New York Times reports Biden told the AG to prosecute Trump.

You're hilarious. Just went from "New York Times reports Biden told the AG to prosecute Trump" (with no link to said report) to "do your own research" to "it has to be true because I want it to be".
Lucas McCain's Avatar
You're hilarious. Just went from "New York Times reports Biden told the AG to prosecute Trump" (with no link to said report) to "do your own research" to "it has to be true because I want it to be". Originally Posted by JustForFun.1
Mr. Fun.1, welcome to Ace's world of rants. This forum has turned into his own version of twitter. If you don't agree with him, he accuses you of hijacking his thread. He hijacks his own threads because he doesn't even remember what his rants are about.
You claim; "New York Times reports Biden told the AG to prosecute Trump."
No one can find an article in the NYT to back up your claim.
In a later post, you say; "Truth of the matter only MG and JB can answer that question, with Bidens passion for lying ,one has to be pretty naive not to think that he hasnt"

So you lied right off the bat. The NYT did not report anything of the sort.

Told him to SS hit or get off the pot.They didn't say that.

Does that sound like how things should be done? Things weren't done that way.

That’s the NYT talking about that ice cream eating shit eater. Snick snick The NYT didn't say that. Originally Posted by oilfieldace
In your next post, you admit the NYT didn't report Biden told the AG to prosecute.
Then you say only Biden and Garland can answer the question. The question which you then attempt to answer with your opinion. An opinion which claims Biden has a passion for lying and that people are naïve not to think he hadn't told a lie there isn't any proof of him having told.

So we don't know if Biden told the AG to go after trump.
If we use the logic method the OP has, it proves trump is guilty of all the charges he faces plus many more.
But this is America. We don't use bullshit to determine guilt.
We use the Constitution for the rule of law. The same document trump says can be bypassed.(“The revelation of massive & widespread fraud & deception” in the 2020 election “allows for the termination of all rules, regulations, and articles, even those found in the Constitution.” )

We do know the OP lied about the NYT reporting about Biden telling the AG to go after trump.
We do know the OP lied about the content of a supposed NYT story.
We do know the OP will knowingly lie about a story to make it fit his narrative.
oilfieldace's Avatar
But this is America. We don't use bullshit to determine guilt.
We use the Constitution for the rule of law.

That state alone says you are a permanent resident of La La Land.
Here are the facts of what I said. Not sure what they are called, but those streaming banners that flow across the screen , in this instance it was FNN. The banner said exactly what I said that , NYT reported that Biden had instructed AG to prosecute Trump. That is not the truth, he told members of his inner circle that he wanted Trump prosecuted and that AG needed to get busy. Those aren’t the exact words they used but it’s close enough. Personally I don’t care if he instructed the AG either directly or indirectly. It doesn’t take a leap t think the message was delivered to the AG. As for as justice goes, I didn’t say he should be tried for that. I am pretty sure it isn’t a crime.

That wouldn’t get him jailed , it’s a tick on an elephants ass, too fraud and treasonous activity he is part of.

I didn’t lie about a fucking thing. I said what I saw. So you can run along with your grade school chatter
oilfieldace's Avatar
I am sure none of you have never parroted a story that wasn’t spot on accurate.
VitaMan's Avatar
So you confess you just did that.

Your thread titles are becoming a remedial version of clickbait. And you don't even get ad support. You just do it because......well, that's what you do.

Worth repeating from above:
'Just went from "New York Times reports Biden told the AG to prosecute Trump" (with no link to said report) to "do your own research" to "it has to be true because I want it to be".'
oilfieldace's Avatar
You have a great day TP
Precious_b's Avatar
You're hilarious. Just went from "New York Times reports Biden told the AG to prosecute Trump" (with no link to said report) to "do your own research" to "it has to be true because I want it to be". Originally Posted by JustForFun.1
God! I just picked myself off the floor from laughing too much. He berates the lying NYT and than turns around and makes up a story from them to pseudo-quote. I think this is how he believes donny will win court cases.

Mr. Fun.1, welcome to Ace's world of rants. This forum has turned into his own version of twitter. If you don't agree with him, he accuses you of hijacking his thread. He hijacks his own threads because he doesn't even remember what his rants are about. Originally Posted by Lucas McCain
You think this is his attempt at saying he wants to be a Mod here since he can't keep a story straight, he might as well wear the hat and force his beliefs on everyone?

You claim; "New York Times reports Biden told the AG to prosecute Trump."
No one can find an article in the NYT to back up your claim.
In a later post, you say; "Truth of the matter only MG and JB can answer that question, with Bidens passion for lying ,one has to be pretty naive not to think that he hasnt"

So you lied right off the bat. The NYT did not report anything of the sort.

In your next post, you admit the NYT didn't report Biden told the AG to prosecute.
Then you say only Biden and Garland can answer the question. The question which you then attempt to answer with your opinion. An opinion which claims Biden has a passion for lying and that people are naïve not to think he hadn't told a lie there isn't any proof of him having told.

So we don't know if Biden told the AG to go after trump.
If we use the logic method the OP has, it proves trump is guilty of all the charges he faces plus many more.
But this is America. We don't use bullshit to determine guilt.
We use the Constitution for the rule of law. The same document trump says can be bypassed.(“The revelation of massive & widespread fraud & deception” in the 2020 election “allows for the termination of all rules, regulations, and articles, even those found in the Constitution.” )

We do know the OP lied about the NYT reporting about Biden telling the AG to go after trump.
We do know the OP lied about the content of a supposed NYT story.
We do know the OP will knowingly lie about a story to make it fit his narrative. Originally Posted by Tigbitties38
Aw Hell Nah! You have to go out there and supply facts from a near center biased, highly factual site. You know he can't counter that except with highly biased, low factual sources? But that is where he places his believes. If it is fact, it is crap with him.

I am sure none of you have never parroted a story that wasn’t spot on accurate. Originally Posted by oilfieldace
But the OP has ad naseum.
See, the lack of posting sources has caught up with you

So you confess you just did that.

Your thread titles are becoming a remedial version of clickbait. And you don't even get ad support. You just do it because......well, that's what you do.

Worth repeating from above:
'Just went from "New York Times reports Biden told the AG to prosecute Trump" (with no link to said report) to "do your own research" to "it has to be true because I want it to be".' Originally Posted by VitaMan
Click bait. Maybe that has been his angle in the PS all this time.
txdot-guy's Avatar
Mr. Fun.1, welcome to Ace's world of rants. This forum has turned into his own version of twitter. If you don't agree with him, he accuses you of hijacking his thread. He hijacks his own threads because he doesn't even remember what his rants are about. Originally Posted by Lucas McCain
Many of the posters on this board have biases that are obvious for all to see. The only thing that will get them to stop posting about it will be for Trump to be convicted or for Trump to lose the election yet again. Even that might not stop them.

If only the republican senate had done their jobs and convicted Trump after Jan 6 maybe the republican party could get past this.
Please provide the DIRECT evidence from j6 that would warrent a conviction...if you can't then you're just talking unsubstantiated BS as always!!
  • Tiny
  • 08-13-2023, 09:48 PM
Please provide the DIRECT evidence from j6 that would warrent a conviction...if you can't then you're just talking unsubstantiated BS as always!! Originally Posted by bb1961
Sure. Based on the indictment, pushing Mike Pence to declare Trump the winner of the 2020 election and colluding to appoint false sets of electors would merit a conviction, if proven. The pressure he put on Raffensperger -- find me 11,000 votes and if you don't you might just go to jail -- might qualify as well. Raffensperger thought that was a threat anyway.

The evidence is outlined here:

I'm not saying this would necessarily merit sending Trump to jail though. We're walking a fine line here. You start putting ex Presidents in jail and we look like a banana republic. On the other hand you allow someone to get away with attempting to steal an election and we look like a banana republic too. My preferred solution if convicted would be an ankle bracelet with time spent at Mar a Lago.
What was it the j6 circus commity came up with to prosecute that the Republicans took over congress the speaker told them to produce all documents and what do you know...a shit load turned up missing.
Yeah you can talk all you want but if that circus commity had the goods they would have been hell bent on charging him...why didn't they??
VitaMan's Avatar
Comrade Oilfield now has more time to contemplate his navel.
CG2014's Avatar
At 27 minutes

Biden was answering a reporter’s question about how to reassure world leaders that Trump and his political movement would not return to power.

“Well, we just have to demonstrate that he will not take power by — if we — if he does run,” Biden replied. “I’m making sure he, under legitimate efforts of our Constitution, does not become the next President again.”
... Hmmmm... So much for Joe telling us all that
He had NOTHING to do with any o' the indictments.

The LIAR in-chief. ...

#### Salty