Would you, or would you not?

ThatManFromTexas's Avatar
So I guess the Dr would want to hear about all the juicy details as well. Living vicariously via his patients........... Originally Posted by SOULMANIKE
Maybe the provider was actually another patient he told the same line too... and he was getting paid by both sides...
I know of a lot of hobbyist who probably ought to be seeing a Psychiatrist. Originally Posted by SofaKingFun
True... they get really upset with me when I give them the slip at Rusk.
Maybe the provider was actually another patient he told the same line too... and he was getting paid by both sides... Originally Posted by ThatManFromTexas
LOL! I'd like to see this doctor and hear what he'd suggest for me as well.
Have you ever heard of a psychiatrist recommending a escort to a patient?.........
This is my story i recently had a client whom said he was seeing a psychiatrist after coming back from Iraq as u can understand its difficult to start living a normal life after war. After a period of time the doc handed him a card for a escort and told him to go see her not for sex but for the companionship needed. He did take the doc up on the offer and saw her multiple times and said it helped him tremendously.
My question to the guys is, if your Dr gave u a recommendation to see a escort would u.
To the girls would u want to make a deal with a Dr for this kind of service.
To the Dr's would u give a this kind of recommendation?
Inquiring minds want to know Originally Posted by justawoman123
To be perfectly honest, his story sounds like bullshit. I've seen Army and VA psychologist's on and off since I deployed to Iraq in '05 for PTSD related issues and I can't imagine one of them recommending this in a million years. They encouraged me to seek out friendships and talk and talk and talk and to avoid seeking out meaningless sex/one-night-stands as it would muddle up "the process". They were all very clear that I avoid three things, drugs, alcohol and casual sex, as many soldiers they were helping became addicted to those things as a coping mechanism.

I'm not saying he didn't seek out intimacy from provider's to help him reintegrate and that it didn't help him. I just doubt that a doctor told him it was a good idea. My guess is that was his own way of justifying the hobby in his head.
Random's Avatar
I just doubt that a doctor told him it was a good idea. Originally Posted by enderwiggin
I understand your doubt. In all cases it depends on the doctor, the problem you're seeing them for, and how well you click with them. They're individuals. In my day to get a military doctor to prescribe more than motrin for anything was uncommon, and so for one to recommend casual sex would have to have been mentioned on the sly.

If you live more than 50 miles from a base you get civilian medical care... at least that used to be the rule, and was my situation. Civilians are so much more relaxed, and they seldom prescribe placebos for what ails you.
There have been psys who prescribed sex therapists for sexual disfunctions. Dunno if the therapists are therapists or... prostitutes.
Mojojo's Avatar
To be perfectly honest, his story sounds like bullshit. I've seen Army and VA psychologist's on and off since I deployed to Iraq in '05 for PTSD related issues and I can't imagine one of them recommending this in a million years. They encouraged me to seek out friendships and talk and talk and talk and to avoid seeking out meaningless sex/one-night-stands as it would muddle up "the process". They were all very clear that I avoid three things, drugs, alcohol and casual sex, as many soldiers they were helping became addicted to those things as a coping mechanism.

I'm not saying he didn't seek out intimacy from provider's to help him reintegrate and that it didn't help him. I just doubt that a doctor told him it was a good idea. My guess is that was his own way of justifying the hobby in his head. Originally Posted by enderwiggin
Im feeling the same way about this one. I've seen VA psychologists since my deployment back in 05 those guys barely even want to recommend medication for the ones who need it. Usually you walk in tell them you've been through some shit and they write you up as good to go.
Htowner's Avatar
I know a shit load of people who need to get laid and become easier to put up with.
internet_inventor2's Avatar
Im feeling the same way about this one. I've seen VA psychologists since my deployment back in 05 those guys barely even want to recommend medication for the ones who need it. Usually you walk in tell them you've been through some shit and they write you up as good to go. Originally Posted by mojojo213
I agree with you guys, I dont see how seeing a provider has anything to do with PTSD. In fact, I think that would be counter productive. Maybe the guy was trying to get a discount or some sympathy tang ...
Guest051010-3's Avatar
i highly doubt this guy was lying i cant explain it but he seemed to be very trustworthy in fact i respected him very much, remember he did not see this girl for sex he simply layed in bed with her and had conversations his doc specifically said no sex.....im sure it was something about being naked together and feeling more secure to open up and still not feel repulsed by others i have spoken to many clients who had PTSD and many would state that they didnt feel wanted like no one gave a shit about them which of course is not true they just need a way to realize it ..........in his case im very happy it helped him and for any of those on here whom i sure many have been helped
baytownswm's Avatar
it should also then be tax deductable as a medical expense or reimbursed (in this case the VA)... I think I have PTSD.

Would it then be legal if it was presribed like medical MJ?
TexasGator's Avatar
I know a shit load of people who need to get laid and become easier to put up with. Originally Posted by Htowner

Just sayin'

Does this mean he can use he medical flex spending account?
Htowner's Avatar
Point well taken Texas Gator and I sadly agree.
I am scheduled for Wed. for my therapy session.