No kidding. About 5 minutes into it - I said "oh hell no - I'll wait for the Readers Digest version."
Originally Posted by Austin Ellen
That's what I found amusing in arguing against the McConnell decision to go to 1a.m. and saying everybody will be asleep and not paying attention. How many people are staying home from work to watch and listen to this? Please. 90% of Americans who are even interested in this will get a synopsis of the day from which ever news source they choose to watch be it CNN, MSNBC or Fox since the big 3 ABC, CBS and NBC ( I'm told, I haven't checked ) are running their soaps because they would be crucified if they cancelled soaps for this.
What I have chosen to do since I watched every minute of the impeachment inquiry and have heard all this from the Democrats before, is DVR starting at 1 p.m. the days speeches and I fast forward through the speeches by the Democrats and listen to the synopsis of the talking heads on Fox news in particular Andy McCarthy former assistant US Attorney. who I believe has this shit down pat.
I heard a couple of people like Brit Hume say that Schiff did a pretty good job in the first 2 1/2 hours of the prosecutions case rehashing what was said during the inquiry and wondered what the Hell the other 6 were going to say for the next 22 1/2 hours that Schiff hadn't already said which goes to the point of why watch them repeat 6 more times what has already been said and if you watch the impeachment inquiry as I did, you've heard all this before.
What was surprising to me is that the prosecutors would fall for one of the oldest tricks in the legal book, getting your opponent to "open the door" for calling a witness that you didn't want called, Hunter Biden. The Dem's have said all along that Hunter Biden is not relevant to the case and shouldn't be called and here is a Democratic manager/ prosecutor talking about Hunter AND Joe Biden for the last hour making the case for the Republicans to say "they opened the door to this witness being called". If Hunter Biden and Joe Biden weren't relevant to the case, why did you bring them up? A rookie mistake to be sure. Those names should never have come out of the mouth of a Demcrat.