Lousy Secretary

M_Star's Avatar
I know how you feel PPE. Such a disgrace to hard working, loyal secretaries. Maybe she should be chained to her desk so she can't wander off.

Make sure you are very clear in your discipline plan - what she must do, what she must not do, and what the consequences of her actions are.

Hey Hey Hey!! What dont get together on this Give her a chance..
she needs to prove herself...
She will!! She Probably just had a crazy week...
I believe she can Prove herself....
M_Star's Avatar
Good idea, Laeya.

PPE, perhaps we could arrange to double-team her at your office. I'll make a sales call and together we can teach your disrespectful, lazy secretary a thing or two.

Do you think she's ever been dp'd before?


I think even if she has not, that she should only to try and earn her way back into my good graces....

I think we can make this happen.... You will definitely have to make a sales call on my office and pet.

JRLawrence's Avatar
Unemployment Insurance!

That is the key issue. The employer must pay for the unemployment insurance. Just because you have already paid in a percentage of everyone's income to the state, doesn't mean you don't have to make it up because of one out of work secretary. Here is the way it works. The employer pays in and builds up a savings account over the years, from which he can never cash in on. If no one draws on the account, the amount he pays in goes down, way down, or nothing. If someone draws against the account, the amount he pays in goes up, way up, or out of sight. Unless, the person drawing unemployment is fired for a good reason (cause), or she quits. There a lot of reasons to disqualify a person from unemployment. But, in most states that person only has lost benefits for one week. After that, the unemployment can still be drawn. However, if the employer protested, the amount drawn is not from his account; the amount is charged against the general fund (build up by business who go out of business and loose all that they have contributed).

Thus, you need to document her problems in writing and give her continual evaluations (not just yearly) to document the problems that she has had. Give her a formal warning, in writing - not verbal - and have her sign it to show she has received it. Get at least three warnings in writing. I know this is a big pain. But verbal does not count, what you remember doesn't count. It may come down to her word against yours. Document, Document, Document; before you fire the bitch.

Avoid any personal contact with her like the plague. Not just sex, but any joke or reference to it. If she has even hinted at anything about sex, including the dress: document, document, document.

Listen to what is being said: otherwise it can cost you thousands of dollars.

Plan it like you are getting a divorce and walk away from the bitch. If she isn't working out you owe her nothing, including unemployment insurance. Let the government take the hit, not you.


thanks for that info... But for clarity, this is a fantasy role play scenario...

JRLawrence's Avatar

thanks for that info... But for clarity, this is a fantasy role play scenario...

PPE Originally Posted by PurplePussyEater

Sorry about that: I just missed that point in a thumb through things and see what I can find moment.

I did note the heading "Another Realm This forum is designed for those exploring alternative sexual practices and lifestyles. Whether a seasoned veteran of this scene, a newbie, or simply interested in broadening your sexual horizons, we hope you'll find the content of this forum stimulating and informative."

There are a lot of opportunities for me at work, but to me it is absolutely off limits. It should scare any man, if you think about. That is why I like the hobby. It offers a secure outlet for my needs. You even hint at anything at work and you can have big time legal trouble.

Work encounters can not be considered an alternate lifestyle, it can be jail.

At any hint of a sexual harassment problem, I call in the lawyers to run an independent investigation; before the bitch can find her own lawyer. That way the company has the advantage with good independent documentation. The guy she is trying to pick on has protection, and he has received some management training in the necessity of keeping his personal life private.

M_Star's Avatar
Isn't it ironic that the fantasy part of this scenario is there being any employment relationship whatsover with Lousy; the reality is that she IS my slave. Just ask her (oh, too bad, you can't).

Now can we get back to playing?!
For all you guys that dont understand that this is role play for Master/Sub stuff he is a scenero to start your imagination....
For this girl whoever they are talking about...
I am sure she has learned her lesson on getting Fired...for not doing her job
and will make wonderful slave, she needs disciplin, and needs to be told what to do..
Punished, and contolled...

She arrived at work late again and left early the day before. She was finding herself eager to get things started with her new BOSS BUT DIDNT FOLLOW THE RULES. She would where skirts with out panties,. She sat at her desk, and started to get her day going. About 5 minutes later, he showed up. He walked past her,no smile like he was mad, without saying a word. (She thought he was looking quite sexy today}, and it almost bothered her. she didnt wear panties so she could feel her bare kitty in his chair when he would leave to go to his meetings, Yea she snuck in...and played boss..
well he caught her, not just for leaving early or coming in late, also for not taking proper messeges and dressing a bit too sexy...
so she got fired...
oh coarse he wanted to give her a second chance, he told her to finish the rest of the day and do what ever he wanted..

She got to her desk, and found a small box. She opened it, there was a note. It said she was to put it on immediately, and leave it on the rest of the day. She looked in the box and found a small vibrator, connected to panties. When she put the panties on, the toy would slide into her pussy, but there was no way to turn the vibrator on. She went to the rest room and did as she was told. It felt good inside her, but she almost wished it was vibrating.

About 20 minutes after she was working, when the toy started violently vibrating on a high setting. She put 2 and 2 together, and finally realized these must be remote control panties, and he had the remote.
she realized then that she was no longer his secretary but trying out to be his slave..
But she would have to prove herself...