Top Execs of 180 Companies: Abortion Necessary to Be Successful in Business

By the Government's own statistics, 98 percent of all abortions are considered convenience abortions.

I suppose these that are the supject of the OP fall into this category.
Rich Lowry supports your thesis.

yup, those business are being shortsighted.

CEOs for Abortion

Has it not occurred to these business leaders that unborn children will grow up to buy their products or work for their companies?

The CEOs contend that abortion is central to their businesses, which might be true if all of their companies had the same business model as Planned Parenthood, one of the organizers of the effort. But Bloomberg L.P., Amalgamated Bank, and H&M, to name three of the companies whose CEOs signed the ad, are hardly dependent on abortion to thrive.

The idea that abortion is necessary for the health of women is one of the most misleading pro-abortion cliches.

The implication is that these CEOs prefer that their employees and customers not become mothers, or if they are mothers, not have more children. It apparently hasn’t occurred to them that unborn children will grow up to buy their products or perhaps work for their firms one day, and indeed all the employees they claim to be protecting were themselves, once, vulnerable in the womb. Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm
I read the article about half way and I got an overwhelming urge to go and find a companies CEO and break his fucking neck.
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I read the article about half way and I got an overwhelming urge to go and find a companies CEO and break his fucking neck. Originally Posted by Levianon17
Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm
Hahahahaha........ Glad you found that amusing Dilbert, lol.