Most Americans want War with ISIS.

Budman's Avatar
Wars are always fought by the young. I don't think bringing the draft back is necessarily a bad idea. Regardless of how our military is manned there will be criticism. My personal belief is that if this crisis is not taken care of now it will be much worse later. We can argue all day about whose responsibility it is to deal with it but if they are not going to then someone must. The US needs to act like a super power. We are better than any other country in the world and had better start acting like it or soon we will be the JV team.
RedLeg505's Avatar
A recent poll by CNN stated that 3 out of 4 Americans disapprove of Obama's handling of ISIS. I would like to get the conservatives on this site explain what they think Obama should do- because I think most of you will flip flop on this subject.

I for one think that the Islamic nations in the middle east should put a coalition and fight ISIS- after all isn't this a muslim issue? This would be a great opportunity for muslims to gain some credibility and wipe out these scum bags. I am 100 percent against sending our troops to fight ISIS. Originally Posted by wellendowed1911
>>"I for one think that the Islamic nations in the middle east should put a coalition and fight ISIS"

Agreed.. so what has Obama been doing to make that happen? Or will he only get to it after he finishes his fundraising and golf outing in California.. or after that.. or after the next thing?
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
I've said this before. If we would quit meddling in their affairs, and quit bombing them, they will happily go back to killing each other, as they have done for hundreds of years.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Cowardly Old Goat speaking. You dare to attack US War Veterans and then have the audacity to argue foreign policy in direct conflict with the will of the people?

You're not a Librarian. You're a gutless cocksucker.

oh yeah, and I went to the Army because they got the best (forbidden subject).

Such an asshole. Such an asshole.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Your first mistake is thinking that we are all republicans. We're not. I have stated my position previously on more than one occassion.

This is World War III but you will not recognize that yet. This is the east versus the west, this is barbarism versus civilization, this is a death cult versus a Judeo-Christian culture.

I support doing whatever is necessary to defeat ISIS but that (here is the biggie) presupposes that Obama uses brains and experience that he does not have to formulate a winning strategy. I have trouble supporting him until he understands what we are at war with. Talk about a meat grinder. This is what Obama has turned Afghanistan into with his dithering and deflecting. Iraq was a victory until Obama turned tail and ran. Obama needs to get his head of out his ass and says these words daily "Islamic terrorism". He also needs to get rid of those 150 political generals and admirals like Kirby and put in some fightin officers. He needs to kick Susan Rice to the curb for even thinking that she can direct military operations from the UN.

I support a war to bring down ISIS, Al Queada, and any other Muslim terrorist group but it is hard to support an idiot who doesn't understand how it is done, and worst, doesn't care to learn.
LexusLover's Avatar
Do you actually believe the militaries in the ME nation can't stopped ISIS? They are far better equipped than ISIS. Originally Posted by wellendowed1911
The U.S. is also "far better equipped than ISIS."

Think Nazis Germany in the 39-40 era with the internet and 24/7 television.

gfejunkie's Avatar
The US will need to lead this coalition Originally Posted by Budman
In order for the US to lead anything the US needs to have a leader.

Right now the US doesn't have one.
The ones that want war are the ones who won't have to go.
my bad here's the link : Originally Posted by wellendowed1911
This poll implies more than it says what specific action should be taken.

There are multiple problems the biggest among them is that Obama was never up to the task. He fails to identify this as a Muslim problem. He fails to help bring stability in the area (re: Libya, Syria and Yemen). He fails to form a meaningful coalition. Now voting for any military action in Congress will kneecap any Democrat, which is what he wants. He's "out nuanced" himself.

Get use to executions every couple of days. Don't worry as they are "over there" for now. And according to Iv'a biggen with each beheading ISIS is closer to defeat.

Cowardly Old Goat speaking. You dare to attack US War Veterans..... Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Where does COG write that? Or are you in dipshit mode again? Nevermind.
...I am amazed that most Americans want war with ISIS............ Originally Posted by wellendowed1911
Do you make this shit up, or do you have some poll that backs your shit up?

I doubt MOST Americans WANT WAR. But if you have the poll numbers, please post. The CNN poll says nothing about Americans Wanting War.
dirty dog's Avatar
The ones that want war are the ones who won't have to go. Originally Posted by i'va biggen

Not completely true, I have spoken with many service men and women who are currently serving who have almost to a man said that we need to do something, and that they expect and are ready to go do the job. Many of them are vets of Iraq and told me that the avg American could never believe the mentality of these extremists and that reasoning, politics, treaties will not work with them and they to a man told have told me that the only thing they understand is physical superiority or in laymens terms havng their ass kicked and someone putting a put on their neck. They have to be destroyed as they see this as a holy crusade and it only stops when they have defeated all those who are not followers or their god.
Budman's Avatar
In order for the US to lead anything the US needs to have a leader.

Right now the US doesn't have one. Originally Posted by gfejunkie

The ones that want war are the ones who won't have to go. Originally Posted by i'va biggen
That is deep. Did you come up with that all on your own? So where do you fall in this crisis? Do we wait until they knock on your front door or deal with this now? Sooner or later we will have to deal with this. These fuckers are not going to all of a sudden realize that they have been wrong all along. Do you think that once they have taken control of a certain amount of the ME that they will decide that is far enough and stop?
dirty dog's Avatar
I've said this before. If we would quit meddling in their affairs, and quit bombing them, they will happily go back to killing each other, as they have done for hundreds of years. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
COG I agree with you when it comes to most of the middle east. But when it comes to ISIS they want an American confrontation because it gets them in the news and aids in their recruitment.
So you would ignore their threats to bring their war to Washington and the rest of America?

BTW, I would 100% support letting the ME fuckers kill each other off and we stay out of it. But only if we had a president who enforced our borders; deported all persons who were here illegally, and other border security measures.

Open border policies, with well funded Islamists running around is bad (dangerous) policy.

That is deep. Did you come up with that all on your own? So where do you fall in this crisis? Do we wait until they knock on your front door or deal with this now? Sooner or later we will have to deal with this. These fuckers are not going to all of a sudden realize that they have been wrong all along. Do you think that once they have taken control of a certain amount of the ME that they will decide that is far enough and stop? Originally Posted by Budman
Get your ass down there and sign up, you can be first to fight!!!