Wendy Davis Stamp?

TexTushHog's Avatar
There are rumors she may get a position at the Kennedy School of Government, or so I was told by a 2L at Harvard Law this week. No idea if it's true, but I wouldn't be surprised.
  • EZ.
  • 11-04-2014, 09:22 PM
There are rumors she may get a position at the Kennedy School of Government, or so I was told by a 2L at Harvard Law this week. No idea if it's true, but I wouldn't be surprised. Originally Posted by TexTushHog
I think that is a good match. Her latest claim was that Abbott was opposed to interracial marriage even though the man is married to a Hispanic. There is no substance to this woman. She is just another lying liberal.
TexTushHog's Avatar
You are mischaracterizing her argument re interracial marraige. She was referring to the now governor elect's opposition to marraige equality. The most compelling Constitutional argument for marraige equality, at least from a legal stand point, is Loving v. Virginia, which 1) held marraige an implied or unennumerated fundamental right under the US Constitution; and 2) found that miscegenation statutes did not survive struct scrutiny under the Equal Protection Clause. She was therefore pointing out the Attorney General's hypocrisy in that he has benefitted from Equal Protection analysis in his marraige, but seeks to deny the same benefits to others (just like his anti-civil justice policies).
  • EZ.
  • 11-05-2014, 05:38 AM
Out of fairness, I believe most Americans support civil unions, myself included. It's when you refer to is as marriage, that it becomes an issue. Marriage is a religious institution and there isn't a religion on the planet that accepts gay marriage.
pyramider's Avatar
TTH, some just read the headlines and do not read further.
  • EZ.
  • 11-05-2014, 07:58 AM
TTH, some just read the headlines and do not read further. Originally Posted by pyramider
This isn't news that activist judges have gone beyond interpreting laws to making them.
Grace Preston's Avatar
Out of fairness, I believe most Americans support civil unions, myself included. It's when you refer to is as marriage, that it becomes an issue. Marriage is a religious institution and there isn't a religion on the planet that accepts gay marriage. Originally Posted by OldLRRP
Incorrect. The Episcopalian Church recognizes and accepts gay marriage. I'm sorry you feel that 2 guys getting married tramples on the sanctity of someones elses 4th marriage... of course.. funny that anyone would try to take a moral high ground on a SHMB.

You'd also be incorrect about the stance on Civil Unions. The vast majority of those campaigning against gay marriage are also against civil unions. They do not want to have to give benefits to those they don't agree with. You may have no problem with them, but many of the anti-gay marriage compatriates do not want anything that can be identified as a union-- some would even love to see the sodomy laws re-enforced.
Sorry . . . busy cleaning up the keyboard after the term "religious institution".

By extension, if you're a member of an organized religion then you have been "institutionalized"! (And not in a good way . . .)
There are rumors she may get a position at the Kennedy School of Government, or so I was told by a 2L at Harvard Law this week. No idea if it's true, but I wouldn't be surprised. Originally Posted by TexTushHog
She doesn't have the gravitas for such a position. She embarrassed herself on the national scene. No doubt it is a rumor without merit.

As a side note = Davis's Texas Senate Seat (#10) went to Tea Party candidate Konni Burton, by a wide margin. Good voters of the 10th had enough of Davis politics and reclaimed it.
Marriage is a religious institution and there isn't a religion on the planet that accepts gay marriage. Originally Posted by OldLRRP
Not true. You need to stop posting. Your ignorance is showing more and more.
Grace Preston's Avatar
Konni Burton... who is just about as far right nutty as they come.

Yeah-- Davis allowed herself to get talked into running for a position that she was not ready for and could not possibly win. And in turn, ruined her political career.
TexTushHog's Avatar
Grace, most of the people she talked to before running discouraged her from running. I was among those, and a number of other big donor that I know and talked to did the same. Not because we thought she wouldn't run a good campaign, so much, but because the demographics of Texas are such that NO Democrat can yet win a Statewide race. She heard that advice loud and clear. One of the dominant theories as to why she ran is that :1) she didn't enjoy being in the minority in the Texas Senate; and 2) because her district is essentially the only swing district in the Texas Senate, she was going to face a very spirited reelection challenger who would exxentialky have unlimited money (and she would be running in a hostile 6th Presidential year environment for Democrats).

Her decision was still flawed in my view because she had mo chance in the governor's race, but had probably a35 or 40% chance of winning her Senate seat.
Grace Preston's Avatar
I don't think that NO Democrat can win... but a female divorcee who admitted to have a "GASP" abortion has no chance. She had WAY too much against her to stand a chance. A femme in Texas has got to be ballsy as hell and morally clean as a whistle to stand a chance.
  • EZ.
  • 11-05-2014, 11:37 AM
Incorrect. The Episcopalian Church recognizes and accepts gay marriage. I'm sorry you feel that 2 guys getting married tramples on the sanctity of someones elses 4th marriage... of course.. funny that anyone would try to take a moral high ground on a SHMB.

You'd also be incorrect about the stance on Civil Unions. The vast majority of those campaigning against gay marriage are also against civil unions. They do not want to have to give benefits to those they don't agree with. You may have no problem with them, but many of the anti-gay marriage compatriates do not want anything that can be identified as a union-- some would even love to see the sodomy laws re-enforced. Originally Posted by GracePreston
The religion is Christianity. The church is Episcopalian. Grace, I said no religion recognizes gay marriage. There is that Baptist church that picketed soldiers KIA funerals while others condoned the bombing of abortion clinics.

I don't understand the rationale on the fourth marriage thing. I've been married three times. My first wife was killed after 90 days but I am divorced from the other two. Don't use me as a moral compass. Not honoring my marriage vows is some of the least of my short falls.

I haven't seen poll numbers on those that are against same sex marriage and also against civil unions. I believe anyone in a committed relationship should have the same rights and benefits. I have heard a number of speakers that agree with me.
The democrats way overestimated their constituents propensity to vote, Wendy Davis included. Still I dont think that time is on the GOP's side, especially on a national scale. 2016 will be an ugly year for the GOP in national elections because this time democrats will vote and because the GOP will probably earn the ire that the dems got last night. Obama can still veto any legislation and the GOP is far from having enough seats to override a veto. But now Obama can't pass his agenda so easily or at all for that matter. This means even more congressional gridlock is in our future but with the GOP in control of Congress they will be the ones who get the blame.