why oh way don't I trust my intuition?

Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
I send out advance payments at least a few times a year.
Never been burned, have always had delivery and have always enjoyed.

Disclaimer, a whiskey distillery in Frankfort, KY that ships.
Can you provide links threads etc showing me the reviews for Jessika? I could not find any.
Guess that’s why your’e a moderator.
Can you provide these reviews for Jess/Jessika? Links posts etc?
I've fallen for it a couple times as well. No alcohol involved, but thinking with the wrong head. I guess I need a lesson twice in order to learn it well.

Anyone have info on the Linda that was mentioned? Maybe an ad?

Here’s your explanation. 7 months pregnant and smoking blues. Bought her food and helped her out. Second baby hooked on drugs. Then she robbed me. Is that good enough for you. Evil.
Just remind yourself it's probably men running the scam. That always helps me decide quick not to send a deposit.
Just be smarter about it, STG in general does not seem like a good idea to give providers deposits on. Its a bit ghetto. With model types I've seen that need deposits I've not had issues, but I'm pretty picky about the class of chick and do my homework before putting the pencil in so to speak.