don't get in trouble for being a highly accomplished scientistic trying to save lives. The man did his job. Whether you or I believe in his extremism when it came to Covid, I can assure you that he saved lives.

I've never saved as many lives as that man has during his highly decorated long career. Have you? If you have saved .01% of the lives that man has, I would love to hear about it.
Michael8219's Avatar
And I’ve never killed a single person or created a hysteria never before seen in modern times that created isolation, job loss, education loss in children and pitted folks against one another as this guy.

”Not surprising to some of us, Dr. Anthony Fauci’s National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) was not only briefed on Wuhan’s desire to create this virus, NIAID was actually listed as a participant in the initial DEFUSE pitch. Fauci’s Rocky Mountain Lab was named as a partner alongside the Wuhan Institute of Virology in the proposal.

These documents also reveal that a scientist whose lab has received millions of dollars from EcoHealth was also part of the original plan to create these chimeric coronaviruses. This researcher, Ian Lipkin, also later became one of the authors of “Proximal Origins,” a journal paper commissioned by Fauci and National Institutes of Health head Francis Collins to throw shade on anyone arguing that the virus might have come from the lab. Yet, Ian Lipkin never revealed to the public the DEFUSE proposal.”

Full United States Homeland Security government facts here (on a federal .gov website) where the above excerpts located:

In the end the LORD will judge hearts and the truth will be revealed. On the other hand, maybe it was an oh shit moment when the virus escaped the Wuhan lab and Fauci was trying to reverse the proverbial cow out of the barn as it caused a stampede and kicked over Mrs O’Learys’s lantern on its way out?
Dr fauci is a hero and never told anyone to drink or injest bleach or shine a light up your ass.
Just FYI, for all you anti vaxx rage folks, don't hold your breath about anything punitive happening to that man. You don't get in trouble for being a highly accomplished scientistic trying to save lives. The man did his job. Whether you or I believe in his extremism when it came to Covid, I can assure you that he saved lives.

I've never saved as many lives as that man has during his highly decorated long career. Have you? If you have saved .01% of the lives that man has, I would love to hear about it. Originally Posted by Lucas McCain
Oh give us all a break with that Bullshit.
Dr fauci is a hero and never told anyone to drink or injest bleach or shine a light up your ass. Originally Posted by Hdtown
No, but he blew smoke up a lot of people's ass and they freely accepted it.