Hillary Wipes Server Clean

At the rate she is going, she will be lucky to avoid jail - forget about being President.

It appears the chief thing she learned while working on the Nixon impeachment committee was how to make a second "shadow" set of records and how to properly delete those shadow records before they are subpoenaed.
cptjohnstone's Avatar
Only happens if your hard drive hasn't been written over.

When you delete something from your hard drive, the computer only marks it for deletion and makes the space it used as available free space. Doesn't mean that the file/s have been deleted. Once you write over it with new information the computer deletes the old one and stores the new information. After that, it is unrecoverable. You can also use a file shredder to delete files immediately.

For future reference Originally Posted by shanm
that is pretty much what I said
LexusLover's Avatar
you can remove the titles or directory's to the emails BUT the body may still be there
It happened to me before but my old boss "scanned" the hard drive and picked up enough information to find a business plan I was going to use, enough to get me fired Originally Posted by cptjohnstone
Even if it is formatted the data can be recovered. Partial files will be scattered and not connected, as they were previously, but they can be retrieved, and then reconstructed in one directory. I have two programs on my work computer that do just that, and I used one of them on a formatted memory stick.

Hillarious has the same problem the IRS has (had). Her emails exist on more than one drive, and she does not have the ability to delete the files on someone else's drive.
Geez people, the hard disks have been shredded and replaced with brand new hard drives just in case. I don't think it was wise to have a secret server, but if they can wipe and hide the IRS email servers and data, rest assured you will never see anything she doesn't want you to see.
NO way she faces jail time; much less an indictment.

At the rate she is going, she will be lucky to avoid jail - forget about being President.

It appears the chief thing she learned while working on the Nixon impeachment committee was how to make a second "shadow" set of records and how to properly delete those shadow records before they are subpoenaed. Originally Posted by ExNYer
What penalty would Congress bring against her? Holder was found in contempt of Congress to what effect? Lerner just invoked her 5th amendment right. She's walking around with her pension.

Would it be different if a FOIA request? Could a judge penalize her further?

Not to get off thread, but what's going on with Rick Perry's case? Seems that since he's no longer Governor, it's off the front page.
Geez people, the hard disks have been shredded and replaced with brand new hard drives just in case. I don't think it was wise to have a secret server, but if they can wipe and hide the IRS email servers and data, rest assured you will never see anything she doesn't want you to see. Originally Posted by nwarounder
Geez people, the hard disks have been shredded and replaced with brand new hard drives just in case. I don't think it was wise to have a secret server, but if they can wipe and hide the IRS email servers and data, rest assured you will never see anything she doesn't want you to see. Originally Posted by nwarounder
The entire " Kit and kabootle" is probably at the bottom of the Hudson River.
At the rate she is going, she will be lucky to avoid jail - forget about being President.

It appears the chief thing she learned while working on the Nixon impeachment committee was how to make a second "shadow" set of records and how to properly delete those shadow records before they are subpoenaed. Originally Posted by ExNYer
You're high. Hillary eats scandals like this for breakfast. Her husband got a blowjob in the oval office, lied about it under oath....and served out his term.

The problem for you is going to be the failure of the Republicans to present an alternative that isn't crazy/dumb.....and that isn't Shrub's brother.
  • shanm
  • 03-29-2015, 07:10 PM
that is pretty much what I said Originally Posted by cptjohnstone
I'm not refuting you. I'm just trying to help. That is what you should do when you want to completely erase the hard drive. The fuck is wrong with you people.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Witnesses to Clinton crimes don't appear to want to talk, if they are alive.
  • shanm
  • 03-29-2015, 11:16 PM
Witnesses to Clinton crimes don't appear to want to talk, if they are alive. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
This isn't house of cards, old man. Turn off the TV, grab your walker and go outside.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
You're high. Hillary eats scandals like this for breakfast. Her husband got a blowjob in the oval office, lied about it under oath....and served out his term.

The problem for you is going to be the failure of the Republicans to present an alternative that isn't crazy/dumb.....and that isn't Shrub's brother. Originally Posted by timpage

Red letter day! Timmietard admits Clinton broke the law.
At least Nixon had the ethical restraint NOT to destroy the tapes.
Erasing is about the same as deleting..We have come a long way from the old paper shredder.