Inside the tactics the Trumps use to get supporters to send cash

  • Tiny
  • 06-04-2022, 07:27 AM
I donated to the two Republican candidates in the 2021 Georgia Senatorial runoffs and must have made the mistake of giving one my cell phone number. Somehow that was given or sold to Trump’s PAC. And now I’m getting spammed by messages like those maybe once every couple of days. I used to get multiple messages a day until I started replying with obscenities and STOP messages.

These also started coming from Trump favored candidates and Trump’s kids and daughter in law.

I have two friends who are big Trump supporters and they’re getting hit worse than I am.

Vitaman’s post is a pretty good description of what the messages say. We’ve got 5X matching funds but only if you give in the next 5 minutes. What’s the matter, you haven’t sent us money, are you against us now? And yes Don Jr.’s the worst.

There was a big push on early last year in the messages to get people to start using Trump’s for-profit social media platform. I bet Trump’s PAC was paying for that, as the phone number that was sending out some of the messages asking for contributions was the same one that was promoting the new platform.
You just keep sending cash so he can afford all those diapers and hair dye oh let's not forget spray on orange tan juice. 😉
Jacuzzme's Avatar
"Donald Trump writes to me often, usually several times a day," wrote Leuders. "The president, as he calls himself — none of that 'former' title — wants me to know how much he values me as a 'trusted ally.'
I love how this was in bold print, like there is something nefarious about it, when it is the appropriate way to address a former President. The title follows the man when he leaves office, as it does for governors, cabinet secretaries and other governmental positions.
texassapper's Avatar
I love how this was in bold print, like there is something nefarious about it, when it is the appropriate way to address a former President. The title follows the man when he leaves office, as it does for governors, cabinet secretaries and other governmental positions. Originally Posted by Jacuzzme
Stupid people are like that, they assume a lot of things that just ain't so.
VitaMan's Avatar
Donald Trump Jr. says you will burn in hell unless you send in your money.....before 7 pm.

As for the above, it is Trump himself issuing statements that call himself President, and he trys everything possible to make it appear he is still the President. It is not people addressing the former President.

Would that make the 2 posters above stupid ? That is a phrase one of the posters likes to use constantly. He thinks of himself so highly that he couldn't possibly be stupid. It is similar to Trump passing a test for dementia, and then calling himself smart.
  • Tiny
  • 06-04-2022, 11:15 AM
Donald Trump Jr. says you will burn in hell unless you send in your money.....before 7 pm.

As for the above, it is Trump himself issuing statements that call himself President, and he trys everything possible to make it appear he is still the President. It is not people addressing the former President.

Would that make the 2 posters above stupid ? That is a phrase one of the posters likes to use constantly. He thinks of himself so highly that he couldn't possibly be stupid. It is similar to Trump passing a test for dementia, and then calling himself smart. Originally Posted by VitaMan
I can only speak to the text messages I got. I can't recall any that purported to be directly from Donald Trump. They appeared to be mostly unsigned messages from his PAC, messages from candidates and other individuals aligned with him, and messages from his kids. But again they got my number because I contributed to Perdue or Loeffler. Maybe if you contributed directly to Trump's campaign, you got messages from the man himself.
Jacuzzme's Avatar
LMAO! Not that it’s inappropriate (it’s not) for him to refer to himself as such, but that’s not how the texts come. They come from a third party, claiming to be kids/manager/advisor/etc (obviously it’s some kid with acne and a six pack of Mountain Dew getting paid for writing them) that, correctly, refer to him as Mr President. I know this because I get a couple a day, and they’re pretty entertaining. Your feigned outrage is pathetic yet laughable. Try cutting the grass or washing the car instead of feeding your weird Trump obsession sometime. You’ll live longer.

Edit: post directed at Vita, not Tiny.

Edit2 @Tiny: I contributed to both campaigns and only get texts as you described, none purporting to be from President Trump himself.
VitaMan's Avatar
Showing some naivety. When your local buddy Bambino was still active, he posted statements constantly from Mr. Trump himself. And the statements were always appearing that Mr. Trump was still President.

Anything from the Trump PAC has Mr. Trump's handwriting all over it. They nave no problem keeping track of their mailing lists and donors to hit up.

All this from a guy who is under subpoena and daily fines for not providing court ordered documents. His reason: he can't find them or his phones. He also can't find or locate 11 of 12 of his former executive assistants so the court can contact them.

The sooner you wise up about Mr. Trump, the better off you will be.
Jacuzzme's Avatar
Wow! Trump’s fingerprints? Seriously? That’s horrifying news. I mean, who’da thunk that President Trump had anything to do with the TRUMP pac. Thanks for letting everyone know, this whole time I figured the money was going to Jerry’s Kids.
VitaMan's Avatar
former president
Jacuzzme's Avatar
You seriously need that explained to you again?
VitaMan's Avatar
Is he here ? I'm not addressing him.

How about Donald, Trump, former president of the United States.

I suppose your 3rd party explanation considers that activity to be part of a conspiracy too.
Chung Tran's Avatar
After Trump lost 19 months ago (he did lose, believe it or not.. I bet 70% here will disagree), I was getting 8 emails a day from Trump's orbit, begging for money. Biggest fucking turnoff. Desperate Conspiratoral Fools.
Jacuzzme's Avatar
Is he here ? I'm not addressing him.

How about Donald, Trump, former president of the United States.

I suppose your 3rd party explanation considers that activity to be part of a conspiracy too. Originally Posted by VitaMan
LOL! You attempted, poorly, to correct my addressing him as “President Trump”. Sorry, but that is the correct phraseology, regardless of how badly it makes your skin crawl.
How do you think Obama and Hillary/Bill have become "almost" billionaires? Originally Posted by the_real_Barleycorn
Ya stupid fuck just making up numbers again.

Clintons NW around 120million.
Obamas NW around 70million.

Far far from billionaires.