Hobbyist vs Provider Why?

I believe that rudeness is a weak mans imitation of strength, and there are just a lot of weak people here that use their anonymity to pretend they have strength. Originally Posted by Gbfsl
Truer words were never spoken.

Some folks just aren't selective on what they read or contribute to in threads. Don't get jaded by what goes on here as far as drama/conflict. Utilize this site for information exchanging and screening, remain in touch with reality and the real world. The board shouldn't consume one's character. Unfortunately, it happens. That's how we get trolls and drama queens. Originally Posted by Eva Damita
Very good post, Eva.

Getting along 101: If you can't say something nice, don't say anything at all. We all have opinions about most things, but that's not an adequate reason to post it.

Certainly not applicable to reviews, alerts or often direct questions, but it would eliminate about 90% of the petty bickering. Originally Posted by Iaintliein
That is true, but since this site allows for posters to comment under reviews as well as being able to post things without moderation before it is posted on the board to be seen by everyone, then because opinions vary, there will be some heated exchanges between people, mainly because some people just cannot seem to agree to disagree, they have throw in personal shots to get their point across. What is really amazing is the fact that the people who have the agendas and such against others, do not know them and many times have not even met them in person, but continue to have this opinion posted as fact about them and really have no idea. There are some members that just have some kind of influence over some of these weak minded people who do not need facts to get told what to think, and that is what the members with agendas are depending upon to create that gang mentality and help further that agenda.

The sad problem with this site is the most of the frequent posters are allowed to post what they want (usually consisting of some kind of baiting tactic) with very little, if any repercussions and continue to do so. You know who has the agendas by the repeated quoting of and posting below the same people, because they stalk their posts. I have no doubt that stalkers of my posts will comment below me because they cannot help themselves. Hence the continued festering and growing of drama queens and trolls that Eva was talking about.

There are many frequent poster trolls on this site who, other than their well known agenda, contribute very little if any intel on this info exchange board. A very good example: just look at one of the frequent poster's I am referring to in the last sentence of Luke Skywalker's current signature line. In case he erases it, you have to look at his previous posts in this thread on the previous page, it reads "If you think I'm condescending to you, it is because I think you're a dick head, a person with none or very little intellect and I have no respect for you.". If that is not indictative of the problem the OP is referring to on this site, then I do not know what is. Now, what is the cause of it? well, as ST69 said,
Because some of these guys are just assholes.. And some providers are just straight up cunty. The end. Originally Posted by sweet.treat69
and that is the honest truth about most of the drama queens and trolls who do not know how to get along with others and it usually all stems from having different opinions on the same subject then snowballs from that point.
Luke Skywalker's Avatar
Truer words were never spoken.

Very good post, Eva.

That is true, but since this site allows for posters to comment under reviews as well as being able to post things without moderation before it is posted on the board to be seen by everyone, then because opinions vary, there will be some heated exchanges between people, mainly because some people just cannot seem to agree to disagree, they have throw in personal shots to get their point across. What is really amazing is the fact that the people who have the agendas and such against others, do not know them and many times have not even met them in person, but continue to have this opinion posted as fact about them and really have no idea. There are some members that just have some kind of influence over some of these weak minded people who do not need facts to get told what to think, and that is what the members with agendas are depending upon to create that gang mentality and help further that agenda.

The sad problem with this site is the most of the frequent posters are allowed to post what they want (usually consisting of some kind of baiting tactic) with very little, if any repercussions and continue to do so. You know who has the agendas by the repeated quoting of and posting below the same people, because they stalk their posts. Hence the continued festering and growing of drama queens and trolls that Eva was talking about.

There are many frequent poster trolls on this site who, other than their well known agenda, contribute very little if any intel on this info exchange board. A very good example: just look at one of the frequent poster's I am referring to in the last sentence of Luke Skywalker's current signature line. In case he erases it, it reads "If you think I'm condescending to you, it is because I think you're a dick head, a person with none or very little intellect and I have no respect for you.". If that is not indictative of the problem the OP is referring to on this site, then I do not know what is. Now, what is the cause of it? well, as ST69 said, and that is truth about most of the drama queens and trolls who do not know how to get along with others who have different opinions on the same subject. Originally Posted by davidfree986
Who is stalking who here.... I thought I was on your ignore list.

Stop hijacking threads David. I think everyone in this website that has been here for a while knows that quote in my signature is not directed at women.

It is directed to a select number of guys.

This thread is about guys x gals.

My comment before was simple. This is a review board. So it is bound to create some friction between some guys and some gals.
Mojojo's Avatar
That is true, but since this site allows for posters to comment under reviews as well as being able to post things without moderation before it is posted on the board to be seen by everyone, then because opinions vary, there will be some heated exchanges between people, mainly because some people just cannot seem to agree to disagree, they have throw in personal shots to get their point across. What is really amazing is the fact that the people who have the agendas and such against others, do not know them and many times have not even met them in person, but continue to have this opinion posted as fact about them and really have no idea. Originally Posted by davidfree986
Pot calling the kettle black eh? It might be a good idea for you not to travel down this one...

The sad problem with this site is the most of the frequent posters are allowed to post what they want (usually consisting of some kind of baiting tactic) with very little, if any repercussions and continue to do so. You know who has the agendas by the repeated quoting of and posting below the same people, because they stalk their posts. I have no doubt that stalkers of my posts will comment below me because they cannot help themselves. Originally Posted by davidfree986
Agree somewhat but lets watch this disastrous behavior unfold from...after post 7 it gets a bit brutal I'm thinking..


There are many frequent poster trolls on this site who, other than their well known agenda, contribute very little if any intel on this info exchange board. A very good example: just look at one of the frequent poster's I am referring to in the last sentence of Luke Skywalker's current signature line. In case he erases it, you have to look at his previous posts in this thread on the previous page, it reads "If you think I'm condescending to you, it is because I think you're a dick head, a person with none or very little intellect and I have no respect for you.". If that is not indictative of the problem the OP is referring to on this site, then I do not know what is. Originally Posted by davidfree986
Overall the boards core is freedom of speech within the parameters of our guidelines. If you, not limited to just you but in general, decide to own up to a statement such as the one you've just indicated then the statement is not the problem...

Again it's advisable you abort this one..
As sweet treat said, "Because some of these guys are just assholes.. And some providers are just straight up cunty. The end."

Could not agree more with this.

The sad truth is, most of the members here, hobbyists and providers, are damaged goods.

Most girls have daddy issues, abandonment issues, or are generally jaded towards the other gender.

Most dudes have rejection issues, bitterness from a previous spouse, or bad marriage life / spousal issues at home, causing them to be not just jaded, but hostile towards the other gender.

Due to the above stated issues, in MOST encounters here, one or both parties' interaction gets tainted by their preconceived notions of how the other person MUST be trying to game them.

If we all understood this playground for what it is, things would be a whole lot better:
1. Girls are here to get paid for their time. Almost any girl would easily get multiple solicitors if she just wanted to have sex, free and clear.
2. Dudes are here because we won't (or can't) do better. Almost any dude who could go to a local bar and pick up a girl for 5 drinks instead of $250, WOULD.

So it's simple. One party's paying for the other party's time; You're not paying to be an asshole to her. One party's getting paid for her time; Don't be a bitch to him.

Aside from that, whatever happens, happens between two consenting adults. Let's have fun and move along.
Mojojo's Avatar
2. Dudes are here because we won't (or can't) do better. Almost any dude who could go to a local bar and pick up a girl for 5 drinks instead of $250, WOULD. Originally Posted by Hobby Lobbyist
Incorrect sir, some of us just don't want the bullshit that's comes with having an SO/GF/baby momma/ side chick/ etc.

You can view this thing of ours 2 ways.....you can view it as your life and take it personal, although I'm sure most us would agree you'd be an idiot to do so.


You can have fun with this shit and have some NSA action. I choose this one! I love pussy not bullshit!
motor's Avatar
  • motor
  • 01-10-2016, 11:55 AM
Incorrect sir, some of us just don't want the bullshit that's comes with having an SO/GF/baby momma/ side chick/ etc.

You can view this thing of ours 2 ways.....you can view it as your life and take it personal, although I'm sure most us would agree you'd be an idiot to do so.


You can have fun with this shit and have some NSA action. I choose this one! I love pussy not bullshit! Originally Posted by Mojojo
Boltfan's Avatar
2. Dudes are here because we won't (or can't) do better. Almost any dude who could go to a local bar and pick up a girl for 5 drinks instead of $250, WOULD.
Originally Posted by Hobby Lobbyist
Not sure about you, but my time is worth more than that. And while I will on occasion do just that, no matter the quality of the outcome, I am reminded how much time it takes for that hunt.

I would much rather take advantage of services offered by ladies here to get my need for strange satisfied.
Be the ball Danny
Slightly off-topic, but I perceive an increased amount of incivility here in the last year or so. If others feel the same way, it could be that those who wish to discuss, inform or contribute in a more civil environment are discouraged from doing so. Originally Posted by Sir Lancehernot
And I believe we have a winner!!!
It takes all of us to have a well rounded experience...I am no WK but I believe I would speak up if I see an injustice...
Civility in this hobby allows us to continue without looking over our shoulders..
Excess drama from either providers or hobbiests would tend to be off putting...
Just my 2 cents

You can have fun with this shit and have some NSA action. I choose this one! I love pussy not bullshit! Originally Posted by Mojojo
I agree, but trouble is, if EVERY hobbyist thought like that, then this site would kinda like TER, plus all we would need mods for would be to approve the reviews for PA credit and ask site questions to the admins. One of the reasons why this site is popular is because of the virtual real time interaction you can have with other members. There is nothing wrong with real time interaction, but the problem lies with the few posters who are allowed to initiate personal attacks usually from left field and doing so to bait others to respond. They do that because that is their fun on this board.

It takes all of us to have a well rounded experience...I am no WK but I believe I would speak up if I see an injustice...
Civility in this hobby allows us to continue without looking over our shoulders..
Excess drama from either providers or hobbiests would tend to be off putting...
Just my 2 cents Originally Posted by MarineButch
That is true, and unless you are in a clique, which we have at least a couple on this site, if you are not part of or at least submit to them, then you are considered an irrelevant member that the cliques choose to bully like little kids do, especially if that person is a frequent poster.

As far as an injustice goes, anything said on the internet, especially a whore board, does not an injustice make, you have to take all accusations and opinions with a grain of salt. One thing to realize is when a member and/or their posse have an agenda against another member, most of, if not all of what is said is blown out of proportion or it is totally made up to further that agenda. If it is really bad or you feel it will effect you, ask questions, the worst thing you can do is believe members on a whore board and take what they say as gospel without concrete proof. If someone believes without question what is said on a whore board, basically getting told what to think, and then take it and repeat it as fact, then that says all we need to know about that person.

Be smart, have fun and be wary of, but do not let the ones who have agendas of being a drama queen/troll effect your judgement and ability to have fun. Doing so makes them win.
Mojojo's Avatar
Slightly off-topic, but I perceive an increased amount of incivility here in the last year or so. If others feel the same way, it could be that those who wish to discuss, inform or contribute in a more civil environment are discouraged from doing so. Originally Posted by Sir Lancehernot
You're still on topic, but I think its the evolution of times my friend. Each generation is different.

There is a generation on here that is accustomed to more pleasant sounding terms such as hobbyist, provider and session. Then you have the generation that really doesn't care about referring to themselves or others as tricks, whores, and engagements as fucks. Mix those 2 together and clashes are bound to happen. The only difference here is one is slowly fading away as the world turns while the other is gaining more access thanks to technology.
Mojojo's Avatar
I agree, but trouble is, if EVERY hobbyist thought like that, then this site would kinda like TER, plus all we would need mods for would be to approve the reviews for PA credit and ask site questions to the admins. One of the reasons why this site is popular is because of the virtual real time interaction you can have with other members. There is nothing wrong with real time interaction, but the problem lies with the few posters who are allowed to initiate personal attacks usually from left field and doing so to bait others to respond. They do that because that is their fun on this board. Originally Posted by davidfree986
Wait wait so you're saying it would be trouble if no one interacted but on the other hand you're saying its trouble when they do interact? These web boards are nothing more than a SHMB, you should take little to nothing of whats on here personal. Again i fail to see how most of what's written on them should be taken personal, that is unless you are really making it that way. All in which again the problem is not in the language its in the reader..
Wait wait so you're saying it would be trouble if no one interacted but on the other hand you're saying its trouble when they do interact? These web boards are nothing more than a SHMB, you should take little to nothing of whats on here personal. Again i fail to see how most of what's written on them should be taken personal, that is unless you are really making it that way. All in which again the problem is not in the language its in the reader.. Originally Posted by Mojojo
Yep. It would be trouble as in no fun if this board relegated itself to like what TER does--no comments under the reviews and no discussions without mod approval of each post, no matter how minor it is, before it is posted. Since the board does not allow for that, then the 2nd trouble is having that immediate post interaction is the documented facts that a few of the frequent posters are allowed to take personal digs from left field at another poster just because he/she posted on that thread due to an agenda of his/her fun on the board is to be an ass and see how many people can be effected.

Now, you should not take personally what is said on a SHMB, but when it DOES effect your ability to hobby, providers get contacted and "encouraged" to not see a hobbyist and/or to rebuke reviews written by that hobbyist to play into that agenda and getting others to somehow buy into the agenda without question to carry the torch, then yes, it does become personal.
Incorrect sir, some of us just don't want the bullshit that's comes with having an SO/GF/baby momma/ side chick/ etc.
Originally Posted by Mojojo
Not talking about GF/SO, etc...

I'm talking about meeting, and picking up a chick at the local bar, resulting in one-night of great fun, with no strings.

I've done it. But sometimes I want the guarantee instead of gambling, so I turn to the hobby.

As I said, most of the dudes here are unable due to lack of game, looks or enough self-respect (to keep themselves attractive to the fairer sex). But because of this inability, they have built hostility toward girls because as human beings, it's a lot easier for us to put the blame for our shortcomings on others instead of ourselves.

To the tricks: If you can't do better without the hobby, appreciate the ability to throw a few bucks out and get it, and treat the girls with respect.

To the hookers: If you can't do better without the hobby, appreciate the ability to get a few bucks by pretending to be nice to dudes you wouldn't give a second glance otherwise.

Just respect each other, people...
Boltfan's Avatar
I think a very small % of guys are so bitter as you describe. I am unsure why you are dismissing what our time is worth, perhaps because YOUR time isn't worth as much is speculation.