So I am 30 today

Victoria Columbari's Avatar
Happy Birthday Shayla. Don't let turning 30 get you down. Enjoy it.
jan-w's Avatar
  • jan-w
  • 08-28-2014, 02:51 PM
Shayla, as fast as the years between 20 and 30 went, the time span between 30 and 40 will seem to fly by even faster...then the time will really zoom by. The older you get, the faster time seems to fly.

So while you can plan for the eventual destination, just remember to enjoy the journey also. That's usually where you can have the most fun.
Shayla, you are now 1/2 my age. I have been through more bad times that I care to remember and more than enough good times to even them out. Life gets better as we age. Numbers don't matter. It is what is in your heart and in your head and how well you take care of yourself that matters.

Happy belated birthday.
Trust me darling....your best years are ahead of you. Happy Birthday!
  • Imatk
  • 08-28-2014, 06:37 PM
30 was depressing for me too... but I agree completely with what everyone else has said.

30s are GREAT!
Toyz's Avatar
  • Toyz
  • 08-28-2014, 06:48 PM
Shayla, I've had a LOT of fun going back and forth with you on these boards. You give back as good as you get and you always see the HUMOR before you get upset. Thanks for that. I wanted to be the first to give you a present from the guys of eccie in celebration of your milestone birthday. So, I applied and got you your OWN AARP card! Now you can get senior citizen discounts at Super 8 motels, free coffee at McDonalds, discounted condoms at PapasAintUs, etc.

Happy Birthday and congratulations!!

Happy birthday, girl! Buy yourself a Lelo for ur bday! The bitch is uses a charger, not batteries! Annnnd comes a warranty if u have any problems! Way better than the bullet
Mokoa's Avatar
  • Mokoa
  • 08-28-2014, 07:15 PM

Here's to you!

David.Douchehurst's Avatar
Thurty yars oldt? Hell, Ah got wrinkles on mah nutsack more'n twice thet old.
Happy Birthday!
Ask yourself, "how can I help someone today?"
oh you ass, lol you made me tear up. But fuck your aarp card, keep it for your self brat lol

And everyone thank you for all the happy birthdays
Dirty thirty, hoping to be a great year
Happy Birthday Shayla!!
Centaur's Avatar
I will never see the 20s again :'( Originally Posted by shayla84
It's all a matter of perspective. You're only 16 in Martian years
I never minded marking another trip 'round ol' Sol. It's an arbitrary measure of time. So is the base-ten counting system. You're continually getting older every moment from the instant you're conceived. Make the most of what's ahead. Look on past regrets as impetus to garner fewer moving futureward.

Just noticing how much Marty Beller resembles a younger Neil Gaiman.