Porn Star Stormy Daniels & Donald Trump Coverup

TexTushHog's Avatar
Well, the porn star in question KNOWS what went on... and you don't. She's says nothing happened. You're entitled to your own opinions, but not your own facts. Unless you can produce documented proof for your allegations (which you can't, because you simply pulled out of your ass to support your biases), you should STFU. Originally Posted by Bobave
We know she produced a draft contract to a journalist that called for a payment to her that bought her silence. That the contract was from Trump’s lawyer. That at the time of that contract she said she was fucked him. That she had told Good Mirning America that she had fucked him. And that shortly after sharing the draft contract, she backed out of talking to GMA. Finally, we know that the Wall Street Urinal, the house news paper if the Republican Party now says the hush money was paid, the agreement was signed, and it was Trump,doing the paying. But sure, despite ALL those facts, I guess it’s theiretically possible he was just a platonic admirer, right? Give me a fuckin’ break.
  • grean
  • 01-15-2018, 10:50 PM
Didn't she run for senate?
DT was chasing Melania while he was still married to Marla.

He was chasing Marla while he was still married to Ivana. Originally Posted by CG2014
And the whole time he's been chasing Ivanka. . .
He can't help it Bob! he's just another libtard mouthpiece! Originally Posted by daddyo67
If I'm a libtard does that make you a retard?

Out of all the things to hate Donald Trump about, this is really at the bottom of the list for me. Shocker, he cheated on his wife. Personally, that's between him and his wife. He's known to get around, not a surprise.

But to say she denies it so it must be true is ridiculous. She was paid for her silence. Why don't you retards believe something as silly as Obama saying he was born in Hawaii? You want to take a paid pornstar at her word but refuse to do the same for someone as dignified as our former president. I guess as long as it fits the alt right narrative. You guys would defend Satan.
  • grean
  • 01-20-2018, 09:49 PM
He was fuckin’ her in 2005 or 2006. However, he paid her the hush money in October 2016, in the last full month of the Presidential campaign. I’d say a married candidate paying hush money to a porn star he was fucking while his wife was pregnant with their first child is newsworthy. And for many people, it would be a disqualifying Act in terms of feign President.

I don't find a candidate’s private sexual ethics to be relevant if they are st least somewhat open about them and therefore not subject to blackmail. And like Bill Clinton, I think anyone with half a brain can figure Trump is a hard dog to keep on the porch. He’s going to fuck around. But the hypocrisry of all these right wing evangelicals is gobsmacking in its scope. They claim to vote on stuff like private sexual ethics, but live this asshole. They are nothing but bad liars. Originally Posted by TexTushHog
What dumbshit pays hush money to someone in 2016 AFTER they already went on record in 2011?
PeterBota's Avatar
Even Donald Trump has skeletons in his closet that are coming back to haunt him.

What it's like to date one of the world's biggest porn stars ? Originally Posted by waterfalllover
Suck his dick Op
CG2014's Avatar
Many Presidents have been known to use the office of the Presidency to fool around with women.

Women are attracted to men with power like moths to flames.

JFK was a big womanizer and he had women in the WH all the time including Marilyn.

Not sure why anyone would want to cheat on a beautiful, classy woman like Jackie.
Not sure why anyone would want to cheat on a beautiful, classy woman like Jackie. Originally Posted by CG2014
c'mon, a guy saying this is inexcusable. gotta have some strange now and then no matter who you're with.
CG2014's Avatar
Or cheat on Melania, the hottest, most beautiful, classiest FLOTUS since Jackie Kennedy.

TexTushHog's Avatar
What dumbshit pays hush money to someone in 2016 AFTER they already went on record in 2011? Originally Posted by grean
2011 interview was never published because they couldn’t afford to defend a suit from Trump.
texassapper's Avatar
Hey if Democrats have taught me anything it’s that the personal life of the President doesn’t matter. Even when they lie under oath about it.
OpAmp's Avatar
  • OpAmp
  • 01-21-2018, 11:10 PM
An interesting critical moralizing attitude from some hooker board members. Are you more leftists than hobbyists?

it is Priceless. Only on Eccie!
TexTushHog's Avatar
Hey if Democrats have taught me anything it’s that the personal life of the President doesn’t matter. Even when they lie under oath about it. Originally Posted by texassapper
As I said earlier, I dint give a shit about him fucking around. It’s the hypocrisy of his supporters that gets me.

“I don't find a candidate’s private sexual ethics to be relevant if they are st least somewhat open about them and therefore not subject to blackmail. And like Bill Clinton, I think anyone with half a brain can figure Trump is a hard dog to keep on the porch. He’s going to fuck around. But the hypocrisry of all these right wing evangelicals is gobsmacking in its scope. They claim to vote on stuff like private sexual ethics, but live this asshole. They are nothing but bad liars.”
texassapper's Avatar
Doesn't matter what kind of feces the monkeys in the press fling at Trump. They've lost complete credibility. Anyone who voted for Trump isn't likely to change their mind because he supposedly fucked a porn star. When 96% of your coverage is negative, you can't say you're being even-handed. So even if they find he murdered a hooker, nobody is going to believe them. Every Republican President is Hitler until there is a new Republican running for President then the Previous guy becomes a paragon of virtue and reasonableness. The clowns in the press don't even realize how badly they are being laughed at.

And again, Democrats have taught me that lying under oath about Sex is OK...
CG2014's Avatar
And there is, the lying Democrats always blaming the GOP for everything that happens in Washington: