AOC brings RACISM to the electorial college.

  • oeb11
  • 08-22-2019, 01:47 PM
Unqualified to Judge anything!
Marxist DPST!
It is Your Tlaib. Omar, TM, and your Ilk that would restart the holocaust ovens in a minute.
What is the electorial college?

I don’t even have to read the OP to know it’s based in ignorance. The headline proves it. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Aren't you the one..."why worry about what congress says or does"??
Thanks for you input GENIUS!!
If you ignore YOU CHOOSE IGNORANCE...the statement you made about congress is industrial strength IGNORANCE
P.S. I will keep yanking your chain NONSTOP...Mr. Gaffe!!
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Unqualified to Judge anything!
Marxist DPST!
It is Your Tlaib. Omar, TM, and your Ilk that would restart the holocaust ovens in a minute. Originally Posted by oeb11
  • oeb11
  • 08-22-2019, 01:51 PM
-you forgot nazi, Fascist DPST.
Don't like the Truth and Facts exposed
Would much rather have the NYT Narrative and not have to cogitate about issues
Liar. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Right back at cha...GENIUS!!
The OP's statement that "all a candidate for President would have to do is make sure that California,New York, Florida were well-visited and occasionally drop in on the other states to say "hi" is a very valid one, because those 3 states, plus Illinois, Pennsylvania, Ohio, Michigan, Georgia, North Carolina, New Jersey and Texas, these 11 states total 268 electoral votes, just 2 shy of having a majority ..... and of course this is the wet dream of anyone wishing to abolish our voting system to a "one person, one vote system" .....but until then, just have these 11 states decide an election ..... oh yeah, they forgot ..... "those pesy people in the middle of the country matter." .....
loveitdou's Avatar
She isn't even as smart as a nitwit, you could mathematically square her IQ and it would be negative Number.

I just wish we'd (you and Me) stop even referring to her ravings. IMO the only good thing about her ravings is as long as she keep spewing her crap she is insuring that President Trump will be elected. In the mean time she should be investigated for her Un-American activities and impeachment proceedings should be started to have her expelled from Congress and then from the United States that she hates so much. That along with the brain dead electorate that elected her.

Bottom line: Holly SHit why the hell did I stop here, a mistake I will notmake again.
Hell, AOC thinks everything else is racist, she might as well include the E C.
  • oeb11
  • 08-22-2019, 03:36 PM
AOC is racist towards while males!
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
Recall that AOC was mesmerized by a garbage disposal.
rexdutchman's Avatar
AOC is very racist ( but shhh don't tell the media)
she has the same perspective as obama

and all the dims running for president
the_real_Barleycorn's Avatar
She get them old Trumptards all worked up....she must be doing something right Originally Posted by matchingmole
Actually, we're rolling our collective eyes thinking just how gullible democrats are. We just didn't think that you were that stupid...but you prove us wrong every day.
  • oeb11
  • 08-23-2019, 08:23 AM
YR just proved the DPST's take no account of the Constitution ( written by white males)
No idea of what the electoral College is or its' function
Typical DPST's - no respect for law of the country - and less knowledge of the Laws this country is founded on!
Yssup Rider's Avatar
YR just proved the DPST's take no account of the Constitution ( written by white males)
No idea of what the electoral College is or its' function
Typical DPST's - no respect for law of the country - and less knowledge of the Laws this country is founded on! Originally Posted by oeb11
Another shameless lie. But you’re exposing your cogent side, oeb11.

How are you still allowed to post here, anyway?

You’re obviously not qualified to diagnose dipshittery.