Gallery owner in NY beaten over MAGA hat.

do you have a MAGA hat oeb11?

Would you wear it in NYC?

How about a Dallas Cowboys hat?

Would you wear that in New York City?

Even DeBlasio’s minions couldn’t save you,

Just make sure you take bb1961 with you. He’ll write some obituaries if anyone comes near you. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
You talk a lot and say's a coincidence that we were just talk about the unhinged left and and their unprovoked assaults and what do you you have fresh evidence.
I wear my hat were ever I want you can take the chance of trying to assault me...if you feel froggy!! You can have a headline in the obituaries also...I don't discriminate.
  • oeb11
  • 08-02-2019, 08:10 AM
I do not condone violence of any sort - unlike SomeOne who is in full support of Anti-Fa Violence.
Applying another poster's thoughts to me is part of the usual DPST deflection and denial.

Violence is unacceptable from any Source - but SomeOne seems intent on stirring up violence on posts in this Forum!
Rule #1
The topic of this thread is MAGA hats in NYC and some poor schmuck you didn’t know better, bb1961, one of your brothers in arms, has discussed killing people twice in this thread.

You’re dodging.

I asked you a simple question. Do you own a MAGA hat?

Sorry if that gets your knickers in a twist, bro, but do be cogent and answer.

Are you threatening me? Or just stalking me? Again. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
You have mocked the attack on this innocent gentlemen...and said some pretty despicable shit!!
"Regrettable, I feel safer knowing that someone's gonna take care of these punks"

...and then include a picture of yourself with a clinched fist....what are you regretting YR??
You're just a disingenuous sorry individual for a comment like that. You get joy from the unhinged radical left attacking an gentleman for wearing a hat you don't like.
The hate the people on the left like yourself have towards a fucking hat is borderline criminal psychopathy!!
I don't have to wonder about you anymore...

P.S. You or anyone else attack me and I will kill you...what part of that don't you understand??
It's not a threat it's a promise.
  • oeb11
  • 08-02-2019, 12:57 PM
bb- please do not let the Trolls get to you.

It is not worth the emotional investment to react to the Troll/Clowns.

Don't want to give them what they are fishing for!
themystic's Avatar
Another DTDS wearing a MAGA hat got punked out? They really shouldn't venture out alone if they cant defend themselves. Stick with the rallies
Another DTDS wearing a MAGA hat got punked out? They really shouldn't venture out alone if they cant defend themselves. Stick with the rallies Originally Posted by themystic
You are also a low life like your buddy YR...nothing new there. You endorsing assaults say everything about yourself anyone would need to now.

Jussy Smutt supposed assault had you talking shit that made you a fool when it was later found out the it was just another liberal "racist" hoax.

To you assaults on the right are OK and the fabricated racist narrative is horror to your ears. Doesn't take much to incense the know nothing sheeple.

Everyone on the right is racist and AOC throws Bullsey in there...(code word) disagree with the four Horsewomen of the Apocalypse and YOU ARE A RACIST.

Come elect night 2020 I wonder if you or YR will get the prize for the fastest banning on will be fun to see!!
Another DTDS wearing a MAGA hat got punked out? They really shouldn't venture out alone if they cant defend themselves. Stick with the rallies Originally Posted by themystic
Gascist build a world where only true believers can safely walk in public spaces. In a fascist world, un aligned thoughts must be purged from the public space.

Since this is not practical to execute using only public servants, the true believing masses must be charged with this duty, and those true believing patriots who carry out these tasks must be protected!
In regard to Eric Garner, in Texas they wouldn't have choked him to death they would have just shot him to death, In Arlington Tx yesterday a cop shooting to stop an attacking dog, he missed and his bullet hit and killed the female owner of the dog!!! How SAD!!!
  • oeb11
  • 08-03-2019, 08:06 AM
Another DTDS wearing a MAGA hat got punked out? They really shouldn't venture out alone if they cant defend themselves. Stick with the rallies Originally Posted by themystic

From an Anti-Semitic Racist supporter of Anti-Fa and their violence.
rexdutchman's Avatar
Brown shirts all over again force to get what they want,,,,,
Yssup Rider's Avatar
You have mocked the attack on this innocent gentlemen...and said some pretty despicable shit!!
"Regrettable, I feel safer knowing that someone's gonna take care of these punks"

...and then include a picture of yourself with a clinched fist....what are you regretting YR??
You're just a disingenuous sorry individual for a comment like that. You get joy from the unhinged radical left attacking an gentleman for wearing a hat you don't like.
The hate the people on the left like yourself have towards a fucking hat is borderline criminal psychopathy!!
I don't have to wonder about you anymore...

P.S. You or anyone else attack me and I will kill you...what part of that don't you understand??
It's not a threat it's a promise. Originally Posted by bb1961
You’re a killer! Dynamite with a laser beam!

  • oeb11
  • 08-03-2019, 09:09 AM
Foolish DPST's!
They think it wonderful to sic their AntiFa thugs on outnumbered and unarmed foks like Andrew Ngo.
They will eventually assault SomeOne able to defend Oneself against thugs, and get a very deserved and rude surprise.
The corrupt Portland mayor supports the AntiFa in that crazy DPST town - full of DPST approved drugs, homeless, and shit in the streets.

Another Venezuela in preparation thanks to the DPST regime.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Poor oeb11. Did you ever reply to my question about owning a MAGA hat?
Poor oeb11. Did you ever reply to my question about owning a MAGA hat? Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Why does that matter, you want to send some Antifa thugs after him?

Do you condemn what happened in the OP.

Simple Yes or No.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
Originally Posted by Yssup Rider

borg-i-fied trump? lol!!