Trump is on track to spend $1 billion in 4 years housing his wife in NYC and vacationing in Mar-a-Lago virtually every week.

Munchmasterman's Avatar
Just like you would do it. Because you know that's the way to do it given your prior experience.

Except he knows the bugs would just keep changing rooms if they really existed.

He knows that is just one more piece of bullshit tools like you will gobble up.

Stupid douche-bag.

He is getting it fumigating one area at at time to remove the stench and bed bugs Obama left behind. Originally Posted by canuckeight
Munchmasterman's Avatar
The other openly racist douche-bag speaks.

Look how stupid that statement is.

The only reason I responded was to point out that you and spread cheeks are our site racists.

One of you is an alcoholic who projects his plight onto those who disagree/point out his stupidity and the other thinks the US will split apart to assist his personal ambitions.

Don't pretend y'all are too stupid to know which of you is which or that you really care where that douche-bag nozzle was at last before you put it in your mouth.

If you don't like it, secede from the Union!!! Originally Posted by DSK
Munchmasterman's Avatar
Fake news?

Good one. Just like the "fake" dick you take up the ass, Tanto.

No, it's obvious you know it's true. This isn't the normal case of you being too fucking lazy to look for something to refute me with.

This is just a case of the truth you deny. So prove me wrong, douche-bag.
Prove me wrong or get your 31000 in co-ed discussion,

Do you have any posts where I whined about Obaminable "vacationing" in Hawaii? (I assume you're not talking about Bill Clinton (the "first Black President"). I think Your Man Obaminable pissed off $10 Trillion during his eight years!

Just more of your whining bullshit. Fake Posts. Grow up! Originally Posted by LexusLover
Munchmasterman's Avatar
What can be said about the birthers? What can be said about fiery snowballs?

Other than they are views held on to by those with nothing left to hang on to and who will follow anyone who tells them they aren't morons for holding stupid views.

Flame on, tool.

Nobody is bitching about Obama vacationing in Hawaii. People bitch about him lying about being born there.

Jim Originally Posted by Mr MojoRisin
Munchmasterman's Avatar
Two bitches with one quote.
I wish he would go back there .... as a constitutional law "professor" he could PERHAPS enlighten the Federal Judges there about the separation of powers and the constitutionally and legislatively assigned duties of the executive branch as opposed to the judicial branch!

And for the remainder of the time he's not advising them ..

... keep his fat mouth shut. Originally Posted by LexusLover
The federal judges don't need him. They're doing fine by themselves.
Plus I love to tell you, the only fat mouth that anyone is hearing is that orange hair guy and his bullshit stories.

More fake news???? While on "vacation" Trump has met with the leaders of many different countries, the heads of business, and politicians from both parties. Only a shitstained political hack would call that a vacation.

If I recall correctly, didn't Obama spend half a billion dollars going on vacation (you know, the real kind with bicycling and wind surfing). That would feed how many seniors and children dumbass? Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
A couple of things that prove this to be your typical bullshit post.

Other than Japan's Abe, what other world leaders have been with trump in Florida?
Answer. None you cocksucking RIFed liar

Other than his Sec. of Commerce and his Atty. Gen. what other party leaders, of either party, have been with him?
Answer. None you piece of shit.

What business leaders?
Answer. I'm waiting you fucking douche-bag.

Only a shitstained, piece of shit, RIFed douche-bag would call business done at the Whitehouse business done in Florida.

And if you read the article, the one you call fake without anything but your worthless word to back it up as being such, you would have seen,

The roughly $10 million Trump has already spent on unnecessary travel approaches the $12 million President Obama spent each year

you would realize that you recall as you usually do.
Incorrectly and with made up lies.
LexusLover's Avatar
Munchies on a rant ... his future is slipping away!
Munchmasterman's Avatar
Nothing to say so you keep saying it. Unable to address the OP, you start with "I know you are but what am I?"

Munchies on a rant ... his future is slipping away! Originally Posted by LexusLover
How funny for you to think my future is tied to a hooker board.

Understandable you think that since yours obviously is.

Closing in on 31K. How much time a day on here?
  • DSK
  • 03-19-2017, 06:53 AM
The other openly racist douche-bag speaks.

Look how stupid that statement is.

The only reason I responded was to point out that you and spread cheeks are our site racists.

One of you is an alcoholic who projects his plight onto those who disagree/point out his stupidity and the other thinks the US will split apart to assist his personal ambitions.

Don't pretend y'all are too stupid to know which of you is which or that you really care where that douche-bag nozzle was at last before you put it in your mouth. Originally Posted by Munchmasterman
Wrong as usual, so shut the fuck up, and quit taking your husband's dick in your ass.

I think everyone would be better off if the country were split up. It doesn't work anymore, both sides hate each other, their is no real commonality to build upon. You liberals have destroyed it.
LexusLover's Avatar
You liberals have destroyed it. Originally Posted by DSK
Mr. Trump has a history of building something Great where a pile of rubble was left behind. We'll be ok, regardless of the Liberals' best efforts to PROTECT THEIR RUBBLE!

I still can't figure out why Munchie is whining. It ain't coming out of his pocket .... Ms. Trump's support I mean. He couldn't afford to pay for her nail job!
bambino's Avatar
Another Munch meltdown, grab your hazmat suits till the stench clears.
im on trump's side

why? many different reasons

but to cut it short:

the trajectory of the nation, what we have been doing the last 60 years, in so many areas, is downward

and everyone who is against trump would be or is against me and most everyone else I know enough to care about too

btw the thread starter has such hatred spewing out of every post he types, not just in this thread but in every one I can remember, if I wasn't such a stalwart man, he would be scary
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Two bitches with one quote.

The federal judges don't need him. They're doing fine by themselves.
Plus I love to tell you, the only fat mouth that anyone is hearing is that orange hair guy and his bullshit stories.

A couple of things that prove this to be your typical bullshit post.

Other than Japan's Abe, what other world leaders have been with trump in Florida?
Answer. None you cocksucking RIFed liar

Other than his Sec. of Commerce and his Atty. Gen. what other party leaders, of either party, have been with him?
Answer. None you piece of shit.

What business leaders?
Answer. I'm waiting you fucking douche-bag.

Only a shitstained, piece of shit, RIFed douche-bag would call business done at the Whitehouse business done in Florida.

And if you read the article, the one you call fake without anything but your worthless word to back it up as being such, you would have seen,

The roughly $10 million Trump has already spent on unnecessary travel approaches the $12 million President Obama spent each year

you would realize that you recall as you usually do.
Incorrectly and with made up lies. Originally Posted by Munchmasterman
Inability to focus, chaotic behavior, random outbursts...there are certain meds that will cause this. I'm afraid that Munchkin is about finished as a reasonable poster. Enough about the idiot elite though.

You know that everytime Obama (or Clinton for that matter) goes on vacation (working or otherwise) the American taxpayer had to pay for their accomodations as they didn't own the property or someone donated the residence (the payment was probably not noted anywhere as a political donation). Like Bush, Trump goes HOME. I find it very racist that you discount Michelle Obama when she said that the White House is like a prison, a beautful prison. The words of a black woman not good enough for you Munchkin?
BigLouie's Avatar
Trump is going there because it makes him money. The government pays the money to the club which he owns. His whole reason for being President is to make as much money as possible off it. Even his wife in court papers admitted that her goal is to get max dollars out of being first lady and any negative story hinders that effort
What can be said about the birthers? What can be said about fiery snowballs?

Other than they are views held on to by those with nothing left to hang on to and who will follow anyone who tells them they aren't morons for holding stupid views.

Flame on, tool. Originally Posted by Munchmasterman
Oh, be realistic. You don't really care about any of this shit. The purpose of your ranting little thread is to make waves about a president you don't support, that's all it is. If it was Obama you would be fine with it. Talk about a tool, lol.

bambino's Avatar
Trump is going there because it makes him money. The government pays the money to the club which he owns. His whole reason for being President is to make as much money as possible off it. Even his wife in court papers admitted that her goal is to get max dollars out of being first lady and any negative story hinders that effort Originally Posted by BigLouie
I discounted you as a serious poster a few years ago. This post is a prime example. Trump is a billionaire a few times over. He doesn't need a dime from anybody. You are a complete idiot.