Trump Is A Dick With No Balls for Pussy Bombing Syria

lustylad's Avatar
The problem with Iraq was that we bombed under false accusations of weapons of mass distruction (sic) as an excuse to invade. If Bush or Cheney or anyone else new (sic) this to be a lie then in my opinion they are war criminals and no better than Assad or Hussein or any terrorist that kills innocent people for no reason. My point was that when they did decide to invade it was overwhelming and decisive and with our allies, not the nothing bombing Trump just did as a lone wolf for his own political gain of diverting attention from his Russian connections. Originally Posted by StandinStraight
Why don't you google "Saddam Hussein mass graves"? Lots of gruesome stuff there. If you are appalled by Assad's baby killing, you should be equally disgusted at Saddam's genocidal handiwork as a moral and humanitarian basis for going to war. And if you can't tell the difference between the purveyors of genocide and those who put a stop to it, then you obviously have no moral compass.

Keep trying, standinshit. You're still far, far off the libtard reservation on this one.
lustylad's Avatar
You're being stupid again, Stan-the-Stupid. The market value of a MiG 29B is approximately $11 million, Stan-the-Stupid. Multiply $11 million by 20, Stan-the-Stupid, and you'll discover that that's a significant degradation to Assad's combat air capability, Stan-the-Stupid. Throw in the destruction of a command-and-control system, a destroyed surface-to-air system, a few buildings and warehouses, a couple of fuel and ammunition bunkers with a few more destroyed plane revetments and you'll realize that Trump got a good return on his $35 million investment without hazarding the life of a single American serviceman or woman, Stan-the-Stupid. Originally Posted by I B Hankering

Stop! You're making it hard for the Trump-hating, baby-killer-enabling lib-retards to find fault with Trump's action!

They can't stomach letting Trump be seen to do anything right and successful!

They would rather defend Assad! Long live the Baby-Gassing Butcher of Damascus!
StandinStraight's Avatar
Why don't you google "Saddam Hussein mass graves"? Lots of gruesome stuff there. If you are appalled by Assad's baby killing, you should be equally disgusted at Saddam's genocidal handiwork as a moral and humanitarian basis for going to war. And if you can't tell the difference between the purveyors of genocide and those who put a stop to it, then you obviously have no moral compass.

Keep trying, standinshit. You're still far, far off the libtard reservation on this one. Originally Posted by lustylad
If Cheney and Bush had said they were bombing Iraq because of past atrocities your argument might be good but they claimed weapons of mass destruction was the reason and that turned out to be make believe. If they created the lie to justify the action they are murderers and war criminals period, regardless of past atrocities.
Hey, at least I tried to help him out a few months ago when I posted this thread...

I wasn't being altruistic either. I just wanted to distract the idiot from his spamming obsession. Originally Posted by lustylad
Fuckin' hilarious!

I especially like the first linked post:

In search of a non pro young beautiful energetic non smoking woman, virgin preferred, that is looking for a friend with benefits situation. She should not be concerned with time or money but eager to please. Must have a clean home in a nice neighborhood with no cats or boyfriends and be available at all hours. Please send contact information and best time to call. Originally Posted by StandinStraight
StandinStraight's Avatar
So what's YOUR rate in PISSburg to let a woman SHIT on YOU ? But, YOU'D let shrilLIARy or Lieawatha Fauxcahontis Warren do it for free ! Originally Posted by Rey Lengua
Actually Reytardo I have a stable of very fine liberal women that find my teachings and conversation not my money stimulating enough to awaken their inner desires. You guys without the intelligence going for you gotta open the wallet, I just open my mind.
I B Hankering's Avatar
If Cheney and Bush had said they were bombing Iraq because of past atrocities your argument might be good but they claimed weapons of mass destruction was the reason and that turned out to be make believe. If they created the lie to justify the action they are murderers and war criminals period, regardless of past atrocities. Originally Posted by StandinStraight
You're lying again, Stan-the-Stupid. Bush43 clearly said that Saddam was in violation of the armistice he'd agreed to in 1991 making WMD just a part of the case against Saddam, and the WMD part would be the verbatim part taken from Slick Willie the Perjuring Sexual Predator's justification for his Desert Fox invasion of Iraq in 1998.

Transcript: President Clinton explains Iraq strike

CLINTON: Good evening.

Earlier today, I ordered America's armed forces to strike military and security targets in Iraq. They are joined by British forces. Their mission is to attack Iraq's nuclear, chemical and biological weapons programs and its military capacity to threaten its neighbors.

lustylad's Avatar
Actually Reytardo I have a stable of very fine liberal women that find my teachings and conversation not my money stimulating enough to awaken their inner desires... Originally Posted by StandinStraight
Would this be an example of the "fine liberal women" you are attracted to:

Actually Reytardo I have a stable of very fine liberal women that find my teachings and conversation not my money stimulating enough to awaken their inner desires. You guys without the intelligence going for you gotta open the wallet, I just open my mind. Originally Posted by StandinStraight
Wow, StandinStupid!

You sure have some vivid dreams, don't you? What the fuck do you do, guzzle almost as much liquid melatonin as you do progtard Kool-Aid?

Syria – It Doesn’t Matter Who Used The Chemical Weapons, The Issue is Extremism and Stability…

Posted on April 8, 2017 by sundance

There is a predictable disconnect amid political followers who have not paid close attention to the direct Mid-East visitors to the Donald Trump White House regarding the origin of the chemical weapons use in Syria.

Focusing on who used chemical weapons is a moot point in the larger issue of the Syrian conflict. It doesn’t matter whether ISIS “rebels” deployed them or whether Bashir Assad used them against the “rebels” when contemplating President Trump’s response to stop using them. The victims are Syrians. The regional alliance members don’t care who used them. The message is to stop.

We could make a solid argument that either interested party: Bashir Assad or “the rebels” (al-Qaeda, ISIS, al-Nusra et al) had motive and opportunity to use chemical weapons.

We’ve written for several years about the manipulative intentions of both sides, all sides, in the Syrian conflict. We’ve written about President Obama’s policies toward Syria and how his administration armed and equipped all elements; gaining nothing except a horrific death toll and chaotic civil war as an outcome.

We’ve provided lengthy and cited research on arms into Syria from Obama, Clinton and Kerry. The Benghazi Brief outlined Man-Pads and chemical weapons delivered to Syria as an outcome of the collapse within Libya. We’ve outlined the Libyan weapons caches that became the Jihadist market/yard-sale. We’ve also documented weapons deliveries directly from the State Department using actual recorded audio admissions of Secretary Kerry to his Syrian benefactors.

Additionally, no-one questions whether Iraq’s Saddam Hussein, Assad’s BFF, delivered stock piles of his own chemical weapons to Syria, because it was well documented. Both Bashir Assad and Saddam Hussein previously used chemical weapons. Historically Hussein used Chemical Weapons to kill up to 300,000 Kurds in Northern Iraq.

None of this is in doubt.

To argue if Assad used chemical weapons again last week is really an irrelevant issue when you stop and think about Bashir Assad’s political position in 2017.

2012 “NO ISLAM WITHOUT JIHAD” – members of the Free Syrian Army. Abu Khuder and his men fight for al-Qaida. They call themselves the ghuraba’a, or “strangers”, after a famous jihadi poem celebrating Osama bin Laden’s time with his followers in the Afghan mountains, and they are one of a number of jihadi organisations establishing a foothold in the east of the country now that the conflict in Syria has stretched well into its second bloody year.

They try to hide their presence. “Some people are worried about carrying the [black] flags,” said Abu Khuder. “They fear America will come and fight us. So we fight in secret. Why give Bashar and the west a pretext?” But their existence is common knowledge in Mohassen. Even passers-by joke with the men about car bombs and IEDs.

Which brings us to one of the issues everyone in media overlook: Assad’s 2017 motive NOT TO remove ISIS with any excessive urgency.

Currently there are two sides in the six year Syrian civil war: Assad and “the rebels”.

If you take out ISIS (‘the rebels’), you are left with Assad – a terrorist state. If you take out Assad you are left with ISIS – a terrorist state. The regional goal is to eliminate extremism. Both sides of the current Syrian coin are extremist.

If the bank told you they were repossessing your home just as soon as you finished the kitchen remodel, how quickly would you work in remodeling the kitchen.

Similarly, by actions and deeds the international community, and the regional community, have essentially told Assad he must step down from power as soon as he eliminates ISIS. Do you see any grand motivation for Assad to remove ISIS in that equation? This is the basis for the quagmire. Syria is FUBAR.

Syria is FUBAR and ordinary Syrians are being destroyed between the pendulum. Syria is FUBAR and despite the Russian and Iranian propaganda to the contrary, Bashir Assad is a terrorist and a dictator. Bashir Assad is to 2017 Syria what 1980’s Kaddaffi was to Libya.

Take ISIS, al-Nusra and al-Qaeda out of the equation, which is almost impossible because those affiliates are people -tens of thousands of people- and you still have terrorist Bashir Assad and terrorist group Hezbollah and the terrorist network of the Muslim Brotherhood. Syria is FUBAR because it is full of violent extremists.

Don’t kid yourself into believing that Bashir Assad is some grand magnanimous figure just because he is currently killing Sunni extremists (ISIS). Take away the “extremists” from the equation and Assad kills Sunni moderates. Either way you look at Syria one extremist element ends up killing ordinary Syrians. Syria is FUBAR.

Why haven’t you heard of a central political figure in opposition to Assad?

Because he kills them all, and their families, and the friends of the families; and the villages of the friends and families of anyone who would threaten his regime. Assad protects Assad, and sometimes as an extension of his own self-preservation he protects others; but Assad is always protecting Assad first and foremost.

It’s 2017!

Kaddaffi, Hosni Mubarak, Abdullah Salah, and Ben Ali. “The Arab Spring Dictators”

The Zoo’s Big Cat cages have been opened for more than seven years.

There’s no going back to the time of Zookeepers Hussein (Iraq), Bin Ali (Tunisia), Mubarak (Egypt), Kaddaffi (Libya) and Abdullah Salah (Yemen), being able to contain the rabid cats.

The congealed blood cannot be put back into the tube.

Similarly, it doesn’t matter who used the chemical weapons in Syria or where they came from, it’s all extremism. Can you fathom a scenario where Assad could ever be able to lead a united Syrian people?

Regardless of the Syrian outcome, regardless of Assad’s victory over “the rebels”, the congealed Syrian blood will not go back into the tube. He’s done; Assad has lost the majority of his own people.

The entire region understands this; Assad has no allies in proximity. Assad is the only Zookeeper remaining amid a land that has moved away from Zoo-keeping. It’s only Assad, Russia and Iran who are trying to deny the reality of the inevitable.

Assad is now the problem for the neighborhood.

This reality is why the 2017 exhausted Arab Coalition, and more importantly their majority populations, have called for changes in the views of western political leaders away from historic categories of factional segments (and elements of tribalism), and pleaded within Western voices to focus on “all extremism”.

“Extremism” in all it’s forms is now the focus of the region. Assad is viewed as part of the extremism. This is why it really doesn’t matter whether or not Assad carried out the chemical weapons attacks, or if the attack was a ‘false flag’ by “the rebels” to get rid of Assad.

President Trump launched a missile strike to send a message to all Syrians that use of chemical weapons will not be permitted. In the aftermath, Assad promised to fight ISIS harder.

Yeah, sure. And Assad’s motivated to do that because?….

Bashir Assad is an eight-track terrorist trying to convince the international community he’s a CD-player. No-one in the region accepts him any longer. The mid-east has moved forward; the world, except Assad’s Syria, is now digital.

Assad hides behind the secular guise of protecting minority Christians to project an useful optic to the West. Meanwhile, Jordan’s King Abdullah II provides refuge to more Syrian Christians amid a refugee population nearing 3 million.

A conveniently overlooked reality is there are more Syrian secular refugees currently protected by King Abdullah than exist in Syria. Why is that?

The true secular leaders providing minority religious protections both visited the White House at the same time as the chemical attack. It is not coincidental that both al-Sisi and King Abdullah were the first voices to rise in support of President Trump’s response.

Jordan’s King Abdullah was in Washington DC, during the exact timeline of President Trump considering a response. The direct and consequential subject matter expert on the entire Syrian conflict just happened to be in the Oval Office at the exact time the chemical attack took place.

Don’t you think President Trump was immediately given solid counsel by Abdullah on the reality of the landscape?

No-one in western media has been paying attention to, let alone assembling, all the dots from direct direct talks that have been taking place between President Trump and the Regional Partners.

The serious discussions have been done quietly and deliberately.
I B Hankering's Avatar
StrandedinStupidville... Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB


Good article.
  • DSK
  • 04-08-2017, 04:45 PM
Yes so at best you could term it a warning, but other than a warning it accomplshed nada. To say it was a proportional and appropriate response is not accurate, it was a nothing burger pussy response and I am sure the people gassed would agree with me. The only appropriate and proportional response would be to take out Assad and his entire military, but Trump wont do that because he would have to work with NATO and Putin might get mad at him and release the pee tape. Originally Posted by StandinStraight
You are a genocidal war monger!!
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 04-08-2017, 05:05 PM


Good article. Originally Posted by I B Hankering
Agreed....though me thinks more credit should go to our Generals than Trump. Hopefully the implications are: We are not sending a significant amount of troops there.

Maybe Biden should have won in 2008 and started busting up the ME back to old Tribal boundaries! Go Joe!
lustylad's Avatar
Wow, StandinStupid!

You sure have some vivid dreams, don't you? What the fuck do you do, guzzle almost as much liquid melatonin as you do progtard Kool-Aid? Originally Posted by Ex-CEO
Lol! His mother started him early on the Kool-Aid...

You are a genocidal war monger!! Originally Posted by DSK
Ooops! Standinshit must have drank the wrong Kool-Aid before starting this thread!
TheDaliLama's Avatar
And you of course are from Texas Originally Posted by StandinStraight
And you're still an idiot.
Agreed....though me thinks more credit should go to our Generals than Trump. Hopefully the implications are: We are not sending a significant amount of troops there.
... Originally Posted by WTF
Who surrounded himself with those Generals? President Trump. My bet is those Generals understand the lessons of the last decades and, like President Trump, don't want to be caught in another quagmire.

IMO, this is another action to erase more of Obama's legacy: ineffective leadership.