announcement.. friday the 19th and 26th

well, if it's for charity I'd be happy to pay you to sit on my face for a song or two as long as you supply some baby wipes and I get to pick the tunes, lol. I'll go with Van Halen: Jump and Panama from 1984 Originally Posted by prograde
Some long ass tunes. Lol good try..
prograde's Avatar
those are pretty average length. If I wanted to be greedy I'd request Stairway To Heaven and Shine On You Crazy Diamond but that might be spoiling you
those are pretty average length. If I wanted to be greedy I'd request Stairway To Heaven and Shine On You Crazy Diamond but that might be spoiling you Originally Posted by prograde
Some long ass tunes. Lol good try.. Originally Posted by Legacy69
American Pie (long version) might be appropriate both for the length of it and for pie! In-A-Gadda-Da-Vida by Iron Butterfly is really long but the love and fidelity undertones might not be appropriate.
DDarkness's Avatar
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