Please Do Not Take Me Too Seriously!

Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
Don't be mad at me. I do not discriminate, nor am I prejudiced against anyone. It hurts my heart that people still see color these days. I hope that one day soon, there will be so much love in this world that all of the hate dies away.
That starts with every person individually though. And I can't make everyone see how much happier they will be if they let go of the hate and embrace love. It made me a lot happier, and I don't rely on anyone else to make me feel good about myself anymore.
If this world was full of people wanting it to be better, it would be. Originally Posted by PetiteJill
I don't care about skin color, but a hopelessly fucked up culture that blames others for their failure and hates me because I'm white sucks.
BTW, the only white people who aren't secretly prejudiced would have no qualms about sending their kids to the DISD. When they get beat up and their lunch money stolen because they are white, and the teachers and administrators don't have a problem with it, don't come crying to me.
You are totally off base quoting anything I said and replying with that. What black person has asked you personally for reparations? I'm sure none. I have seen racism and prejudicial people from all races. Until everyone can stop seeing color, and stop living in the past, we are going to be stuck in the same hateful world we are in now.
You are living in the past by bringing it up ALL THE TIME. And you are part of the problem. Why don't you become part of the solution and think about the future we can create for those we will leave here?
I can't open your eyes for you. Sorry.
pyramider's Avatar
Taint knows no colors ... Taint does not discriminate ... ijs.
PJ, I am impressed with you mature and eloquent responses!

JL, please chill out with the racism. Why do you continue to try and start drama with race?

If you didn't know, I will let you know why you continue to do this. You are insecure, and you may have recently realized that money does not bring happiness. You also feel alone and need attention.

I am only enlightening you on this subject so that you can get some Counselling and to hopefully persuade you to stop.

Blacks have issues, Jews have issues, every race does. You appear to be successful and intelligent, why not improve society and help educate those who likely have never been educated on financed and money. Do some community service.

Sorry about my rant, this thread was going great until it got hijacked.

VIP Mya Michelle's Avatar
And now it's time for a quick commercial break............

Eccie has become a little high school and it's time people graduated. I think you can be whoever you want to be and no one should judge you for it. If they want to see you, they want to see you. Period. If you don't want to see them, don't. If you wanna be uppity, do it. If you wanna be racist, do that too. But, shit, how about some human decency. I know plenty of White guys where I am from that do NOTHING for their kids. To say it is a "black" thing shows how sheltered you really are.

Just my 2 cents. Originally Posted by PetiteJill
Don't be mad at me. I do not discriminate, nor am I prejudiced against anyone. It hurts my heart that people still see color these days. I hope that one day soon, there will be so much love in this world that all of the hate dies away.
That starts with every person individually though. And I can't make everyone see how much happier they will be if they let go of the hate and embrace love. It made me a lot happier, and I don't rely on anyone else to make me feel good about myself anymore.
If this world was full of people wanting it to be better, it would be. Originally Posted by PetiteJill
You are totally off base quoting anything I said and replying with that. What black person has asked you personally for reparations? I'm sure none. I have seen racism and prejudicial people from all races. Until everyone can stop seeing color, and stop living in the past, we are going to be stuck in the same hateful world we are in now.
You are living in the past by bringing it up ALL THE TIME. And you are part of the problem. Why don't you become part of the solution and think about the future we can create for those we will leave here?
I can't open your eyes for you. Sorry. Originally Posted by PetiteJill
Wow Petite Jill I don't know where you came from... but man o man This girl needs an Award ASAP!!! You just touched my heart. Your words are WISE beyond years, and can be indeed be utilized by ALL races!!! Bravo my girl, you are a REAL WOMAN!!!

I am Absolutely Amazed by every single word you composed in every single sentence!!!
@JL you need to admit this WOMAN blew your ass away!!!
Oh no!!!!
~Ze~'s Avatar
  • ~Ze~
  • 07-29-2013, 01:02 PM
I voted this shit 5 stars cause it is amazing entertainment.
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
I have seen racism and prejudicial people from all races. Until everyone can stop seeing color, and stop living in the past, we are going to be stuck in the same hateful world we are in now.. Originally Posted by PetiteJill
Amen - so have I!!! As long as black people consider they have the right to continue to nurse historical grievances for all the free shit they can get, I refuse to sign a blanket, unconditional surrender.
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
Wow Petite Jill I don't know where you came from... but man o man This girl needs an Award ASAP!!! You just touched my heart. Your words are WISE beyond years, and can be indeed be utilized by ALL races!!! Bravo my girl, you are a REAL WOMAN!!!

I am Absolutely Amazed by every single word you composed in every single sentence!!!
@JL you need to admit this WOMAN blew your ass away!!! Originally Posted by Mya Michelle
Black Person Please - LMFAO!
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
PJ, I am impressed with you mature and eloquent responses!

JL, please chill out with the racism. Why do you continue to try and start drama with race?

If you didn't know, I will let you know why you continue to do this. You are insecure, and you may have recently realized that money does not bring happiness. You also feel alone and need attention.

I am only enlightening you on this subject so that you can get some Counselling and to hopefully persuade you to stop.

Blacks have issues, Jews have issues, every race does. You appear to be successful and intelligent, why not improve society and help educate those who likely have never been educated on financed and money. Do some community service.

Sorry about my rant, this thread was going great until it got hijacked.

SMH Originally Posted by KRiggins
Shit man, my counselor encouraged me to speak my mind!!

I consider that my posts about the idiocy of liberal profligacy and my comments on these threads accomplish just that request!
Just the type of irresponsible behavior that furthers dysfunction in the black community and guarantees future impoverishment, crime, and broken neighborhoods. But you can probably find a way to blame something else for it. Originally Posted by Jewish Lawyer
Yes, just ban black people from breeding altogether, right?
VIP Mya Michelle's Avatar
I cant help that I was born black... but I can assure you I am nothing like you assume I am.

I know its so cool to say black people are the smut of the USA and its so cool to say you wont have anything to do with the likes of us. But just remember the quote "Those whom were first will be last, and those whom are last shall be first" Every dog has their day. This day may be yours... but one day it will be ours!

SO you might be on top now, but I can assure one day you will fall. There is hope for black people no matter how hopeless you try to convince us we are.
L.A.'s Avatar
  • L.A.
  • 07-29-2013, 06:21 PM
This thread took a really strange turn.

Morgan you are so unbelievably good looking it makes my head spin.
I've never met you in person but I actually like your board persona. Tell it like it is!
Thuck Fat's Avatar
As long as black people consider they have the right to continue to nurse historical grievances for all the free shit they can get, I refuse to sign a blanket, unconditional surrender. Originally Posted by Jewish Lawyer
Oh look!! The circus is back in town...LOL

Like I told you before man, go see a shrink.
As a Jewish person, you should respect what happened to black people. You act like every black person you have ever met demanded reparations from you. You are too silly for words. Do you not see that you need to let go? I promise, you will feel better. And the world will be all rainbows and unicorns.
If you just stop looking at race, and start looking at individuals, I am sure you will find someone you can get along with in any race. There will be those of EACH race you don't like, too.
It is so easy to say all black people do this, and all white people do that, and all asians do this, etc. You don't see the redundancy in that? Seriously?
I lived with a black woman once who used to say all white people do is lie, steal and cheat. How wrong was it of her to say that, do you think? Okay, it's just as wrong for you to say the same thing about ANY RACE. And that is what you did.
I am sorry you are so close-minded. It's people who can't open their minds that make this world like it is. Things are so vile and people abuse each other so much now it makes me sick.
If you love yourself, you can love anyone. Remember that, self-loathers.

Black Person Please - LMFAO! Originally Posted by Jewish Lawyer