
Prefered contact method and normal response time should be in every ad/showroom/web site. If its not, your losing business ladies
Bubba-- often times we can SCREAM OUT what way to contact us and it still gets ignored. Its along the same lines as the messages that ask what our rates are. Well-- they are right there in the ad

I put on each ad to please PM me or P411 me-- but I still get guys who call.
~Ze~'s Avatar
  • ~Ze~
  • 10-01-2010, 07:25 PM
I don't do P411 anymore. Just too much of a hassle to keep it under the radar. So I rely on the good graces of providers who've shared their time with me to lend a good word about Gonzo. That's vital because I don't want to see anyone who won't screen me. Period. Originally Posted by Gonzo DFW
Ugh... Color me confused, but what is "not keeping it under the radar"?

I don't think I have ever seen someone post a 411 id or connect them and a handle in public unless something bad happened.

Just wanted to hear what you were thinking on this one...
lilsmurf's Avatar
I want you Jules...
  • anita
  • 10-01-2010, 11:36 PM
Hum, you have two reviews. It should be easy for the ladies you contacted to check your references. Maybe they were not working,or maybe they do not log in that often. Sometimes it is better to contact ladies via e-mail addresses.
pmdelites's Avatar
needing more,

perhaps amber is speaking for herself when she said "you shouldnt have to call any farther ahead than a couple of hours." because many of the women i've visited have stated in their ads to either book a day in advance or "no same day appts". it all depends on the woman.

i tend to start my scheduling one to two weeks in advance, esp. with women i've never met and even with women i have met. that gives both of us plenty of time to communicate, chk calendars, chat, maybe even send a naughty photo ;^) and, for me, that has upped my did-show percentage [or lowered my no-show percentage].

i second the suggestion of getting screened by the women you're interested in visiting. then letting them know your possible schedule and finding out from them their advance notice time frame.

for me, i think the key is providing info to them while asking for info from them - give and take. attempting to schedule w/out giving something is, in my book, rather presumptuous.
1thatgotaway's Avatar
PM's or Email are fine if you have a lot of lead time, but otherwise you are better off calling.
NeedingMore's Avatar
Hum, you have two reviews. It should be easy for the ladies you contacted to check your references. Maybe they were not working,or maybe they do not log in that often. Sometimes it is better to contact ladies via e-mail addresses. Originally Posted by anita
My two reviews were not with a provider, I don't think that helps much?

Thanks the advice PM. I'm starting some screening now so hopefully my next date has a higher success rate.
rachet3375's Avatar
I am very fortunate in that being self employed I have an open and mostly known schedule. I have gotten into the practice of getting prescreened and/or making appointments as far as a week or so out. I know that not everyone has this luxury but it sure has helped on my success rate. I also like the anticipation of waiting for the day to hurry up and get here, like a kid waiting on Christmas.
Harley*Jayden's Avatar
So I found out that I had some free time on my hands this week and tried to PM a few ladies for an appointment. Here it is Thursday and I wasn't able to confirm any appointments.

So my question is how long ahead should I plan to schedule? As a guy, my big head is very aware when the little is anxious, but how does a provider keep track of all the appointments?

Ladies, how much time should we allow if we want to see you?

Guys, any best practices to share? How do you let plan B know you aren't coming if plan A comes through?

Thanks! Originally Posted by NeedingMore

Me personally now.... I offer to screen guys before hand. so when you have those times when you need the appt right then you may call or text to scheldule .. makes things alot eaiser