some Hobbyists going to RUIN this site...

Guest042416's Avatar
would agree with you and that's how it should be. But some gentleman get attached and emotions play in and we have seen them crash and burn.. Im also sure some providers have gone down that road too.

F and L and move on.
Guest042416's Avatar
In between F and L, have fun enjoy the time together, just remember what it is a business transaction.
Plastic Man's Avatar
This will piss a few people off. I've been surprised and saddened by the nature of people's comments. Some men engage in the hobby because they, simultaneously, hate, desire, and fear women; sex-for-hire is a nonthreatening encounter. An anonymous forum that is comprised, in part, of like-minded souls brings out the worst. I'm very sorry Amelia has to put up with this but have to add that it's, probably, inevitable; it's one of the reasons providers get so hardened; you have to build emotional armor just to survive. That sucks! At their worst our sexual encounters are perfunctory couplings between two people who have no interest in each other; all that can be said about those is that each party probably gets what they want; i.e. money and ejaculation. At their best, the encounters are enjoyable, adventuresome and intimate with two participants who like and respect each other. Would that there were more of the latter and fewer of the former. Originally Posted by emerckx
deep... and beautiful in a deeply judgmental way.
what with the term "cum dumpster" thrown about in pop culture to describe women youd maybe think hook boards would be kinder gentler places
offshoredrilling's Avatar
crash ???? burn????
anonymous1862's Avatar
AA, if you personally know of someone who is leaving/left the board/business just because some reviewers were nasty (because they had some bad experience) you need tell them to add a layer of skin.

You are not doing this for free and you are in service industry. Like it or not customer is the king.

so what are you going to do? risk posting on backpages? bring absolutely un-verified people into your house? at least with ECCIE you get some safety.

If I go and whine to my boss how nasty some customer treated me at my job , my boss will walk over the customer give him a free coupon and ask him to visit next time and probably fire me.

What I am trying to tell you, is, the bitching won't help. You read reviews, don't let things hurt you personally, fix what is broken according to reviewers.

would you let customer in into your house again, who was short of, lets say $35 of the agreed donation?

Tip: Next time this happens join the review and say, "I will fix that thing you are complaining about and do come back sweety.. can't wait to see your big d**k".... and poof the business is doubled.

Also I wouldn't worry too much about haters. What surprises me is you might have 1 bad review and 9 good reivews, but you will concentrate, bitch, moan about that one bad review. What happens to the other 9 customers? are they not worthy anymore because they worshiped you?

man.. I never knew my business education will be so handy in this part of the world. free business advises.. any takers ??
sunfish's Avatar
Happy v day to all
Amelia where is the review you are referring to about pussy sTubble ? I think we should dissect it a little bit and see what went wrong so we hobbyist can see the error of our ways. Also on a side note when a providers starts paying the hobbyist they can do reviews as well.
All the hobbyists who maliciously say hurtful and nasty things are chasing away new and hot providers.

Why do u feel u have a right to comment on things in a hurtful manor about a woman especially when u havent even seen them yet?

Providers have lives just like u do!! I have read some horrible things that hobbyists say about providers that make me sick. Who are u to make these judgements and say such hurtful things?

If u dont connect with a provider, SO WHAT?? Not everyone's chemistry is going to match up and be perfect. Shouldn't that be between u and ur provider?

Providers have bad days like u do. I read some hobbyist say a provider had a 5'o clock shadow.......she is sicilam italian...did u expect her to not be tan with dark hair?

If u come for good sex and recieve good sex why add in these comments that are unnecessary?

Your going to ruin it for everyone! The pretty girls will leave eventually if u continue this slander because they can get appointments elsewhere and u will have ruined it for everyone.

This site is to connect people who want to connect with another person in an intimate sexual manor.....its supposed to be enjoyable. Your taking the fun out of it.

I SAID IT.......lets hear what others have to say Originally Posted by Amelia Angel
Amen girl very well said.... I agree no need to belittle anyone.... smh ignorance is bliss girl...
I have never posted anything about a hobbyist no matter how bd the experience. NEVER. I have not gone on and talked shit in the provider only room and I have had some really messed up guys act very inappropriate.
I dont feel it is my place to comment on those things.

Now if a guy was violent or I felt unsafe then I would but the bullshit the hobbyist bitch about in the backdoor room and in our reviews is crap.

There is a nice way of saying thngs and a nasty way and too many times the hobbyists take the nasty root.

I am all for people reporting very BAD things like unclean, unsafe conditions, being ripped off or anything like that but these guys are bitching about SUBBLE on a girls pussy!! Originally Posted by Amelia Angel
hey ms r more than welcome todo all of this is the ladies infoshare area..thats really what its for,,youll get great advice on how to handle this type of situations from the ladies that have been there and done that..

men that bash on these types of site will always be there..use that to pre screen..and let it help you determine whether or not you will see them..

dont sweat the small stuff lady and keep your chin up..aj..
gaijin1969's Avatar
hey ms r more than welcome todo all of this is the ladies infoshare area..thats really what its for,,youll get great advice on how to handle this type of situations from the ladies that have been there and done that..

men that bash on these types of site will always be there..use that to pre screen..and let it help you determine whether or not you will see them..

dont sweat the small stuff lady and keep your chin up..aj.. Originally Posted by aj14620
Can I cut and paste this into someone else's very similar threAD? Good advice for there as well.
Can I cut and paste this into someone else's very similar threAD? Good advice for there as well. Originally Posted by gaijin1969
why sure handsome
HlavinKitheri's Avatar
The participants whose input I could live without are the ones denouncing the hobby in every post, belittling hobbyists and providers. We have to wonder what motivates someone who feels that way to visit such a site other than for trolling purposes. I consider their posts off-topic, and think after a sufficient number of warnings they should be blocked.
Wakeup's Avatar
That's why there's an Ignore up on it...
offshoredrilling's Avatar
That's why there's an Ignore up on it... Originally Posted by Wakeuр
link in my signature line
tigerjedi69's Avatar
I've done a fair share of reviews. Three of them had a "No" recommendation and I explained why in the ROS. My first two generated some conversation (and controversy). When people post, I read the entire review and use it in making a decision on whether or not to see a provider. Also, if a provider has multiple reviews, I reference all of them, just in case there has been an off day, or if the writer has specific issues(s). Then there is checking out the writer’s previous reviews to see where he’s coming from. This helps me make decisions about who I would see. I have also TOFTT on a few occasions, it can be hit or miss, but when it’s a hit, the lady gets additional traffic (and reviews.) The vast majority of my reviews have had a “Yes” recommendation and I always ask a provider if she wishes to be reviewed. The smart providers know a positive review is good for business. When checking out reviews and there is something like twenty positive and one negative, tells me it might not be an issue with the provider but with the reviewer.