Socials - For those that do not or no longer attend..... What would get you to attend?

Carl's Avatar
  • Carl
  • 10-23-2010, 10:29 PM
I'll attend a social if it's held in an appropriate venue where I can wear my favorite outfit.

Humpty Dumpty's Avatar
The cops can only arrest you if you are doing something illegal. Or have TX laws changed?
Thanks isomilf69
tron's Avatar
  • tron
  • 10-24-2010, 10:30 AM
The cops can only arrest you if you are doing something illegal. Or have TX laws changed? Originally Posted by Humpty Dumpty
They only have to THINK you are doing something wrong.
nuglet's Avatar
The cops can only arrest you if you are doing something illegal. Or have TX laws changed? Originally Posted by Humpty Dumpty
Bullshit! The cops can arrest you whenever they like. Whether it's a LEGAL bust is another question! The laws haven't changed, that's the main problem right there. Hell, we even execute people for fun.. only to find out later...OOPSIE our bad! skewed evidence just showed up.. oh well. next! drip-drip-drip.......
I know of at least one case that was entirely made up and time was served... they hate being embarrassed for a bad bust, so they make the rules (and the story) up as they go along sometimes.
Mokoa's Avatar
  • Mokoa
  • 10-24-2010, 12:15 PM
The cops can only arrest you if you are doing something illegal. Or have TX laws changed? Originally Posted by Humpty Dumpty
No, the laws have not changed. All who were arrested at the Houston event were eventually released and the changes against them dropped. The arrest, perp walk, and resulting publicity can be damaging enough.
squiretuck's Avatar
I like a public venue where the noise is not too loud, and it is generally away from where I live so little chance of me being spotted by people I know outside the hobby. Another thing I would like to see in future Austin events is a more central location. We generally miss the folks from the south side of town so it would be cool for it to be downtown, central (even though there's a couple of San Antonio hotties always showing up) imho.
To answer the original question:

Get the HOT chicks to attend. Hell! bBe exclusive and do not give invites to the guys who don't hobby and the gals we probably wouldn't hobby with!
Whispers's Avatar
To answer the original question:

Get the HOT chicks to attend. Hell! bBe exclusive and do not give invites to the guys who don't hobby and the gals we probably wouldn't hobby with! Originally Posted by cpi3000
Guys not hobbying today for some reason though may see the right hot chick at a Social and decide to play. Maddie hooked me that way. as have several others over the years.

IMO Guys that are legitimate hobbyists, known to play, no matter where they choose to spend their money should be counted as members of the same community and invited....

I think ladies miss an opportunity by rallying against it....
dliler's Avatar
I've actually been looking for a good get together between hobbyists and providers. A nice mixer. That enough would get me out and about. I noticed that this thread was going around the same time as this another one, Keg Party Anyone. Unfortunately I caught wind of this too late.

So I was wondering if there were still plans for another one in the making?
Guest102312's Avatar
We shoudl do a nice dinner at an upscale resturant (change up the pace a little)
dliler's Avatar
We shoudl do a nice dinner at an upscale resturant (change up the pace a little) Originally Posted by Maci Lynn
I think that'd be a great idea. There's nothing saying a group of people can't go out and eat, right? And then have some desert elsewhere...
Rand Al'Thor's Avatar
Problem with a quiet venue is privacy. Unless we're going to limit the conversation to the weather and latest Lady Gaga outfit, I don't really want the table next to us hearing the conversation..or the waitstaff (maybe).
dliler's Avatar
A lot of time restaurants have private area for larger parties. The only people who would over hear us then would be the waitstaff.
Guest102312's Avatar
I think we should try it out. We will never know until we try. Kind of like anal sex, haha.