Making love to a Sex bot

Blade Runner is a Classic ...

I think I'll buy 2 or 3 and open a "co-op" like others here.

At least the Bot wont be a clock watcher. Originally Posted by internet_inventor2
TFF on the coop!

Dude, your avatar,, wuz up with dat???? My eyes!!!!

when i first read the article and it got to the bit about it responding to the touch of its hand. i figured how funny and realistic it would be if it said...

"not tonight, i'm tired"
"i've got a headache"
"is that all you think about?"
"a couple hours ago maybe, but now its late"
"you need a shower"
"i need a shower"
"i have to get up in the morning"
"the dog is looking"
"you need to shave"
"sorry, mother nature has come this week"
"i'm still mad at you"
etc. Originally Posted by island_beau
All of them amount to one thing ... "not tonight".
  • meryt
  • 01-16-2010, 12:25 AM
The Stepford Wives was more creepy than hot though
topcat19542001's Avatar
It's the cumming thing. You can't fight progress.
Domo Arigato, Miss Roboto