Nashville Sucks

I understand that there are different boards for reviews and that Nashville might not use the same ones I do. References have been made to EROS which from Dallas standards is one of the biggest crap shoots around in that very few of the pictures are of the actual providers hence either agencies or bait and switch. The other review boards such as TER are worthless since they allow no discussion, no checks and balances, no verification that the review is in fact legitimate. Originally Posted by Introuble
Here is where I get confused. I don't take my car to Venice Italy then when it sinks; bitch that it works fine in TN so it should work fine driving on their canals. Me? I would have said: canal = water = no car = boat. You can look at ECCIE & ERAPS Tn and see ......not the best for TN.

Did you even use your preferred boards? Dunno about eraps and dunno about locker room here, but did you post an iso? Did you ask the guys here? Even us ladies could have given you at least 3 ladies and/or told you - go TBD, eros,, p411 etc. This is TN not TX.

Instead you went BP. So.......

I say all of this to simply to make this point. It is not an issue of providers being more expensive in Nashville, it is not about who I should have called or not called. The problem is that there is an apparent disconnect with customer service from the standpoint of actually wanting to work. If your phone rings SOMETIMES you may be busy, can't return the call, etc. But MOST of the time you had better make it a point to return those calls since your best session was your LAST session. All future sales are based upon THOSE phone calls. It wasn't happening in Nashville this particular weekend. Originally Posted by Introuble
Actually the best session is the next one. If you received no zero zip interest in multiple calls you may want to consider the fault may not have been with the providers.
You can argue that I was calling the wrong providers. Maybe so, but statistically there should have been a small percentage of providers responding and there wasn't. My statement of Nashville being "broke" was based upon this idea......if you should respond to inquiries.....regardless of where you advertise.

It all works out in the end as those sessions I could have had in Nashville, I simply had when I got back to Dallas. Its all good. Originally Posted by Introuble
You can argue that I was calling the wrong providers. Maybe so, but statistically there should have been a small percentage of providers responding and there wasn't. My statement of Nashville being "broke" was based upon this idea......if you should respond to inquiries.....regardless of where you advertise. Originally Posted by Introuble
I completely disagree with that statement. You might be able to get away with saying that if someone advertises then they should answer inquiries, however, I don't think anybody in their right mind would just look at bp and deem all the providers in the city as being irresponsible.

Don't get me wrong, I sometimes still use bp in some areas and so do a lot of other respectable providers, but you have to realize that if you only find a particular girl on bp and not on any review boards, then you should have no expectation of hearing from her. There is a reason why some girls aren't reviewed or on p411. You said the review boards weren't very helpful and were sparse with their info. That should tell you something. It means be careful there and choose wisely. In arkansas it's just the same. There's a small handful of girls who are reliable and professional. There's a whole gaggle of girls on bp there who are drug addicts and don't give a shit about doing their job with any kind of professionalism.

So don't just look on bp and deem Nashville providers as having golden pussy syndrome. People dont realize that if a girl doesnt bother with being a professional, collecting reviews, advertising on better sites, then odds are her business only exists to feed a habit. Once its fed that day, no more business will be done. If you ask for an appointment three hours from now and someone else asks for one two and a half hours from now, both will be booked and the first to arrive will be seen because thats half an hour faster that she'll be done and can go shopping. You should have expected exactly what you got from there.
Not sure if you emailed me or not. I'm local in Nashville.... I don't post on BP though...

I always answer emails if the guy is respectable and sends in screening...
Not sure if you emailed me or not. I'm local in Nashville.... I don't post on BP though...

I always answer emails if the guy is respectable and sends in screening... Originally Posted by Megan Love
See this is the kind of lady you should be looking for. Megan is professional, super hot, and treats this like a grown up job.
aaaawwww, thank you cutie patootie
Introuble's Avatar
This is getting funny...........
I looked on ECCIE, ERAP, Horndogs, P411, and BP. There were very few reviews for providers in Nashville. The one I did call is the one who stood me up at the last minute. I called a few P411 providers, a few BP providers, and a few from the review boards I have access to. NO ONE was returning calls or emails.

So the issue is not so much what board or ad it was on but rather an issue with whether people were either incredibly busy those four days, or they simply did not feel like working. I will go with "Busy" since the American Idol auditions were in town along with high school play-offs of some sort.

Guys....its no big deal. I just approached Nashville in the wrong way. By mistake, I called the 12 most irresponsible or busy providers in Nashville. It is my fault........I get it.

Maybe next time.
London Rayne's Avatar
We don't mean to give you a hard time hon, but being from TX. and certain boards being tx. based...well you seem a bit bias, and naive. You just named every board you looked on for Nashville providers, EXCEPT THE ONES THEY ARE ACTUALLY ON LOL. TBD, E.COM, TER. TER is the HARDEST board around to bs the reviews on. Why? The don't just trace the IP as in the server....they trace in back to the actual computer lol. So you saying it's worthless is downright hilarious because even as someone who is highly reviewed there, I have had reviews pulled because the atf syndrome had more than one handle. If I were like everyone else I would be yelling conspiracy theory for a few of my reviews being pulled, but fact is fact. They don't put up with bs, and they are on every major news and radio station including Howard Stern lol.

Every guy I have ever seen says, "London I found you here, then checked your TER reviews. I have never needed reviews anywhere else, though I do have many on other boards. My client base is $400 and up, and guess what...the boys who don't want to pay it will not review me on a board where they are trying to keep the market at $250 lol...that should answer your question about why I don't get my clients or reviews from certain boards....doubt I ever will.

I hate to break the news to you, but half the banter and bs after a girl's review on certain boards are from GUYS WHO HAVE NEVER EVEN SEEN SAID LADY LOL! It's nothing but drama and gossip, set up to keep the rates down and keep the boys seeing the local sweetheart...who half the time is not even all that if you really read the review.

Tx has ALWAYS been famous for boycotting any girl above a certain price and writing rave reviews about one who is Some girls fall for it, and the smart ones don't lol.

I get what you are saying about Nashville, but what you don't get is you are not looking on the right boards obviously. Just because a girl is well reviewed in a certain place, means nothing lol. That's what we are trying to tell you. Half the good reviews in certain places are not because the girl is's because of the market crunch. Many guys will overlook communication skills for a cheap rate and a young body, thus her reviews will be stellar. Why brag about the grand an hour girl who really IS all that, when no one can afford her anyway? There you have it..Marketing 101, and the same old trick the boys have been playing for years. You just got played by your own friends basically. You went for what you thought was a sure thing because of someone else's opinion, and you got a dose or reality. Opininons are like...well you know.
Introuble's Avatar
I guess you are right. You are really something. How did you figure all of that out?
London Rayne's Avatar
I ask a lot of questions lol. Basically I watch people gripe and moan on the discussion boards over there every time it happens...and I do have a little bit of a college education in marketing hehe.
  • Bliss
  • 07-29-2010, 10:52 PM
word................ Originally Posted by babee
+1, you will hear crickets chirping if you email me w/ no references. Especially when I have it in capital letters on my contact sheet.
Just reread the OP

The Golden Pussy List from ECCIE Originally Posted by Introuble
She who has the gold makes the rules.
London Rayne's Avatar
Just reread the OP

She who has the gold makes the rules. Originally Posted by babee
lmao @ babee and bliss.
Sonoman's Avatar
Sorry iPhone fat finger. Carry on.
What is tbd? (bigdoggie?) Sorry, noob question.

Introuble's Avatar
[quote=tomatommm;466632]What is tbd? (bigdoggie?) Sorry, noob question.

Pretty sure she is referring to Big Doggie