differences in client age groups

In my opinion, the guys who are in their 20's spend money way differently than guys in their 30's and up.

Guy's who are in their 20's aren't quite settled yet, and don't know what it means to save a dollar for hard times. Guy's who are in their 30's are usually doing the getting married thing and house buying and are not able to afford to spend as much on play time as they wished.
Guys in their 40's, usually are settled with good jobs, and have retirement plans in mind for the future and are more wisely spending their money, and making better choices...

Guys who are in their mid 50's and up, are usually either divorced by now , or tired of the same ol' same ole'. Mid life crises kicks in and they just throw caution to the wind with all the hott babes they see..
They have retirement plans in place, and are usually making more money than they did when they were younger and life has afforded them some luxury to be able to pay more for a high end provider, or a decent lady in this industry.

So that is my take on this topic... Hope my .02 was helpful!!
Good responses ladies. What about behavioral or character differences?
Good responses ladies. What about behavioral or character differences? Originally Posted by OldGent
I have had some younger guys in their late 20's act better than some guys in their 50's...Some guys just don't know how to act civilized no matter how young or old they are...

With that being said, it is all in how you treat people. For me if you act nice, aren't all tough and rough, you will get the best of me in a session. If you become aggressive and pushy then well.... you will not have a good time with me. Play nice, respect me and my terms, and I will do the same with and for you. Then you will leave a very happy man!!
mrredcat43's Avatar
Good thread Tornado. I think I will wait a bit longer to respond to it. I don't fit the norm here.
So you ladies are saying money habits are the only real differences in age groups?
Maturity and money habits... Mature men do Mature things with their time and money. Some men grow up, and some never do..lol

Hygiene is a big difference also. Some younger guys are more clean then older guys. And vise versa...
DallasRain's Avatar
I had a 25 year old last week...I normally see gents 40 and older on a regular basis........this poor young pup came in with an attitude of "Are you ready for me? I can rock your world"......LOL,well 30 minutes later,he was huffing & puffing and saying mercy! lol

I do see young gents occassionally but main differrence I have found is that they are more "ego inspired" than the older gents who are more "let's just have fun and whatever happens happens inspired".

But I do not discrimintae on age OR color.....let's just all have fun!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Perfectly stated!

I have had some younger guys in their late 20's act better than some guys in their 50's...Some guys just don't know how to act civilized no matter how young or old they are...

With that being said, it is all in how you treat people. For me if you act nice, aren't all tough and rough, you will get the best of me in a session. If you become aggressive and pushy then well.... you will not have a good time with me. Play nice, respect me and my terms, and I will do the same with and for you. Originally Posted by Melissa Madyson
monkeyseeyou's Avatar
Maturity and money habits... Mature men do Mature things with their time and money. Some men grow up, and some never do..lol

Hygiene is a big difference also. Some younger guys are more clean then older guys. And vise versa...
M.M. Originally Posted by Melissa Madyson
Interesting Melissa that you've found a trend that younger guys might be more inclined to be clean before a date. Speaking only for myself, I can't imagine being immaculate in terms of showered, manscaped, brushed teeth and mouthwash etc. I'd be embarrassed if I was anything but.
^^You just may be the exception to the rule...
O2B17again's Avatar
I'm with monkeyseeyou, it would be appalling and disrespectful to be otherwise.
albundy's Avatar
^^You just may be the exception to the rule...
M.M. Originally Posted by Melissa Madyson
I always shower at the incall. Just showering before I leave to go isn't good enough. I could have sweaty balls on the drive over. Who knows? I stop by the store on my way over and buy a towel, washcloth, and soap.

I have yet to encounter a chick that would be stupid enough to deduct shower time from the "paid" time. So it's best to just clean your self and scrub your asshole once you get there for her benefit and mine.
myren1900's Avatar
Taking a shower at the incall should not be a question of age.
Arriving as clean as practical possible AND taking a shower at the incall should be the common rule.

And being respectful and polite has nothing to do with age either IMHO.
I always encourage a shower...Seeking~P can tell you how nice of a shower I have. I never tell a client that he shouldn't shower. I keep plenty of soap and fresh clean towels for his personal use. He may take as long as he needs to assure his cleanliness.

And you are correct Myren age has nothing to do with politeness and respect.
annie@christophers's Avatar
I feel like im in that movie the lost boys. Cheap and clean seem to go hand in hand ...ugh.. Annie