Providers and capitalism


Great thread, thanks for posting.
Can't see it in your avatar, but it sounds like those long, blonde locks are rooted in an incredible head!

Capitalism has been proven time and again to be by far the fairest, most beneficial and humane means of resource distribution on Earth. On the other hand, proof means little once one tanks-up on "worker's" kool-aid and other such magical class-envy political potions and elixirs.
dodger's Avatar
It all started when I over heard a provider say, "Capitalism is evil." Originally Posted by SoftPlaceToLand
Probably just generalizing the concept of exploitation of people, not providing inherent social safety nets for those in need, and on and on. Capitalism has a history of corruption and exploitation. Then again ... so does every other system and ruling class. Tells you something ....

Providers in this country are capitalists because they work in a free market. Other providers at other times have participated in other systems. Some have been willing, others unwilling.
Iaintliein's Avatar

Great thread, thanks for posting.
Can't see it in your avatar, but it sounds like those long, blonde locks are rooted in an incredible head! Originally Posted by sticknrudder1
Her head is indeed incredible!
Lol, as both noun and verb, I'd venture!

Anyone find it ironic that in order to be truly free in the US today, a market must first be declared "illegal?"
Iaintliein's Avatar
Lol, as both noun and verb, I'd venture!

Anyone find it ironic that in order to be truly free in the US today, a market must first be declared "illegal?" Originally Posted by sticknrudder1
Agree, on both counts.
Eklutna's Avatar
To be a provider you must be somewhat individualistic and support self determination. to thrive as a provider you adapt your marketing, pricing, and service to the needs of the market. Those traits are the basis of capitalism. Without them we would all be wards of the state.
mmcqtx's Avatar
Thus far comments are just as I expected.
The definition of the so-called Capitalistic system we live under is far more complex than the outdated definition we've accepted as the truth - and there's a reason for that.

In our system corporations exploit labor, our government, the working class, and the buying public thru lobbying, price fixing, price gouging, unfair wages, overblown tariffs (for smaller businesses), illegal outsourcing, and "conflict of interest" contract granting (think Haliburton). This forum/discussion couldn't handle the truth, no more than super small pricks could handle a big, fat, wet one.

Imagine what corporate controlled bureaucratic pimps/providers would do if pussy was essential to life like food, water, oil, medicine, and health-care - under true American Capitalism. There would be plenty of very wealthy pimps/providers thriving in that dick-guided economy.

Know many millionaire pimps/providers in this so-called Capitalist economy?

Don't let the pro-Capitalistic hobbyists fool you. Providers and our current system of Capitalism go together like premium unleaded and SUV's, and and truth is - we're all being pimped, but it's not by who you think. The good 'ol gubment would do good to legalize this hobby - because I'm sure many provider's would tell you - it's still a fuckin' pain in the rear to try to get rich off our cheap asses.

The primary reason some us are on this sight is to escape from the reality of being bent over by a government that's allowing corporate fat cats to screw us at will . . . or maybe it's just to try to mimic the same fuck we're receiving, but on a much smaller scale. The hobby as a true free market? Maybe. The hobby as Capitalism - American style? I don't think any of us could survive it.

And BTW - Capitalism as a free enterprise market (as defined in the OP's definition) would be just fine and dandy. Unfortunately it's not the system we really live under . . . at least not anymore. Originally Posted by Reeltalk
Da comrade, the party salutes you for pointing out the flaws in the corrupt capitalist system.

Actually, yes, there are greedy sumbitches who try to screw over the people as much as they can. The reason that this is ok, is that you and I are free to BECOME one of them dirty sumbitches if we can figure out something that the people want or need. We are also FREE to avoid anyone's business we consider to be an overly greed sumbitch and if enough of us do that, that greedy sumbitch becomes one of us poo-ass comsumers again. Unions cry about losing their jobs, well when you are OBSOLETE you need to lose your job, pick yer sorry arse up and get a new job or start a business. Would you prefer we still subsidize ice truck workers, milkmen, colliers, farriers and blacksmiths?

Our government is here to deal with other countries, coin money, deliver mail, promote science (education), and keep us safe from foreign powers. That is all, not my opinion, it is the law.
Everything else that is spent by Congress is a violation of the laws of our land.
"We are also FREE to avoid anyone's business we consider to be an overly greed sumbitch and if enough of us do that, that greedy sumbitch becomes one of us...."

Ahh comrade . . . FREE indeed. FREE to avoid health-care (insurance companies), water & electricity (utility companies), gasoline (oil companies), paying exorbitant costs for your life-saving/preserving meds (drug companies), etc, etc, etc. Ahhhh yes my wise friend . . . let FREEdumb reign.

"This is your last chance. After this, there is no turning back. You take the blue pill -- the story ends, you wake up in your bed and believe whatever you want to believe. You take the red pill -- you stay in Wonderland and I show you how deep the rabbit-hole goes." - Morpheus
. . . that greedy sumbitch becomes one of us poo-ass comsumers again."

Seriously guy? They NEVER become one of us. Damn! You took the blue pill didn't you. Betcha they told you it was Viagra huh. I know, I know . . . it was the "erections lasting for more than four hours" part that got you, right? Yeeeeaaaah, gets us every time.
Gonzo DFW's Avatar
Hate to bust the bubble of those who oppose capitalism, and free-market is a better description. Those corporations are greedy, but no more so than anyone or anything else. We all operate in our own self-interest, even priests--some nuns excepted. But the only way those greedy corporations can get by with what they do is government regulation. That's why every time you see a president, Congressional rep, governor or mayor, there's likely to be a lot of high-level business folk nearby. A free-market is the best friend the little guy/gal has. You wanna bring American Airlines to its knees, deregulate--and I mean really take the financial cuffs off--the airline industry. After all, why is there a Wright Amendment anyway. The problem? While capitalism is fairer than any other system, there are those who get left behind. But if you're a big-time business owner, a free market is a f&cking scary damned thing. Just think, you've worked years to build up a business and some out-at-elbow little nerd develops a whole new way of doing things (think Facebook). Everybody else is better off but you, you're back to the bottom of the heap. So to answer her original question: are providers capitalist--yes, for the most part.
mmcqtx's Avatar
. . . that greedy sumbitch becomes one of us poo-ass comsumers again."

Seriously guy? They NEVER become one of us. Damn! You took the blue pill didn't you. Betcha they told you it was Viagra huh. I know, I know . . . it was the "erections lasting for more than four hours" part that got you, right? Yeeeeaaaah, gets us every time. Originally Posted by Reeltalk
Tim Power, the former multi-millionaire restaurateur convicted of insider trading, has been spared jail after pleading that he is now "broke, single and unemployable".

Why is it that nearly 78 percent, of all NFL players are divorced, bank­rupt or unemployed two years after leaving the game? Why do an estimated 33% of lottery winners file for bankruptcy after their windfall? Why do stars such as Mike Tyson, Michael Jackson, Burt Reynolds, and Kim Basinger, who all made millions of dollars a year at one time, file for bankruptcy?

Millionaire widow becomes cleaner after losing fortune in Madoff's alleged Ponzi scheme

Just a few of the many examples of people losing it all. A friend of mine had an internet provider company that he ran with his father. They were offered $2.1 million for it just before the dot com bubble burst, they turned down the offer. A year later he sold the business in return for a job and to avoid what was becoming a mountain of debt. "They" become "us" much more frequently than you think.
Bobave's Avatar
They NEVER become one of us. Damn! You took the blue pill didn't you. Originally Posted by Reeltalk
"They"? I would tell you to take off the tinfoil cap, but somehow I think it has grown into your scalp...
tsrv4me's Avatar
A few years ago I was speaking to a class at a business school ....during a question and answer session I asked them if THEY believed in the free enterprise system .and they all nodded or said yes they did ....I then asked them what was a fair markup on merchandise that was in a dept .store ....lets say a ladies negligee ..... This item was priced at $40.00 at the time this took place .......what do you think the Dept.Store paid for this item ?????I got a variety of answers .....from $37.00 to $20.00...then I said This item probably cost the store $20.00.and They started then to complain that it was way to high ....and store was ripping off the consumer ...but when explained to them that there are a lot of expenses before it reaches the consumers hands.they finally agreed a little bit more ..Consider .Item purchased for $20.00 ...then shipped to store have Driver ,truck expenses ,owner of trucking co.and employees all share in the cost .Then it arrives at stores dock .is unloaded ,unpacked ,marked ,sent to display floor ,you have sales people ,owner of business ,advertising ,and many many more people employed that share in the sale of the garment .and many that I did not name ....So there has to be profit in there somewhere to keep the business afloat .......... so after all of that they agreed Free enterprise is a system that works cant give it away and be a good business person .............and make a profit
LMMFAO! You guys are killing me on this topic. Lol! NFL players, lottery winners, and broke ass entertainers? Seriously people? (I was waiting/baiting to see which one of you would bring up Madoff first. Please help me recall the name of the goods or service WE boycotted to bring him to his knees.)

I bring up oil, drug, and utility corporations, and you bring me back America's ragamuffins. I'm sorry - I must have mistook this forum for the one with the Fortune 500 readers. Most of us can't name one oil, utility, insurance, or drug company CEO/Board of Director member without Googling it first (hint - this would be the "they" I speak of).

Kinda difficult keeping up with who's getting jail time for long-dicking us when we don't even know their names. Maybe because they don't get jail time. And trying to name a few Kenneth Lays that are occasionally thrown under the bus, or to the hungry natives - just doesn't cut it for the wise among us. Not all of us like to swallow (still referring to pills of course).

Note to self: Must invest entire life savings in the blue pills.

Bankrupted entertainers and millionaire window cleaners? ROTFLMAO! Oh damn . . . just dropped my tin hat.
Sorry tsrv4me - those lil' nighty's are now being made by a 12 yr old Asian girl in an underdeveloped country for about 2 bucks.

Packing, shipping, and distributing costs after greasing the right Right-winger - maybe 10 cents per item (gratuitous estimate). Good ol' free enterprise mixed with a lil' laisse' faire hands-off, out-sourcing.

Our job market didn't "go to hell", as one politician said. They just went overseas.