K-I-S-S-I-N-G how important is it?

firedownbelow's Avatar
Kissing sets the mood for everything that follows. It gets the juices flowing, and the body warmed up. Nothing gets me going like long, deep, wet kisses.
Im a Kisser and feel it is a jump start for what is to come !!
  • anita
  • 03-08-2012, 07:51 PM
Kissing is important. Light to deep kisses, it is up to my date. But I can still have fun without kisses.
Cpalmson's Avatar
Kissing is not that important to me, but I do expect some form of kissing on a date, but the kissing has to be appropriate, timely and genuine. Kissing is an art and not something that can be contrived. I have been on several dates where from the first second I walk in the door, the provider is trying to shove her tongue down my throat. A nice affectionate welcoming kiss and hug is one thing; being mugged is completely another. When I kiss, I want it to be natural not forced.
I don't like to kiss, either in the hobby or in civvie life. And no one kisses me except for the occasional peck on the cheek. Anything more is way too intimate.
gotta have kisses
Ms. Athena's Avatar
umm Yes kisses, starting at your hot mouth and working my way down to your hot Cock....
Fast Gunn's Avatar
In this day and age, real passionate kissing is a lost art.

Sadly, very, very few of the many girls today know how to kiss to save their life.

To properly execute a kiss, you must pour your heart and soul into it. Not slap it on like you are putting on socks.

Most girls, think that a perfunctory brush of the lips constitutes a kiss, but that does not even come close.

When kissing is done right, it is lingering, deep, passionate and satisfying all by itself.

After over 300 girls, I thought I was a champion kisser until I met up with a young Asian girl who had delicious and pouty lips expressly made for kissing who took my game up a notch with very specific moves.

A kiss has a exciting beginning, it has a delicious middle and then it has a slightly sad and slow pulling away for an ending.

When you are locked in an embrace with a hot young girl who knows how to kiss, everything else is blocked out and your heart opens up. Your breathing becomes deeper.

I thought toes curling was only a worn
cliché , but no, it is an actual fact.

Your toes will curl, you will sigh deeply, you will forget everything else and you will feel liquid fire between you and this beautiful creature as you float away and you will feel your bell ringing all day long after that.

. . . I am still searching for someone to replace her every since we broke up, but these girls are rare!
I love kissing, I almost like it as much as receiving a BBBJ.

Kissing gets me hot and bothered.... hard and ready for action.
soxfan's Avatar
Yes kissing very important starts the motor and keeps it running
Oh kissing is a big must , I love the feel of lips soft and wet and warm...
Pink Floyd's Avatar
I love romance and a girl laying on top of me drives me nuts!
DiscreetEnjoyer's Avatar
I really enjoy kissing, but like was said in an earlier post it really is a lost art on a lot of people.
tonytiger4u's Avatar
Kissing, for me, is really amazing when there is connection with the lady. If things don't really click, I can't get in to it. I'm not real good at faking it. But when it's done right, the buzz is indescribable!
Laura Lynn's Avatar
I love absolutely love to kiss. Soft kisses, deep passionate kisses.....all of it. Just kinda gets the juices flowing