Bush43 got into Yale with a "C" average in boarding school in Connecticut. Bush43 also go into Harvard MBA with a 77 average with a major in History from Yale. It was a different type of quota system. If you had a relative in congress you could still get in with a C average. Friendly Fred if you had applied to Harvard MBA the same time Bush43 did, he would have taken your spot even if you had better grades.
Originally Posted by adav8s28
you keep bringing up Bushy Jr's academic record. so as usual i'll remind yous of AlGoretard's "impressive" grades ..
1. Al Gore
Gore’s the brainiest politician around, right? Possibly, but you wouldn’t know it from looking at his Harvard transcript. Gore apparently spent quite a bit of time loafing during his sophomore year, and some of his grades weren't very good: a D, a C-minus, two C’s, two C-pluses, and a B-minus, marks that put him in the lowest fifth of his class. Strangely enough, the D came in a class that sounds like it would be right in Gore’s wheelhouse: Natural Sciences 6 (Man’s Place in Nature).
2. George W. Bush
Gore’s foe in the 2000 presidential election takes a lot of ribbing for his intellect, but his college grades at Yale were more mediocre than embarrassing. Through his first three years at Yale, Bush’s grades averaged out to 77 on a 100-point scale. He only received one D during his college career, in an astronomy course.