How to do a review of your favorite provider without dangling her off the edge.

LovingKayla's Avatar

Reviews are meant to share intel, but they should never put a provider at risk from LE, from being outed to family, from being targetted by some perverted stalker, etc.

) Originally Posted by tigercat

EXACTLY. DING DING DING... Gutter, tell him what he's won!!! (15 points for the first person that can tell me which movie that comes from. WITHOUT LOOKING.)
skidude's Avatar
PCU. One of my faves.
LovingKayla's Avatar

OK I gotta go but yall take care.
you say a guy would only not know what to expect if he were a poor researcher, but if there were not honest and comprensive reviews no one would know what to expect.

you say you have been around long enough that people know not to come to you for fs yet on your showcase you list escort gfe right next to massage only.

you say you fsbm girls are vague because you have to be yet other girls are open as to what they provide. why is it neccesary for you to be given a place to hide when fs escorts are not. it seems like everybody that sees you gets a bbbj yet guys should not list that as something you offer. if you don't want to do that than don't but don't get all high and mighty because a guy says hey shes a bbw that will give you a hand job and a blow job but she won't fuck you. guess what with that fair and accurate description a guy can make a pretty good decision if he would like to see you or not. if he does good for him and hope he posts a review so other can benefit. if not than hopefully he has made that choice based on honest statements from others and he can spend his time and money with others who meet his needs.

its kinda funny but i am sure if someone called you a redneck , hillbillie or large you might take offense yet you feel it is fine for you to attack my credibility on the board based mostly on the fact i am from ny state [not city] and thats where my reviews are from is kinda rude and ignorant. i find the majority of southern women attractive and some of my best conversations on the board are with southern gentlemen. anyways we can agree to disagree on this subject and hope in the future we find more common ground then not.
I have trouble following your train of thought (I'm sure the fault lies with me) so please forgive me if the replys woven in are equally hard to read. Originally Posted by LovingKayla
Steeplechase - That favorite lady sure is LUCKY!! You could write that I was a 3 legged freak who ate rabbit turds and I wouldn't be mad at YOU sexy!!

LovingKayla - Amen sista! Guys, at least ask the provider if there are things that they DO NOT want in the reviews...gosh! If you give cross streets that could get SOME ppl in trouble...just sayin...

LK- great thread!

This may only be an issue down here in Texas, but a lady with a massage license has something to protect. Her license is a valuable asset. Therefore, some discretion is necessary. For that reason, many reviews in this area are vague, they are usually very much a YMMV situation. Miss Kayla is probably the least YMMV provider here and I think her reviews, hre ads, and her profile are very open about the level of service you can expect with her.

At the same time, if (and I am picking on Kayla here just cuz I know she can take it and she knows I am only doing this with love, I mean lust for her services) let's say she meets a guy, and she enjoys the time. Instead of her consistent BBBJ she always performs so well, she decides to provide FS and egads, even decides to let him partake in greek. The FS and especially the greek is not something she wants in a review. She ain't going to offer that to just any DICK who walks in the door. She ain't going to offer it to even a few that walk through her door. Just because this hobbyist has a pencil dick and she wasn't scared of providing additional services to him, doesn't mean she wants every guy who walks through the door to point at that review and say give me the same offer.

Now, if some guy who hasn't bathed in a week comes in and she refuses to provide him a BBBJ, then maybe he has a right to gripe and post a review about failure to provide as advertised. But of course, I am going to tell you, she would have offered him the shower, and she is probably going to be posting another "WASH YOUR ASS" thread in COED in the next day or two as well.

As far as your northern exposures, I suspect she did a quick check on you to see what gals you were visiting and to make some mental notes on where you stood on her DNS list. When no local gals showed up, she questioned your intent in posting here. We are kind of protective of our ASSets down here in Texas. We cherish the time we get to kiss them and while we will let others play with them, we don't want any harm coming to our lovely ladies. Or as ST. Paddy's Day appoaches, our lovely lASSes.
LovingKayla's Avatar

its kinda funny but i am sure if someone called you a redneck , hillbillie or large you might take offense yet you feel it is fine for you to attack my credibility on the board based mostly on the fact i am from ny state Originally Posted by petiteassman

Ok first.... I'm choosing not to reply to the rest of your post because I truly don't want to embarrass you.

Second I will have you know sir that I am absolutely positively a, fat, redneck, hillbilly, farm girl, conservative hippie, Christian hooker that has better command of the English language than an upstate NY hobbyist with 2600 posts.

That last statement is the first and only time I have vaguely insulted you. If you have a self loathing thing going on I'm sure there's a fetish for that.

As for the rest of your post, I do not have the time nor inclination to be baited into the discussion that would ensue. Say what you like sugar, Dallas is all ears.
pmdelites's Avatar
this all goes to my point that if we dont know about something, we should ask, read, learn if we want to do a better job at that something. [or just learn and not apply what we learned :^]

i suggest we dont get all hung up on who reviews are for [really, arent they intended to help some guy go visit some woman who will wind up w/ more benjamins in her purse??] or other minor points. just go w/ the major points/intent and if not sure, ASK the original poster.

we all can learn something and generally be better at it than we currently are.
the lady in my avatar but it is of course the lovely san antonio native and texas legend sonya playmate. i am envious , jealous as it may be of the beauties texas has to offer so i do check out the texas section extensively. if you seen my comments on sonya as well as other texas and southern gals you would never accuse me of biased against them.. for them perhaps. the idea of the massage license is well noted and i plead ignorance of the matter. that being said if one is so worried about mention of certain activities why would one openly advertize said services ie escort gfe and or maintain a showcase which then ensures the posting of reviews. i in no way advocate real life or personal information being released but the argument that a gy should not mention activities like such negates the very reason for this board. the board and others like them serve as a sounding board for exchanges of information to make life better and smoother for those on either side of the equation. to say that guys censor their ideas [if presented honestly and logically which is a big if] to shelter a provider is ludicrous.

anyways i can only imagne that you take the high road in defending the honor of the GOOD texas women i would be shocked if you are not also grateful on the occasions that your hobbying brethren saves you from texas gals who are under performing, bait and switching , cash and dashing , pimped out ladies. on those occasions one might step back and see the value of completeness and straightforward reviews and information exchanges even if on occasion the provider feels a little less than comfortable with the info being made public.

if you are indeed protective of your gals you would welcome the exchange of information amongst hobbiests, again if honest, to ensure that business flows to the honest and deserving providers and not the scam artists. next time someone recalls a 15 minute hj with aa pimp in the lobby and the next customer in the parking lot be thankful so many lovely women are reviewed in an honest and open forum as this by guys who do not wish to see others have the same ills befall them.

This may only be an issue down here in Texas, but a lady with a massage license has something to protect. Her license is a valuable asset. Therefore, some discretion is necessary. For that reason, many reviews in this area are vague, they are usually very much a YMMV situation. Miss Kayla is probably the least YMMV provider here and I think her reviews, hre ads, and her profile are very open about the level of service you can expect with her.

At the same time, if (and I am picking on Kayla here just cuz I know she can take it and she knows I am only doing this with love, I mean lust for her services) let's say she meets a guy, and she enjoys the time. Instead of her consistent BBBJ she always performs so well, she decides to provide FS and egads, even decides to let him partake in greek. The FS and especially the greek is not something she wants in a review. She ain't going to offer that to just any DICK who walks in the door. She ain't going to offer it to even a few that walk through her door. Just because this hobbyist has a pencil dick and she wasn't scared of providing additional services to him, doesn't mean she wants every guy who walks through the door to point at that review and say give me the same offer.

Now, if some guy who hasn't bathed in a week comes in and she refuses to provide him a BBBJ, then maybe he has a right to gripe and post a review about failure to provide as advertised. But of course, I am going to tell you, she would have offered him the shower, and she is probably going to be posting another "WASH YOUR ASS" thread in COED in the next day or two as well.

As far as your northern exposures, I suspect she did a quick check on you to see what gals you were visiting and to make some mental notes on where you stood on her DNS list. When no local gals showed up, she questioned your intent in posting here. We are kind of protective of our ASSets down here in Texas. We cherish the time we get to kiss them and while we will let others play with them, we don't want any harm coming to our lovely ladies. Or as ST. Paddy's Day appoaches, our lovely lASSes. Originally Posted by tigercat
I am opposed to the concept of a provider telling us how to write a review.
no shit. There was a day when providers couldn't even post on the bosards. Now you want to tell us how to write reviews?

Shut your pie hole, LK! (She knows I'm ribbin her. )

Reviews are for the guys. If you happen to benefit as a provider, so be it. If it hurts your business, then so be it. Guys: Write the review for your fellow hobbyists. Include the info that you would want if trying to make a decision to see that person.

The key word is discretion. Do not put info such as unpublished phone numbers, unauthorized photos that include friends, family, what you think might be a pimp, etc... You can write some negatives without being mean about it, but you do not have to go searching for something negative. If it was a wonderful visit, then that is all than need be said. You do not have to dissect her and compare her to some flawless supermodel.

Staff, can we go back to not allowing women to post anything but an ad?
steeplechase's Avatar
Steeplechase - That favorite lady sure is LUCKY!! You could write that I was a 3 legged freak who ate rabbit turds and I wouldn't be mad at YOU sexy!!
Originally Posted by ItalianaPrincess
Good grief, ItalianaPrincess! This thread is all about discretion and now you've gone and blabbed the intimate details of our time together that we agreed to never speak publicly about!
Blubba's Avatar
Reviews are borderline useless. I cannot tell you how many times I saw a lady after she was raved about, and discovered some "details" that seemed to have been forgotten about. I don't trust them at all. Basically the only thing that is remotely reliable from my experience, is the list of activities (and even that is sketchy sometimes if the pimp posted the review). Then what is left is you have to go by the pictures. If the lady looks like her pictures, the appt goes ahead. If not, walk away from the lying bitch immediately. It is nauseating seeing all those idiots in the review section patting each other on the back, and trying to outdo each other on their pack of lies. Yeah, you're studs. Yes, they fucked the girl but you can be quite sure the porno of the experience would not sell, at least not to normal consumers.
Blubba's Avatar
And I would add that I would think most ladies like reviews, since they are always "optimistic" shall we say, except for the few rare negative ones.
Perhaps we need to have a submitted review not be visible until it has been reviewed by a mod. Specific location, real life names, etc are already prohibited items.