Dallas Rain

Yeah...okay...not attractive in any way...
Originally Posted by Wakeup
You're such a flirt!!
myfavhobby's Avatar
Book a session, walk in and tell her your body is hers to play with.
skbinks's Avatar
Yeah...okay...not attractive in any way... Originally Posted by Wakeup
I'm sure she has a hood she could put over your head so you don't have to look in the mirror. She would teach you that looks do not control personality, performance, etc., but those things can control how you perceive someones looks, and you won't have to look behind you while she is pegging you anyway. Besides, to each his own, but she is a Beautiful Lady and I have never even met her in person yet. What really sucks is that because of or schedules and my hobby allowance, I have never got the chance to meat (meet?) her.

Love ya Dallas
DallasRain's Avatar
I'm sure she has a hood she could put over your head so you don't have to look in the mirror. She would teach you that looks do not control personality, performance, etc., but those things can control how you perceive someones looks, and you won't have to look behind you while she is pegging you anyway. Besides, to each his own, but she is a Beautiful Lady and I have never even met her in person yet. What really sucks is that because of or schedules and my hobby allowance, I have never got the chance to meat (meet?) her.

Love ya Dallas Originally Posted by skbinks
AWWWWWWW Thanks Tucson...you are an awesome man!

And thanks everyone.....I am blushing!

As for Wakeup, "I aint hatin"...he has an awesome sexy gal and so I say "each to his own" and "do who ya wanna do"......I am proud of who I am and I am 51 so of course I won't be as young and hot as Valerie......lol....It's all good! lol
You are an amazing lady. I love when we do our doubles. Its never ever boring with this lady at all. Love ya baby doll.. Kaylen
I have a feeling that she will break me, in one way or the other in the first 30 minutes. But what a way to go. Originally Posted by skbinks
She won't break ya. She may bend ya a bit and take you right to the limits though More than once if you are really lucky
Don't be afraid to go just a little past your limits. Dee will never hurt you but she has away of taking you further than you think is possible. You will become addicted to her like the rest of us.
Lexieinhouston's Avatar
I heard she can type with one hand, HJ with the other, have her two big toes in two different mouths, be DTing someone and Pegging another all at the same time.

Can anybody confirm this for me so that i can setup my first appointment with her? I think I am in love Originally Posted by skbinks
This would not surprise me in the least, she is a woman of infinite talents & a sweetheart.

skbinks's Avatar
She won't break ya. She may bend ya a bit and take you right to the limits though More than once if you are really lucky Originally Posted by aaron204
Don't be afraid to go just a little past your limits. Dee will never hurt you but she has away of taking you further than you think is possible. You will become addicted to her like the rest of us. Originally Posted by tucson
This would not surprise me in the least, she is a woman of infinite talents & a sweetheart. Originally Posted by Lexieinhouston
I'm sure she would know how to handle me and like was said, she would take me to my limits and then just a little bit more to heighten the pleasure. And it is just teasing about her breaking me, she is the expert and I am 110% sure she knows exactly what a person wants and needs.

In reality, I don't fear her one bit.

Not only is she a "pro" with the clients but has ALWAYS responded quickly and accurately when I've requested a reference check. She is an active participant in the ladies forums. Dallas has a wealth of knowledge about the industry and is willing to share it.
Dallas is one hell of a great lady! NOT a Greedy bone in her body! she introduced me to my late husband and has always been there for me. If she would have been in nola at the time im sure she would have attended his funeral. She was one of his fav providers- before he fell in love with me of course luv ya DEE
Its never ever boring with this lady at all. Originally Posted by SexyKaylen
The truth shall set you free. I walked into a session with her once to hear her say, "I went shopping for us at Home Depot this afternoon." Creative eroticism commenced.

BTW, Kaylen, I'd very much like to learn the truth in what I've read about you, too!