Pierce is back! But............

Guest010415's Avatar

Once again OK puts my exact thoughts into words. What a fuckin' asshole. Don't let the door hit you in the ass on the way out. Originally Posted by Msanders
Originally Posted by Frank Pierce
Guest010415's Avatar

So, how many different handles across how many forums?
And 'Eddielewis' also?

PK Originally Posted by Loki Pk
no others. just me and victor which is banned. this is the only site i have a log in because it's my favorite. it's my favorite because of all you colorful and fun people!!
Originally Posted by Frank Pierce
I like the unicorn super cute
Loki Pk's Avatar
Naughty reviews? USAGUIDE?

Why don't we believe you?

Naughty reviews? USAGUIDE?

Why don't we believe you?

PK Originally Posted by Loki Pk
Franks hot sauce who has apparently disappeared from the face of the earth
Guest010415's Avatar
I'm sorry for responding to any of this. I was simply trying to lighten the mood over my total BS and stupidity. I apologize for my insensitivity and should have known better to even read these comments.
I don't blame anyone for not believing me, I wouldn't either.

FP out and not logging on for some time.
FP out and not logging on this handle for some time. Originally Posted by Frank Pierce
Fixed for you.
Loki Pk's Avatar
See, the way I see it is ...your not fucking sorry! You are a sorry ass, but you are NOT sorry.

The bullshit emoticons you posted in response to Veronica, who you totally fucking 'wronged' just show a total lack of empathy or consideration.
Then to put forward the idea or suggestion that you had NO OTHER names on this or any other board is just insulting dude!
If you wanted to come clean and fess up, than just get ON WITH IT ! Spill the beans, as in the whole bucket, and just get it all out. THEN, MAYBE, we can all move forward in a positive direction. Until you do, you will be ostracized, criticized, and humiliated for ALL you past misdeeds.

Sorry bro, but 'you done fucked up'! Make it right, or make your way...away...far far away.
Guest010415's Avatar
Trust nobody knows more than I how much I've fucked up!
I did wrong Veronica, I did dupe her and everyone else on this site.
I put this original post up last week after my conscience got the best of me. After thinking long and hard how much of a fucking scumbag I was/am.
I put it up there to publicly apologize to her mainly. I should have not logged on today to read the comments rather, just left all alone and move along. But, I did, and I can't take it back. I added insult to injury, total dirt troll move. The emoticons were not meant to insult, offend, piss off or anything like that. Clearly not my intention.
Nobody wants this whole fucking thing to be over more than I. Unfortunately, my curiosity and mouth get the best of me every time.
Yes, I did fuck up, and continue to do so. I need to listen to my own advice more often, and practice what I preach - "zip it."
Bowing my head in shame, again.
iggy's Avatar
  • iggy
  • 03-20-2014, 03:57 PM
You told Loki just one other Handle!

You Started as staff edit by BB: outing removed, there is no end to your lies .

You and that other blonde Arianna cant be believed in anything you say.

No one wants either one of your Lying asses here !! GO AWAY, take her lying ass with you !!

You told Loki just one other Handle You Started as staff edit by BB: outing removed there is no end to your lies .

You and that other blonde cant be believed in anything you say.

No one wants either one of your Lying asses here !! GO AWAY, take her lying ass with you !!

Originally Posted by iggy
Hey you don't generalize us blondes. Well me and the other beautiful real blonde AB. Lol
iggy's Avatar
  • iggy
  • 03-20-2014, 04:37 PM
I didn't think anyone would confuse who the LYING Blonde is.

Certainly not you and certainly not Autumn. the two off you are the only blondes in the Albany area that can be trusted.
Tiger's Avatar
  • Tiger
  • 03-20-2014, 05:03 PM
Iggy- I see a bunch of other blondes in Albany/Hud.Valley...

I guess I missed which one is the lying one
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