Decriminalize Prostitution NYS

Plastic Man's Avatar
Seems like our conservative Religious Right would disagree completely with that. Originally Posted by clmc
actually it the zealot left who be the new puritans

...maybes theys cans pays fer gender reassignment ...surgeries fer illegals withs all the tax ...monies yer special governor woulds ...collect ...froms yer legal sexy time
elghund's Avatar
actually it the zealot left who be the new puritans

...maybes theys cans pays fer gender reassignment ...surgeries fer illegals withs all the tax ...monies yer special governor woulds ...collect ...froms yer legal sexy time Originally Posted by Plastic Man
Now you support gender reassignment. Your real self is starting to shine through……

  • clmc
  • 05-23-2024, 05:34 PM
actually it the zealot left who be the new puritans

...maybes theys cans pays fer gender reassignment ...surgeries fer illegals withs all the tax ...monies yer special governor woulds ...collect ...froms yer legal sexy time Originally Posted by Plastic Man
Please provide some real sources and facts to back that up and not any 'alternative facts' you seem to prefer.
Elg, you miss understand him. He's saying the left is pushing the gender reassignments, so when all the illegals they just brought in want to start having gender reassignment for free, the government can use the money they collect from taxing sex workers to pay for it.

CLMC - what do you want fact for his opinion that the Dems are the new puritans, or the facts that they are pushing gender reassignment and are responsible for the a million criminals who have been let in our country and are displacing school children so they have a space to sleep?
  • clmc
  • 05-24-2024, 11:52 AM
CLMC - what do you want fact for his opinion that the Dems are the new puritans, or the facts that they are pushing gender reassignment and are responsible for the a million criminals who have been let in our country and are displacing school children so they have a space to sleep? Originally Posted by heavenlysparrow
Hahaha. Reps are the ones taking away women's right and controlling what they can do with their bodies just like religious Conservatives in Arab countries DO, not the Dems!

Got some REAL factual sources/ links to back up your, "a million criminals who have been let in our country", or is that just more mentally challenged MAGA math Trump and his maga-minions use all the time to support their self-manufactured delusions!

No, the millions of illegals that have been allowed into this country are the numbers that are put out by the Dem held Homeland Security. Want facts? Look it up yourself so you can see it with your own eyes. I’d post a link, but it’ll just put you further into denial.
  • clmc
  • 05-24-2024, 12:04 PM
FBSMLUVR prove it and show this link ..... if you can?

Perhaps FAUX news can help.
Go to our Homeland Security website. They post the numbers regularly. Do your own homework.
  • clmc
  • 05-24-2024, 12:14 PM
Show it for proof!
Otherwise it's just a fallacious claim.
Here ya go clmc

Lemme know if you need help reading the stats and graphs. And you’re welcome lol
  • clmc
  • 05-24-2024, 02:53 PM
Yeah good site shows a lot.
But fails to report those "millions + criminals" the maga folks are crapping their panties over.....js

Maybe you can finds those facts there?
Remember when this site use to be about fucking whores? Ah, the good old days

Everyone is shitting their pants over how many illegals are here. Especially when they haven’t been vetted at all. I never stated that they’re all criminals. Stop fucking putting words in mouth. I’m pointing out numbers, statistics and facts. Which is what you asked for. Can’t handle the truth?

Let’s go with something easy and on the safer side of a statistical assumption. Do you actually know anything about a statical analysis? Have any idea what the Bell Curve is? What the law of probability is? If not, look it up yourself, it’s time to do your own homework.

I’ll keep it simple for you so maybe…just maybe you’ll be able to understand. There’s more than 10 million illegals that have been allowed into this country under Biden’s administration. But again, let’s go with something simple like 10 million for easy numbers ok?

Let’s make a very safe assumption shall we regarding the percentage of these illegals that are criminals? 1% of 10 million is 100K. 0.1% is 10,000. Even if it’s only 10 fucking thousand that’s way too many. Have any idea how much damage 10K illegal immigrants that hate this country can do?

I’m not even including the “known” got aways, let alone the got aways we don’t know about OR the folks that weren’t vetted properly during the Afghan bullshit withdrawal.
Remember when this site use to be about fucking whores? Ah, the good old days Originally Posted by TJneedsaBJ40

I said the same thing the other day, but Rooster pointed out to me that this is what the Sandbox is for. So I guess I stand corrected. These fucks bitch about nobody giving up stats and facts. I’m just giving them facts and the denial is still beyond my comprehension.

I’m no fucking Trump lover on my knees before him, but wtf people. Research the facts and face the damn truth. Numbers! Do! Not! Lie!


Edit: This is Coed, but you get the point. I’m going to an AMP, get a massage and a BJ…fuck it lol
lilylivered's Avatar
Lots of tards here with closed eyes....
No wonder the nation is going to shit
But, oh, the president is doing a good job and everything is wonderful
I just saw that on the news so its true damn it!!!!