Tiger Woods Pays High Price For Divorce

I remember back when Everyone was worried that marrying her would affect his game.
Turns out it was his Game that affected his marriage that affected his game.
He had a prenup that was set at $10 million. He reopened it when he got busted. He was a damn fool to do that becuase in the end the children would gain it all anyway. But, he handled his business and can get it back if he starts winning again.

I have a dear friend that dated one of Tiger's Dad's good friends and she tells me that Tiger's Dad was a womanizer in the same exact way. So the apple doesn't fall far from the tree. Besides he spent all his life on the golf course. Never really got to chase pussy like other guys his age in high school or college. So when he starts getting thrown in your face and you are a millionaire many times over it is hard to resist.
RN1204's Avatar
You play with fire, and your ass will get burned....sooner or later.

A wealthy, candy-assed Golfer fucked up, and now he has to pay his dues. There will be those who are sympathetic, unfortunately, but he deserves no sympathy, or respect for that matter.

He got what he should have known was the likely and eventual reward for his deed, but it will probably be light thing in the long run for him.

How can anybody be sympathetic for someone who abuses his wife, I don't get it.
pyramider's Avatar
Why does anyone feel sorry for Elin? She was a part time model and a nanny when she met Tiger. Elin knew what she was doing and she got her payday.

The kids are the ones you should feel sorry for. They were created to be money makers for their mom, each about $100 million for mom.
Fast Gunn's Avatar
He had a prenup that was set at $10 million. He reopened it when he got busted. He was a damn fool to do that becuase in the end the children would gain it all anyway. But, he handled his business and can get it back if he starts winning again.

I have a dear friend that dated one of Tiger's Dad's good friends and she tells me that Tiger's Dad was a womanizer in the same exact way. So the apple doesn't fall far from the tree. Besides he spent all his life on the golf course. Never really got to chase pussy like other guys his age in high school or college. So when he starts getting thrown in your face and you are a millionaire many times over it is hard to resist. Originally Posted by SOULMANIKE
Reopening the Prenuptial agreement was a huge mistake on Tiger's part, but apparently a very shrewd tactic by Elin to milk him for all she could get while the getting was good.

I don't feel sorry for Elin, she's getting a ton of money and public sympathy and she played Tiger like a chump. Making him go to sexual rehab was just to further rub his nose in it and I think she had already decided to divorce him regardless, but only wanted to maximize her profits and his humiliation for her own pleasure.

I feel sorry for Tiger for being skinned alive the way he was, but Life has a way of bringing down the arrogant and I think that is the bitter lesson that Tiger has to learn by this costly divorce.
mix58's Avatar
  • mix58
  • 08-25-2010, 11:20 AM
You play with fire, and your ass will get burned....sooner or later.

A wealthy, candy-assed Golfer fucked up, and now he has to pay his dues. There will be those who are sympathetic, unfortunately, but he deserves no sympathy, or respect for that matter.

He got what he should have known was the likely and eventual reward for his deed, but it will probably be light thing in the long run for him.

Ciao Originally Posted by RN1204

Bingo. He made his "bed". Next time Tiger.... get a hobby phone. Dumbass.
BangOver's Avatar
The next thing you know, she'll turn up on "Dancing with the Stars".
What has he lost? Let's look at what he has left.

He has plenty of money.

He has a platform to rebuild his golf.

His ex and children are well taken care of.

He can get all the pussy he wants.

But what doesn't he have? Buddies he can chill out with and respect, and a woman he can call at any time of the day and open his heart to, and who loves him for himself.

A lot of men don't have the latter.

Money is not the issue here. His money eventually goes to his kids anyway, so what's the problem?
Why guys like this get married in the first place. Someone above asked "Who could resist the temptation of all these women throwing themselves at you" and I agree that it would be an almost impossible thing to do. It's just human nature.

If I were a celebrity there is no way that I would get married until I felt that I could pull back from the spotlight and live a domestic life.
If I were a celebrity there is no way that I would get married until I felt that I could pull back from the spotlight and live a domestic life. Originally Posted by Ashlyn Allure
Precious few celebs have been able to do this...
Poppa_Viagra's Avatar
Do I feel sorry for him? No.

Is it a tragedy? No.

It's the price you pay for gettin' caught...every married hobbyist here needs to take this lesson to heart. No one will feel sorry for him or thinks it is a tragedy.

They WILL feel sorry for the SO & kids. But not you. So get over it. Originally Posted by charlestudor2005
It takes two to tango, old saw, and the deeper question is what happened, or didn't happen, between Elin and Tiger? He had a reason, maybe not an excuse, but a reason for his actions.
Tetas's Avatar
  • Tetas
  • 08-26-2010, 08:46 AM
It takes two to tango, old saw, and the deeper question is what happened, or didn't happen, between Elin and Tiger? He had a reason, maybe not an excuse, but a reason for his actions. Originally Posted by sancocho
Kinda my thought on the matter. There's always another side and as the saying goes "Show me the most beautiful woman in the world and I'll show you a guy that's tired of putting up with her shit." Might not be the case here, but I always hate to see the "poor so-and-so's wife" bit, I ALWAYS think there's probably more to the story.
simplegent's Avatar
Tragedy? The guy will still be a billionaire, but single. Now that it's official, maybe he can step out and find him a piece then win again. Originally Posted by Luckyl

Very well said. . . .
Too many things we do not know.

There are plenty of women out there who marry extremely wealthy men with the full expectation of infidelity, and only require the man's discretion and avoidance of public embarassment. We do not know if this is one of those cases and she changed the rules mid-stream.

There are other cases where wives may tell their husbands something along these lines: "I don't care who you f4ck, as long as it isn't me and I don't find out."

There are also cases where men aren't getting basic non-sexual emotional needs met, and are unaware of the fact that they are vulnerable to an affair until it happens. Etc etc etc etc.

For all we know 30 ladies listed on ECCIE were called by Erin herself to take care of her husband.

My point here is simply that we have insufficient data and are simply filling in the blanks with guesswork; and then using that guesswork as a basis for judgment.

Tiger is a golfer, not a religious figure. He's a golfer, not a role model. He's a golfer, not a legislator who makes laws or a governor who enforces them.

We have no clue what the real situation was or might have been.