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  • CJ7
  • 09-16-2013, 05:04 PM
Keep up the good work CJ...... Originally Posted by Whirlaway

you only say the future looks bleak because you want to keep people so dumb the rightwingers will have people who vote for them
New Yorkers were pretty smart in throwing Dinkins out after only 4 years and handing the city over to Giuliani and then Bloomberg.....looks like New Yorkers are going to make the mistake and go back to the days of liberal Democratic mayor who will ruin a good thing.

But heck, I don't live there any longer.....Texas will be the beneficiary of people who flee the city to better places...................those that are trapped, well, the policies of DeBlasio will be horrendous on their quality of life.
New Yorkers were pretty smart in throwing Dinkins out after only 4 years and handing the city over to Giuliani and then Bloomberg.....looks like New Yorkers are going to make the mistake and go back to the days of liberal Democratic mayor who will ruin a good thing.

But heck, I don't live there any longer.....Texas will be the beneficiary of people who flee the city to better places................... Originally Posted by Whirlaway
Are you sure?

What if all the NY and California transplants don't put 2 and 2 together and keep supporting progressive politics? What if they convince themselves that thss time they will get it right with a new start in Texas?

Why do you think some political observers talk about Texas turning purple?

All those blue staters moving into a red state and not changing their political choices.
Texas is turning purple because of immigration from Latin America; NOT New York and California. And those leaving California and NY are very much in play for conservative policies. My experience tells me that most of those JC Penny workers who came to Plano turned out to be Republicans, not Democrats !

Same with the American Airlines workers who proceeded them.............middle class voters want great schools, low crime, and low taxes....they make reliable voters for the GOP.
Texas is turning purple because of immigration from Latin America; NOT New York and California.
How? Illegals can't vote. And, even so, Latino immigrants have been moving into Texas for decades - the same as California. Yet CA went completely blue while TX went red.

And those leaving California and NY are very much in play for conservative policies. My experience tells me that most of those JC Penny workers who came to Plano turned out to be Republicans, not Democrats !
I agree that transplants from NY, CA and other states are in play, but that doesn't mean they will. All the people from one company are a bad sample. They all have the same biases. What about recent college grads and other young people coming individually looking for work. They haven't been burned enough by life to know better.

Same with the American Airlines workers who proceeded them.............middle class voters want great schools, low crime, and low taxes....they make reliable voters for the GOP. Originally Posted by Whirlaway
But AA moved to DFW from NYC in 1979. That's 34 years ago. And they really just moved the headquarters here, not the whole company. It's not like AA moved all the pilots and flight attendants who were based in NY to Dallas.

So I don't think the AA example tells us anything useful today.

The blue collar folks in NY are stuck there, tied to their jobs - cops, fireman, trade unions. And the service professionals who may relocate tend to skew younger and they will probably want the same welfare programs as NY, but won't associated it with how it impacts their taxes.

It's incrementalism. They will support "just" this program or "just" that program and argue that it only adds a little cost. The next thing you know, TX is top heavy with public sector unions and high taxes.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
school taxes come from property tax, the mayor doesn't figure into property tax in any way Originally Posted by CJ7
Uh, sorry to have to correct your stupid statement again, but school funding can come from any source. It wholly depends on the legislating body. It is not limited to property taxes. Hasn't been for a long time.

Either know what you are talking about, or don't post. You look more stupid every time you post something. Ijs
A new poll reported in Politico finds Sandinista Mayor Bill de Blasio’s approval rating has already broken below 40 percent. The New York Post’s Michael Goodwin has taken to calling him “Oblasio.” Heh.
When a politician denounces politics, you know he’s feeling the heat. When that politician is Bill de Blasio and he aims his ire at charter schools, the media and taxpayers, you know his brain is stuck in reverse.

Ending the worst week of his mayoralty — his next good week will be his first — de Blasio got poll-whacked, with his job-approval rating sinking to 39 percent. Only black New Yorkers give him even 50 percent, and he’s under a majority in each of the five boroughs, according to the Wall Street Journal/WNBC/Marist survey.

If this were a marriage, talk of divorce would ruin the honeymoon.

JD Barleycorn's Avatar
The POTUS cannot raise taxes on the citizens of this country but according to the SCOTUS Obamacare is a tax and not a fine (fee). Had did he do that if he has no power to tax? He's changed that law ...what is it now? 39 times to benefit his friends and hurt his enemies (citizens).

Never doubt that even the Mayor of New York City cannot do something about being rich. The very fact that he thinks that way, whether or not he has the power, shows that he should not be mayor of anything. What do you expect when you elect an openly communist mayor who is owned by the unions. I would think that some of you would be making points about him closing down charter schools for low income and minority students. Those schools have a 96% graduation rate. Explain how doing that helps the people of NYC?

Always remember, when it comes to government, money is fungible.
New York elected him, let them reap what ever consequences, good or bad, might spring forth.

Here in Houston, we are much more open minded that any New Yorker. We have a real live Bull Dyke as our mayor, and she is pretty damned good at it. She knows that the business of Houston IS business, so she stays the fuck out of the way and allows the economy to boom.

Sure, she gives token speeches to all of the Liberal Causes, and cowtows to a few local poverty pimps, but she knows quite well who butters the bread.

I am sorry she is term limited. Maybe she has a girlfriend that will take over.