Subsidizing newspapers?

John Bull's Avatar
JB, I wasn't aware you would agree with Khrushchev on anything...but apparently you do. Originally Posted by charlestudor2005
The current crew is doing their best to make his words come true. They're just a little late. Still in all, one has to believe the people will rise up and throw them out in the next couple of elections.
I, too, am a former reporter and editor of a daily newspaper. I still take the morning paper, read it for perspective but I supplement that with online sources while drinking my coffee in the morning. If I, a died in the wool newspaper reader does this, I can only imagine what the younger generation is doing and will do in the immediate future. One thing I think I think: the newer generation isn't as concerned with accuracy. In fact, many of them get their news from John Stewart or Steve (?) Colbert--which is akin to using the SNL Weekend Update as a primary source for news. It's scary.

Newspapers blew it years ago when they failed to recognize they were in the information business, not the newspaper business. Business schools will use newspapers as a reference for colossal failure, just as they used the railroads' failure in the 20th century. Not sure how they could have managed it, but newspaper organizations needed to enter into a joint venture and create Google before Google did it. That horse left the barn a long time ago, though.

Don't even get me started on how a news organization's credibility would be compromised by accepting government funding. I'd read those as often as I watch Fox News or MSNBC, which is to say never.

I haven't researched this, but I'd say never has it been more incumbent on citizens than now to do some of its own research on issues, candidates and even news events themselves. Relying on a news outlet is short-sighted. Bluntly put, many of them lie or obfuscate to propose their own agenda.
As indelicate as it may be, I like to read while sitting on the can. I also like to read in bed at night. I read a ton.

I really enjoy newspapers as well; though I am quite conscious of their biases.

But I do NOT support the notion of government subsidization of media. Our media is bad enough as it is.

If they can't figure out a way to survive sans subsidization; they need to fail.

I worked until a few days into May this year to pay taxes. That's OBSCENE. Not one penny for subsidizing print media. If I want it badly enough, I'll pay their price. But don't tax me for it, thereby making my purchase mandatory.
atlcomedy's Avatar
As indelicate as it may be, I like to read while sitting on the can. . Originally Posted by Laurentius
Nothing wrong with reading on the can, but shared papers have to be one of the nastiest things ever.

Some guy leaves the sports page in the stall, thinking he's doing the next fella a solid. All I can think about when I see that is, "What hand has touched that paper? Where has that hand been?"