"I'll release my tax returns when ..."

Did Trump, damn I voted for Sophie at Rose. Her tax returns are cash. And a lot of it mine. I am hoping for a refund as a VIP member.
Not releasing your tax records makes Trump look like he really has something to hide ..... just the same as Odummy's refusal to produce a legitimate birth certificate ..... I wonder what his reason was for not producing that? ..... it couldn't be because it would prove with about a 99& certainty that he didn't meet the requirements to be our president now, could it? .....
Cap'n Crunch's Avatar
Not releasing your tax records makes Trump look like he really has something to hide ..... just the same as Odummy's refusal to produce a legitimate birth certificate ..... . Originally Posted by 00 gauge
A person with a quarter of Obama's IQ calls him dummy. That's rich.
Cap'n Crunch's Avatar
Not releasing your tax records makes Trump look like he really has something to hide ..... just the same as Odummy's refusal to produce a legitimate birth certificate ..... I wonder what his reason was for not producing that? ..... it couldn't be because it would prove with about a 99& certainty that he didn't meet the requirements to be our president now, could it? ..... Originally Posted by 00 gauge
BTW, Trump has yet to release his Russian birth certificate.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Where did birtherism come from?

SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
I don't blame him for not releasing them. The answer to your question is simple - there's no upside, only downside if he does. All those Trump-haters would pounce on his tax returns looking for items to spin and distort to make him look bad. The average American doesn't understand depreciation or loss carry-forwards, and the media fucktards would take full advantage of this ignorance. Let me turn the question around - why should Trump give his enemies something they will only use to demagogue, distort and lie about him?

Given all the IRS audits he has undergone, we would already know if he had cheated or done anything illegal on his taxes. Originally Posted by lustylad
You are 100% right. No upside at all. However, it is a PROMISE he made during the campaign that he would release them when the audit process was done.

There is a difference between cheating, which is obviously against the law, and seeing if any of his income came from sources that would put him in a position of owing favors to anyone. I often heard Clinton accused of accepting donations from sources (Saudi Arabia for one) that would put her in a precarious position if elected President.

Source: http://money.cnn.com/2016/09/07/pf/t...p-tax-returns/

Like it or not, voters have come to expect that those running for president -- and those in the Oval Office -- will be transparent about their finances.

That expectation is not just about figuring out how much a candidate makes and how much he pays in taxes. It's also about seeing how he makes his money and whether what he reports on his returns matches up with what he has said and done.

At the moment all we know from Trump is that he says he makes a lot of money ("I've done great"), that he gives a lot to charity (more than $100 million in recent years, his campaign has claimed), that he tries to keep his tax bill low ("I fight like hell to pay as little as possible") and that he's audited every year.

As many seasoned tax experts have noted, however, his tax returns would not only verify those claims but offer more context on the candidate as a citizen and businessman.
The man is not wealthy. He lives off the bank loaning him money. He is broke. That is why he will not release his returns.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
It's yet another YUGE promise that he welshed on.

How many more?

Mexico border wall? Spicer has already hinted that that won't be happening on "Day One."

He's still lying about the "3-5 MILLION" illegal votes cast in the election. Only now, he's exaggerated that lie by more than 50%, just for good measure.

When the fuck will this despot grow up and act like a fucking man?
Damn. I'd rather Trump continue along his current path. Witnessing you sink further and further into despair is priceless!!

It's yet another YUGE promise that he welshed on.

How many more?

Mexico border wall? Spicer has already hinted that that won't be happening on "Day One."

He's still lying about the "3-5 MILLION" illegal votes cast in the election. Only now, he's exaggerated that lie by more than 50%, just for good measure.

When the fuck will this despot grow up and act like a fucking man? Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
gfejunkie's Avatar
Damn. I'd rather Trump continue along his current path. Witnessing you sink further and further into despair is priceless!! Originally Posted by veedub63
The meltdown is fun to watch, isn't it?


Study the modifications and try to focus on the things that matter. Slight of hand; while they have you focused on torching Trump, you are being pick-pocketed.

The USA is not wealthy. SHe lives off the Federal Reserve loaning her money. SHe is broke. That is why She will not allow the FED Reserve to be audited. Originally Posted by Jeffrey Spaulding

Study the modifications and try to focus on the things that matter. Slight of hand; while they have you focused on torching Trump, you are being pick-pocketed. Originally Posted by veedub63
And that is per infowars a reliable news source
  • DSK
  • 01-24-2017, 11:13 AM
It's yet another YUGE promise that he welshed on.

How many more?

Mexico border wall? Spicer has already hinted that that won't be happening on "Day One."

He's still lying about the "3-5 MILLION" illegal votes cast in the election. Only now, he's exaggerated that lie by more than 50%, just for good measure.

When the fuck will this despot grow up and act like a fucking man? Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Very few of the fine, upstanding moral citizens of this once great country who voted for our outstanding President cared about his tax returns. It was only those on the left, who really didn't care either but wanted a chance to potentially embarrass him. He is now basically telling them they can fuck off and die.

BTW, when Obama wasn't bombing the shit out of the Arabs, the USA was continuing to build a wall along our southern border. Trump will continue to build that wall, and Mexico is paying for it in all those lost factory jobs.

Obama built a nice wall - perhaps he should go into commercial construction now that he is out of office, and see if he can do as well as President Trump did in the real estate business.

Plenty of illegals voted, Trump is only pointing that out with a bit of hyperbole. It infuriates the faggots who hate him.
Cap'n Crunch's Avatar
Oh... the rest of the right fringe will soon find that the vast majority of AMERICANS those who love their country, want Trump to release his taxes. And I'm talking about Republicans, Democrats and Independents. Those who respect their nation more than partisanship want to ensure that there are no hidden conflicts of interest. Yes, right fringe has alternate facts on their side, but I'd rather stick with "just the fact, ma'am."
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Don't expect anybody from EPA to dispute it, JL.

Your "outstanding president" just started his dismantling of SCIENCE! Oh yeah, and he muzzled the entire agency, too.

Twitler's Reich continues...