they make you feel..??

pmdelites's Avatar
In a relationship, it's important that you make your partner feel loved, appreciated, and respected.

So, what if anything do you get from seeing a provider?

Do you get something from a provider other than sex? I'm not saying love, but...the feeling of being appreciated, and or respected? Has a provider ever made you feel loved??

I'll make you feel loved. Come here.

~Kelly TNT Originally Posted by Kelly TNT
combining your thread w/ nervousnewbie351's thread on best/worst....

in the best of encounters, the woman has
* shown interest in who i am
* kept up a nice conversation
* shared meals with me [or braum's malts - yummmmmmmm]
* stroked my ego [and lil delites]
* provided a deliteful sanctuary for an hour or two or more, and
* taken me to body shaking heights of pleasure.

hopefully some of the women i've met consider me a reliable person, have given me some respect for who i am, and have appreciated me for what i bring to the encounter.

in otherwords, a friend to enjoy small timespans of life with. i wouldnt go so far as to say being a real close friend because there is a very BIG line between my real life and her real life that i maintain. so, i cant easily do things for the women i've met that i'd do for a friend [help them move, go out for social activities, take em to the doctor or hospital, bail them out of jail :^)].

but if, and that's a BIG IF, the line werent there, there are a few that i'd develop and nurture a closer friendship with.
in the worst of encounters, even though i dont change my m.o. much from encounter to encounter, i was out some money but still learned from the encounter or had a great laugh about it all. [me - "so, what kind of sex do you like?" her - "none!!! i'm just doing this so i can move me and my son to florida."] fortunately, i havent been ripped off, robbed, attacked, threatened, or been transmitted something that required pharmaceuticals to get rid of.

with good research and recommendations, my above average to below average ratio is close to 90%. for those "why the hell not" encounters, it's about 40%. it could be worse!
Fiero's Avatar
  • Fiero
  • 06-29-2010, 07:44 AM
Now this is quite a question. Breaking that barrier from something transactional to something real is something that I think at least a few of us want from this. It's not exactly the greatest place to find it but try we do. I don't mean love, just real...someone who would be happy you scheduled because they enjoy you, or glad to hear from you or look forward to seeing you...who would be or is your friend.

I have a big heart and a sharp mind and they seem to be in constant conflict. The debate goes something like this: it seems so can't be she wouldn't be here without the envelope...but I know some of that was real...your an idiot, THINK! This goes on for 16.5 hours then I sleep and start all over the next day. Doesn't happen with everyone but if I see someone I really liked and it seemed mutual...well this debate will begin.

To answer the question...There have been a few providers who made me feel respected and cared for and we had what I would describe as loving sessions. I think seeing someone multiple times has led to the best feelings for me. I'm sort of a hopeless romantic so I have to be very careful with "feelings" for my own sake. The first person I ever saw in another city...i fell head over heels. We used to talk a lot between sessions and we discussed my feelings and feelings in general and she did a wonderful job of teaching much as I could learn...what were reasonable expectations. I was very lucky to have such a nice and patient woman break me in.

I'm very wary with my feelings...watching G-String Divas on HBO will really open your eyes . That said...I love at least the perception that someone enjoys my company and being intimate with me because the perception makes it POSSIBLE that we are feeling something least for a few hours
Bestman200600's Avatar

I have been lucky that I have met several special ladies. They all make me smile. That's when the hobby is at its best. XOXOXO to the ladies.
OldGrump's Avatar
Love is a complex emotion that develops over time. The lift you feel inside when someone gives you a sincere smile or tingles from a light touch are priceless - in or out of the hobby. Caressing, hugging, being close all are highly treasured gifts to another.

That is one old guy's definition of GFE, sex or not.
I have been so damn lucky in the hobby, I choose the handle on a whim but it has worked out. No really bad experiences but some very exceptional ones.

My ATF, no stranger to you Kelly, is one of the best friends I have ever made. She has gone the extra, extra mile for me on many occasions.

Of course I have crossed the line and had affairs, which I do not regret.

I have my GAL PALS who I would rather drink and eat with than any civilian I know.

I have some ladies who are super level headed and just fuck my brains out and I try to return the favor, you red headed minx you.

Lucky Jack Indeed I am.
oldmarine's Avatar
I have a big heart and a sharp mind and they seem to be in constant conflict. The debate goes something like this: it seems so can't be she wouldn't be here without the envelope...but I know some of that was real...your an idiot, THINK! This goes on for 16.5 hours then I sleep and start all over the next day. Doesn't happen with everyone but if I see someone I really liked and it seemed mutual...well this debate will begin.

To answer the question...There have been a few providers who made me feel respected and cared for and we had what I would describe as loving sessions. I think seeing someone multiple times has led to the best feelings for me. I'm sort of a hopeless romantic so I have to be very careful with "feelings" for my own sake. Originally Posted by Fiero
I could not have said it better.
I do noy want to feel loved at is a break from all the stresses and taking care of others needs. It is a thirty minute break from reality ever so often and that's it. But hey, if you fall madly and deeply in love with me to the point where you can't sleep at night and you cuddle up to the pillow that still has my brooks brothers after shave on, and close your eyes and think of nothing but you and I intertwined inintense, selfless sexual be it. I can love you....btw, I'm in arlington too. Hmmmmmmm.
steverino50's Avatar
I am almost never serious. But maybe I will be here for a minute.
Whether from abuse, neglect, indifference, self-image, or manipulation, many of us here, provider and hobbiest alike...are damaged goods.

The hobby is like a perscription that soothes the symptom even though it does little for the underlying ailment. I view it as a mutually satifying exchange of power.

That said, personally, I tend to collect frequent flyer miles with a small number of favorites and in those cases I can tell you how I feel:

Loved: well "hobby love" for sure. Maybe more from time to time depending on who. In any case, I FEEL like I am and that is good enough for me.

Respected and appreciated. Yes. Definitely and it goes both ways. Always. That is what makes the hobby so great for me. I have been shown consideration beyond my imagination have tried to reciprocate in kind.

If I just wanted to be "serviced", I would go elsewhere. My "A" team ladies are warm, passionate, compassionate individuals. They are complete with hearts and brains. I hold them in pretty high regard. If it is an illusion at their end, I am happy to buy into it..literally.

Hi Kelly, where have you been?
  • Will
  • 06-29-2010, 10:31 PM
Kelly asked the question "Do you get something from a provider other than sex? I'm not saying love, but...the feeling of being appreciated, and or respected? Has a provider ever made you feel loved??"

I'm not taking away from all the other sessions I have had. The quickies, the romps with the young pretties which have been all FUN.

I have had sessions with two providers that fall into the class of what Kelly is asking about. What was amazing was that it was all a bunch of real LITTLE stuff that made an impression.
*As I started to remove my Jacket, provider came up behind me, took the jacket the rest of the way off and gave me a little peck on the back of the neck and hung it up in the closet and stuff like that all through the session. I left there thinking "Damm this girl could teach the wives of America how to keep a man happy. I mean little stuff. I did not fall in love with her but I really felt appreciated and also met a person I could just hang with or at least that was the impression she left me with.

Another lady.
*As I came out of the shower, she sniffed and kissed my chest and thanked me for smelling so clean. No big deal, it was just a little reward for taking the effort to be as pleasent as I could. These kind of little compliments went on throughout the session. Made me feel appreciated even though it was such a little thought or effort.

Too many of us get way too much scorn and sarcasm when we come home. We laugh it off and make jokes but believe me ladies, enough of that gets piled on and we start looking for the door. eventually the backbiting becomes a stressor that triggers the looking around for some release and when we get treated just a little better than we do at home we always seem to come back looking for more.

Oh and the sex was real good too!!!

yaddayadda's Avatar
Kelly, You made me feel good and not just that warm tingly thing either. The reality of life is that its just so awful that if you can garner an hour or two of fun and mutual satisfaction that is good enough.
Basically, you got problems, I got problems and we bring none of them to our time together, just two people looking for a little break from the complexity of life.

Sometimes I wonder just how smart you are.

Kelly TNT's Avatar
Sometimes I wonder just how smart you are.
YY Originally Posted by yaddayadda
Is that a rhetorical question?

Steverino....I've been on the down lo lately. (That's AKA old ass moved. Moved out of my house of 9 years! BTW....I do not recommend it. Stay where ever the hell you are. Seriously. Oooof.) I'm baaaack now!! ....P.S. I dig your cute ass! Just Sayin...
~Kelly TNT
TexTushHog's Avatar
I think the most one can realistically expect is to feel that the provider likes you in a mild sort of disinterested, professional way; and that she appreciates your business, that you are on time, clean, no drama, etc.
creekby's Avatar
Kelly- I would say one or 2 out of 10 ladies make me feel like they care or have show me its not all just about the money. When I do find those I will see them as regulars.
The one thing that I look for is that the women enjoys herself. Many times they try to give that impression but I have found in all my years that you cannot fake it. I would say that maybe three or four times have I met someone that really seemed to enjoy their time with me and it showed with the little things like holding my hand, long dfk, shower or take a bath together, even once called and asked to meet. But I again must say that they enjoy themselves as much as I do.
I'm not really seeking the feeling of being loved or appreciated but what I want to get out of it besides the obvious is the feeling that my needs and desires are important. That's mainly why i started back in the hobby. Just has been lacking for far too long with the SO. That the other person genuinely wants to please me and make me feel important.