strippers or escorts? ??

They both make the world a better place and both fulfill a specific need in society. Sometimes I just wanna drink a few a look at some nice tits and sometimes I want an escort. Can't we all just get along?
Your friend is just trying to make herself feel superior.

One of my favorite escorts is also a stripper.
Pink Floyd's Avatar
From one who knows, Escorts are a lot easier to deal with than Strippers, and Escorts usually don't get involved in your everyday life.
Both professions are about providing pleasure for consideration. Strippers are for a quick fix by those who can't bring themselves to go beyond stuffing dollars in a G-string while escorts are for those who are willing to go the extra mile and spend one-on-one time with a lady in a private setting. Going to a strip club is much easier and less intimidating than seeing an escort.

As others have stated both provide a valuable service but my preference is the quiet, relaxed, non-smoking, intimate environment provided by an escort.

As to the closet ho thing, everyone is someone's whore, me included
inctown's Avatar

she is currently not speaking to me because I called her a "closet hoe" LMFAO Originally Posted by $tacy Ca$h
Sorry to her that. she is your friend there is no reason to loose that friendship over something as silly as this. Now both of you need to kiss and make-up.


And post pictures
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 04-20-2013, 10:11 AM
[QUOTE=hgritstoo;1052719202]Why is it so important for people to feel they are better than other people?QUOTE]

Agree. I've never understood why the person who prefers lobster has to look down on the person who prefers steak. It's a preference. A choice for what fits an individual person's need or situation.

Neither is a "better" person, though on an escort board I suspect the majority will prefer the escort option. I suspect on a strip club board you would see the reverse.
What is behind you and your friend's need to feel superior to each other? Why not just do it as the rest of Americans do: whoever makes more cash is the better citizen, and as such gets to make the rules the other lives by. Originally Posted by JohnnyCap
she says that stripping is better then escorting because the men treat them better. I was trying explain to her that her profession is not "better" we are both in the same boat i think men look at us the same. I have no need to feel superior to anyone else im my own person.
Her thing was down the line when we both stop doing these professions if someone recoginized her off the street she would rather proudly say she used to be a stripper instead of an escort. I told her in my situation i would have to admit that yes, back in the day i was a member of Eccie but as far as today... thats y i said own what you do. I know our past will eventually catch up to us but im a proud to say that i dont regret mine.
Sorry to her that. she is your friend there is no reason to loose that friendship over something as silly as this. Now both of you need to kiss and make-up.


And post pictures Originally Posted by inctown

Lol Ive tried she doesn't like girl's but constantly walks around naked, I leave it alone..., LMFAO
JohnnyCap's Avatar
As I've thought it over this morning, I can't distinguish. I've had wonderful times with both, and have been flat out cheated and lied to, stolen from by both. I also considered that strippers have bouncers and shady club owners causing problems for me, but that has happened with escorts too, pimps, drivers, family one time. I don't define my morals by the written legal code of dirtbag litigators, a brand of hooligan far shadier than either stripper or escort, so that doesn't matter.

I have an alcohol problem and don't much enjoy a night club sober, so a nod to the escorts. But that's very individual.

I abhor the need to feel better than others, so maybe a nod to the escort, but not really. The VIP escort is going to look down on the eccie girl, who trashes the BP girl, who god forbid isn't a street walker. That's just female competition, get over it.
inctown's Avatar
Lol Ive tried she doesn't like girl's but constantly walks around naked, I leave it alone..., LMFAO Originally Posted by $tacy Ca$h
Well that is OK you could always use her doppelganger we will never know the difference
Wakeup's Avatar
Whores are whores...only the name is different. Make something Shakespearean out of it if you want...but that's what it is...
$tacy, I'd kick that "closet ho" to the curb if I were you. Friends aren't supposed to be judgmental. That's what family is for...LOL
Pink Floyd's Avatar
Both professions are about providing pleasure for consideration. Strippers are for a quick fix by those who can't bring themselves to go beyond stuffing dollars in a G-string while escorts are for those who are willing to go the extra mile and spend one-on-one time with a lady in a private setting. Going to a strip club is much easier and less intimidating than seeing an escort.

As others have stated both provide a valuable service but my preference is the quiet, relaxed, non-smoking, intimate environment provided by an escort.

As to the closet ho thing, everyone is someone's whore, me included Originally Posted by whatagy
Some of the guys may have no intention of taking the girl home, but the majority are quite prepared to go the extra mile. The game in the SC is very different from the Escort scene, and you have to bring you "A" game or go home with your dick in your hand. The SC is not easier than the Escort game. With the SC you get to actually see the girl, and with the Escort you are going off pictures. SC is not for the timid or faint of heart, and it is much more of a battle ground.
Cpalmson's Avatar
Some of the guys may have no intention of taking the girl home, but the majority are quite prepared to go the extra mile. The game in the SC is very different from the Escort scene, and you have to bring you "A" game or go home with your dick in your hand. The SC is not easier than the Escort game. With the SC you get to actually see the girl, and with the Escort you are going off pictures. SC is not for the timid or faint of heart, and it is much more of a battle ground. Originally Posted by FlectiNonFrangi
FNF, do you see SCs as a place to "score"? I'm a bit curious. I'll admit that after 30 years, I still haven't figured out the SC scene. I have always believed that P4P was available at SCs or from the dancers off site. After reading some anecdotal stories, I firmly believe favors are more the norm than what most would think, but I think you are dead-on with you comment about bringing your "A" game and that SCs are a battle ground. I think with the SC, it is more the thrill of the hunt than anything else. I also think like any hunt, there is a lot of time, effort and money spent on landing a stripper. The way I figure it; one can't simply expect to walk in off the street and take home a stripper in one evening (unless his name is Pacman Jones and he makes it "rain" ). I think it would take multiple trips to the club to get a feel for the girls. Eventually, one will have to spend money on drinks, dances, etc. Heck, you might be $200-300 or more into the hole before even having a solid prospect. Then if you are lucky, you might find one open to carnal suggestions. At that point, it is a crap shoot. The menu might not be to your liking. Girl has GPS. A myriad of other unknowns enter the equation. For the truly adventurous, I can see the thrill of trying the SC scene. Heck, it might be nice just as a thing to mark off the monger bucket list. FNF, I'd really like to hear more of your insight into the SC scene. It sounds like you have some experience.
Brooke Wilde's Avatar
Strippers work way harder for their money and there is so much more lying and a much more uncomfortable hustle to it.

My closest friend is a stripper (who does NO extras) and the way those men talk to her for 20 bucks is crazy. They want her to do all kinds of tricks, make her body move this way, move that way, all kinds of unnormal shit, all while stroking the guys ego telling him how great he is. She gets more disrespect in a night, than I get in a year.

I'll take a sober white collar or blue collar business man any day over some drunk depressed man who lives under the dark lights of a strip club.