Incall vs outcall vs private residence vs ??

I get more paranoid if they recognize me for not being a guest. Originally Posted by Baconman
Yes Baconman, me too. I usually try to bring in a McDonalds sack with me, or something like that, to make it seem like I just went out for a snack.
I like the old motel set up where each room has its own door Originally Posted by wyldthang1001
Yep, that is the ideal set up, but those are getting fewer every year.
my concern with private residences involve the neighbors. neighbors can photo/video a car's license plate and broadcast it on social media.
and in one case, i was looking for the lady's apartment when a strange man asked me "are you looking for <her name>? she's up the stairs and to the right."
private residences can mean neighbors who know too much. Originally Posted by Chmee
What happened to me at a private incall about 10 years ago was that I didn’t know the lady was married. I had seen her a few times at hotels and one day she invited me to come see her at her house. We had a great visit and laid in the bed too long talking afterwards. She received a text and said OMG her husband was on the way home and I had to leave. I got dressed and left quickly but there was a long drive from her place to the main road. As I pulled out on the main road I saw another car coming from the other direction. It was obvious I came from her house so they pulled up close behind me and followed me until I got on the freeway. She texted me that it was her husband who followed and he wasn’t alone. It turned out their neighbor he was with was a co-worker of mine and he recognized my distinctive truck which also had personalized plates. My co-worker never said anything to me but must have given him my office number. The next day I got a call to my office from him telling me she was married and to stay away from his wife. I will say he was cordial about it and I never saw her again as he knew where I worked and couldn’t afford any drama there so it could have been worse. But it made me a lot more cautious of who I see and where.
What happened to me at a private incall about 10 years ago was that I didn’t know the lady was married. I had seen her a few times at hotels and one day she invited me to come see her at her house. We had a great visit and laid in the bed too long talking afterwards. She received a text and said OMG her husband was on the way home and I had to leave. I got dressed and left quickly but there was a long drive from her place to the main road. As I pulled out on the main road I saw another car coming from the other direction. It was obvious I came from her house so they pulled up close behind me and followed me until I got on the freeway. She texted me that it was her husband who followed and he wasn’t alone. It turned out their neighbor he was with was a co-worker of mine and he recognized my distinctive truck which also had personalized plates. My co-worker never said anything to me but must have given him my office number. The next day I got a call to my office from him telling me she was married and to stay away from his wife. I will say he was cordial about it and I never saw her again as he knew where I worked and couldn’t afford any drama there so it could have been worse. But it made me a lot more cautious of who I see and where. Originally Posted by sas72032
Wow !! Quite a story SAS !! I would have had to change underwear when I got home !!!!
NaughtyNatasha's Avatar
When I'm home, I host at my private residence. I also have a lot of add on options, hot tub, slingshot ride, and massage room set up. When I tour, I tend to get 3-4* hotels, in easily accessible areas, and give SUPER detailed instructions on finding my room. Also, elevators that requires a key card is a HARD NO for me.
When I'm home, I host at my private residence. I also have a lot of add on options, hot tub, slingshot ride, and massage room set up. When I tour, I tend to get 3-4* hotels, in easily accessible areas, and give SUPER detailed instructions on finding my room. Also, elevators that requires a key card is a HARD NO for me. Originally Posted by NaughtyNatasha
Thank you Natasha. I always appreciate the ladies perspective.
I have very distinctive car too. Thats a good note.
I prefer my own hotel room. If I’ve met a girl and she knows my identity and I trust her, I’ll have her come by my office after hours and we’ll have a quick visit in my conference room. Either fuck her doggy style bent over my conference table or a BBBJ while she’s on her knees in front me sitting in a chair. 9/10 fucking LOVE that too. They mention it’s a fantasy.
JustMeCLTXGG's Avatar
cool thread. seems familiar. maybe ran into a similar one previously. hands down outcall to private residence. luckily read enough reviews and they turned out pretty reliable. I always throw in to not dress like a dancer or something. hahaha not that I am worried about my neighbors. hopefully they are paying attention.

the worst about the incall is I never cared for them to begin with but then you read the horror stories here. like checking the bathroom and showers first. making sure to have spare clothes in your vehicle, carry a fake wallet, etc. and the one I have experienced is the girl looking nothing like her picture, basically being a different girl altogether. can imagine the possibilities as to why. oh, and I forgot, I remember one story of how a girl's husband traveled with her and was always in the room next door. that's just not me. I wouldn't be comfortable with that. of course I do not know if that was true but just reading such a thing I wouldn't risk finding out. that said there is stories of bad outcalls here somewhere I've read too.
ccriderridesagain's Avatar
I had my regulars leave a key card outside the motel so I could
enter through a rear door and not have to do the walk through
the lobby.
I would love to see a list of private residence hosts vs hotel hosts (I can only do private residence). I’ve seen quite a few ladies get Air BnBs to host as well.
tuckahoe's Avatar
I had my regulars leave a key card outside the motel so I could
enter through a rear door and not have to do the walk through
the lobby. Originally Posted by ccriderridesagain
I heard of one lady that sometimes left the key card in her car. When the man arrived, she would use her remote to unlock the car so he could get the key and come in the back door. But she would have to be able to park real close to the room.
Ive had one leave a key under her cars wiperblade.
tuckahoe's Avatar
I like residences the best, though neighbors can get suspicious if there is much traffic. I like the old motels with outside entrances too. Never had a problem with anyone trying to get into the room, but I typically only date girls that are well known. A 'boyfriend' can also be hiding in a private house. Have had that happen, though nothing came of it.

I was going to a hotel incall in WLR that has two wings. From upstairs, you can't get from one wing to the other. I asked which wing she was in and she stated the one with xyz to that side. I went in carrying a sack like I had gone out for some snacks. I went in the front door, and a manager stepped in front of me and told me to be sure to carry my key card because the front door would be locked at x o'clock. I went on to the wing I had been told the room was on, and upstairs. As I walked down the hall, I realized the room # was not going to be on that wing. I felt like a deer in the headlights standing in the hall with no way to get to the other wing without going downstairs and going past the desk. Wasn't about to do that. I texted the lady, and it took her a bit to get back with me. I went out the back door and she met me at the other back door. I was just about to leave because it took too long to hear from her.

One trick is to be talking on your phone as you enter and walk past the desk. Makes it less likely someone will question you.

One hotel I used to use had, unknown to me, hired security. The girl attempted to come through the front door and come upstairs, but the desk stopped her and told her I would have to come down and pay for another occupant. With guards around, we couldn't use the back door. That date didn't happen. That was off Scott Hamilton quite a few years ago, but I have never been back there.

I would like an outdoor date in the woods, but I would have to be in a private setting where no one would walk up on us. All the places I know of would be a long drive and a hike to get to.

Car dates are just too dangerous unless you have your own property to park on.
ccriderridesagain's Avatar
I heard of one lady that sometimes left the key card in her car. When the man arrived, she would use her remote to unlock the car so he could get the key and come in the back door. But she would have to be able to park real close to the room. Originally Posted by tuckahoe
On top of her left rear tire or inside the gas cap cover, unlocked
of course.